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boottime.kmap.gz and .Xmodmap woes

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    boottime.kmap.gz and .Xmodmap woes


    I'm not exactly a *nix newbie, but I am new to Debian and particularly the nice Kubuntu 7.10. My only grief is that I can't figure out how to make the keyboard behave with the new boot processes.

    I want
    • CapsLock to be a Control key
    • Left Windows to be the CapsLock

    Problem 1
    For consoles (when X is not running): I have a properly-tested keymap file, which I placed at /etc/console-setup/boottime.kmap.gz, but it seems to be completely ignored during startup. I have no clue how to fix this... (nor, apparently, does anyone on google).

    Problem 2
    I've also made myself an .Xmodmap file:
    ! This configuration sets
    ! physical key   understood key
    !  Caps Lock    Left Control
    !  Left Windows   Caps Lock
    clear Lock
    remove Mod4 = Super_L
    add Control = Caps_Lock Control_L Control_R
    add Lock  = Super_L
    This works fine for the Caps/Control key.

    However, not the Windows key. According to xmodmap the Super_L and/or Hyper_L keysym is in use, and AFAIK at least one of these should map to the Windows key. I've tried every combination of Super and Hyper in my xmodmap file but they don't seem to want to work like I expect. (At one point the Windows key was acting like a Shift key...?!)

    In any case, I presume both of these problems are startup-related, hence my post (first post, yeah!) here.

    I've done everything I know how to do, except directly modifying system boot scripts (which may be "repaired" the next time I update, and loadkeys can't be called too soon, but I'm not sure when "too soon" is...).

    Re: boottime.kmap.gz and .Xmodmap woes

    have a look at kcontrol (kcontrol &) - Regional & Accessibility - Keyboard Layout - last tab "xkb Option"

    I know your CapsLock - CTRL is in there, the other one probably as well...
    Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


      Re: boottime.kmap.gz and .Xmodmap woes

      Thanks. I've looked through it again but it doesn't appear that the Left Windows key is recognized for anything. (I've tried clicking the "map windows keys to super" options also...)

      I'm thinking of just directly modifying my boot process, but it still confuses me some. Would just adding a late-collating file to /etc/init.d/ and using update-rc.d work here?
      [me=Duoas]goes off to try it[/me]


        Re: boottime.kmap.gz and .Xmodmap woes

        While working on something else I stumbled across the following, not sure whether it is of any use...

        You will need to find which /etc/init.d scripts use the commands /usr/bin/unicode_start and /usr/bin/unicode_stop.

        These are used to set the font for all consoles as well as the keyboard mapping.
        Pretty much states what you know already I suppose...
        Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ

