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How do I UNinstall KDE4?

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    How do I UNinstall KDE4?

    So all I've got now that I rebooted my fresh KDE4 install is a "welcome to debian" login screen, which leads only to a terminal. What happened? I'd like to get rid of it and move to the more finished previous version. Thanks.

    Re: How do I UNinstall KDE4?

    How did you "install" kde4?
    HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
    4 GB Ram
    Kubuntu 18.10


      Re: How do I UNinstall KDE4?

      Originally posted by Fintan
      How did you "install" kde4?
      Sounds like he installed it using something from Debian... oops!!! Sure couldn't have been done this way -

      Instructions:Remove previous KDE 4 packages, they are not compatible (apt-get remove kdelibs5 kde4base-data kde4libs-data)
      Add deb gutsy main to your /etc/apt/sources.list
      Install kde4-core, note that PPAs aren't authenticated so you will likely get a warning when installing
      KDE 4 apps should appear in your KDE 3 K-menu or you can run a full session by selecting "KDE 4" from your login manager.
      To avoid having to start a second X server for a full session install xserver-xephyr and run Xephyr :1 then and run /usr/lib/kde4/bin/startkde in the Xerphyr xterm.
      As to how to uninstall it... I dito what Fintan asked... how did you install it?



        Re: How do I UNinstall KDE4?

        No need to uninstall I reckon. Care for a little ride? Should only take five minutes and might well work. Will certainly not do any harm. All we have to do is get your X back and select KDE (not KDE4) in KDM.

        Are you any good on the command line? I mean normal stuff such as moving around directories, checking them out and moving and copying files? If so, check whether there is an older version of your xorg.conf in /etc/X11 - should be called xorg.conf.bak or something like that.

        In case you are not a command line man do a
        sudo apt-get install mc
        to install midnight commander. It is good You get it to run by typing
        sudo mc
        Now check for the old xorg.conf.bak

        On we go - command line or mc, no difference. Make a backup copy of your current xorg.conf (I know it is not working, but it is always good practice) and rename xorg.conf.bak to xorg.conf

        Exit mc if you were using it and do a
        sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart
        With any luck you should see KDM...

        Click on the sheet of paper thingy and select KDE session. Log in and forget KDE4 for a year or two

        Let us know how you get on.
        Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


          Re: How do I UNinstall KDE4?

          Click on the sheet of paper thingy and select KDE session. Log in and forget KDE4 for a year or two
          The question toad was not what to forget about. The question was, depending how kde4 was installed how to uninstall it and keep a desktop. And maybe reinstall kde4 using the kubuntu path if so wished?

          So could we please give some help respective to the answer given by ebleitztah?
          HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
          4 GB Ram
          Kubuntu 18.10


            Re: How do I UNinstall KDE4?

            Thanks Fintan,

            he could try what I suggested, get his system up again, delete ~/.kde4, adjust his fstab and then do it the Kubuntu way.

            This would answer his question I reckon 8)
            Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


              Re: How do I UNinstall KDE4?

              Do you have a running linux??

              delete ~/.kde4, adjust his fstab and then do
              Yes but that is only the /home/username/ kde4 config file. That does not uninstall kde4.

              to be specific:
              If you install kde4 the kubuntu way it will install itself in its own directory and you can log n to it through the session manager at log in. If you uninstall it (if you installed it the kubuntu way) it will uninstall:
              so you will have to reinstall all of that which is no problem as long as you are still running the machine. If you reboot you will have a few problems. Such as installing the above from CLI.

              If you installed it the "debian" way there are other issues to take into account.

              so lets find out how kde4 was installed.
              HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
              4 GB Ram
              Kubuntu 18.10


                Re: How do I UNinstall KDE4?

                If you wish to uninstall KDE 4 simply do, in the console:

                sudo apt-get remove kdelibs5 (--purge)
                And that ought to remove just about all KDE 4 apps.


                  Re: How do I UNinstall KDE4?

                  If you wish to uninstall KDE 4 simply do, in the console:
                  sudo apt-get remove kdelibs5 (--purge)
                  And that ought to remove just about all KDE 4 apps.
                  Depending on how it was installed. The Kubuntu way yes. Then kubuntu-desktop, etc will be uninstalled as well. So it will have to be reinstalled (as mentionjed above). Unless of course you wish to uninstall everything pertaining to kde and just run a non gui machine.

                  If you instelled it the debian way then .... so please specify?
                  HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                  4 GB Ram
                  Kubuntu 18.10


                    Re: How do I UNinstall KDE4?

                    Sorry for the long delay - I DID install it exactly as instructed on

                    And I did actually remove it using something very close to sudo apt-get purge kdelibs5

                    I didn't write it down... so I can't remember, but now I'm very happily using KDE 3.5

                    Thank you everyone for your answers, I am sure others will appreciate them too.


                      Re: How do I UNinstall KDE4?

                      I also had a problem after uninstall kd4 from my computer. But is good now. I found that when I uninstalled the kde 4 my kdm also was uninstalled so just used apt-get package manager and reloaded my kdm manager and now get login screen with choices and I can reboot my computer under my login.

                      So thank you everyone who posted this information it started me down the track to find kdm missing on my computer.

