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help me in that install dont work

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    help me in that install dont work

    im just to say thank you to enter that topic

    i have a pc with that feature

    cpu celeroin 2.66 and cash is 256

    ram 512mb and 256mb

    vga 128 gefoce 4400

    mother board MSI 845pe

    when i try to install kubuntu its give me a massrge that
    busy box and some no and then frozen
    alot of that in the massge and not know how to solve

    the hard drive is WD 160 gb
    and i have no windows operation

    help me plz
    thanx alot

    Re: help me in that install dont work

    Is that all you get in the error message? Just Busybox prompt? No mention of sbin/init?

    If you only get the Busybox error, it's probably a problem with your UUIDs in the boot menu. The boot menu is the file /boot/grub/menu.lst in Kubuntu.
    Since you can't boot into Kubuntu, you will have to access that file using the Live Kubuntu CD, then open Konqueror. In that file, you'll see way down towards the bottom an entry for your Kubuntu that looks like this:

    title Ubuntu 7.10, kernel 2.6.22-14-generic
    root (hd1,1)
    kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.22-14-generic root=UUID=1e0a3a46-eb31-4dc6-9c53-a98454d8c88e ro quiet splash
    initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.22-14-generic

    The part that says UUID= is the unique number of your hard drive.
    That number may be incorrect and you may have to fix it.

    Since you are in a Live CD (and not a hard drive), to find out your correct UUIDs you need to open a terminal called Konsole (K > System > Konsole) and type this command in the terminal:

    ls /dev/disk/by-uuid/ -alh

    (the command blkid is only for hard-drive based terminals)

    Now, check the UUID for your hard drive and compare to the UUID in the menu.lst. Are they the same? They should be the same. If not, you must edit menu.lst as root to make the menu.lst agree with the UUID you see in Konsole. To edit menu.lst as root, you must mount the hard drive. See this how-to for instructions:

    How To GRUB Methods - Toolkit
    (and maybe --- HOW To: Change the Default Operating System (Also: Changing the timeout, boot menu, and other tips) Reply #1)

    Better yet -- can you download Super Grub Disk live CD (ie, burn the iso download to a CD using another computer)? If so, you can simply use SGD to boot into your Kubuntu and do all this work more easily from there, without mounting and etc.

    Super Grub Disk, new site:

    If you are new at this, it may be a bit challenging for you, but you'd learn a lot. Unfortunately, I may not be available until after some appointments tomorrow afternoon. Fortunately, there's many other folks here who know this better than I do. Thank goodness for that

    In fact, can you copy your menu.lst and post it here for others to see?
    And copy the output of that UUID command and post it here?

    EDIT: One more thing (a long shot): when you get that error, can you press Enter, then press Control+D (two keys at once), then Enter again -- and does that boot you into Kubuntu? (I doubt that it will, but who you never know...)

    An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


      Re: help me in that install dont work

      I'm getting the same busybox thing. I'm trying to dual boot kubuntu 7.10 with vista home and I've tried following the guide below but can only shrink the volume using vista disc management (as per how-to) - I can't do any of the other steps. After I've shrunk the volume it leaves me with an unallocated 60gb - do I need to create another volume with this bit or format it or something before install Kubuntu?
      Also just before the busybox thing theres a brief message that says "cannot allocate resource region 5 of device..." (theres a bit more but I can't read fast enough to see it). Does this have any afect on trying to install Kubuntu?

      Guide I've been trying to follow is

      Thanks in advance for any help



        Re: help me in that install dont work

        Keep in mind, that the PC Mag how-to shows installing Ubuntu (not Kubuntu). But that isn't really a big deal. What you want to do (the preferred method) is to set up your newly created unallocated 60G space for use with Linux. To do that (the preferred way) you want to download and burn a LiveCD of GParted, which you can get here (i386 architecture) The reason you are getting the busybox is because there is no place (yet) on your HD to install Linux!

        There are several configuration options for setting up your 60G space, but at a minimum, you would be advised to create three partitions (with GParted) as follows:

        8G ext3 partition to be used for root ( / ) marked active
        1.5G swap partition
        25G (or more, or less - your option) ext3 partition for home ( /home )

        8G is ample for the root partition (you can make it larger, but you would be wasting space).
        1.5G is assuming you have 1G of RAM. If you have less, the rule of thumb is a swap partition not more than 1.5 times your RAM.
        25G for you separate /home partition gives you plenty of space for downloads and such. You don't have to have a separate /home partition, but it is strongly recommended, as it will save you any amount of grief should you ever have to reinstall the OS. And, you have plenty of available space for it.
        Windows no longer obstructs my view.
        Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
        "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


          Re: help me in that install dont work

          Thanks for the help. Will give it a go and let you know the results.

          Thanks again


