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Gutsy with KDE4 live

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    Gutsy with KDE4 live

    Just finished installing Kubuntu 7.10 from the KDE4 live CD. To my shock, nothing works ...

    No network manager, no connection from my DHCP server, trying to open the packet manager just throws and error saying it needs another package installed. Tried manual apt-get but it couldn't find the package (naturally, since there's no network connection).

    All in all I'm very frustrated.

    In the system menu I can't find where to manage my network settings.

    15 minutes and I'm already crying for KDE3.5 back ... why oh why

    Re: Gutsy with KDE4 live

    Do this in konsole:

    ifconfig [if you see an interface eth0 or eth1, you are in luck]

    then do
    sudo ifconfig ethx up (replace x with whatever interface number showed up)

    then, if it is a wireless interface
    sudo iwconfig ethx essid [your essid]

    sudo dhclient ethx

    takes a while, says a few lines about listening to various ports, then it will give an ip address.

    You should have internet.

    I found... if you can connect, you need a bunch of restricted packages. I had wireless too so that became complicated. Atheros [most commonly supported wifi chip] wasn't supported by the cd, much to my surprise, but oddly out of luck, an Airlink 54G usb worked. I could have run a 50' lan cable I guess:-)

    At any rate if your internet works:

    sudo apt-get install adept (I think kpackage is installed, but I am not big on it).

    (and/or synaptic if you prefer)

    If it is adept, searching is easier though it tends to be a bit more flaky and will sometimes crash at the end of an install but it never seems to hurt anything, but if this ever happens, just for safety, open konsole and type.
    sudo dpkg --configure -a and if you get no output, that is good, otherwise dpkg will take over where adept left off and configure the remaining packages.

    In either item: Search "restricted," and install anything that relates to your installed kernel (if you don't know, type in "2.6" and see what pops up as installed). I also installed restricted-manager-kde

    Hint: you can then install network components, but none of them are very useful at this point from my experience. I did install the regular kde3 systemsettings, and then at command line, I just type

    sudo systemsettings (Not kdesu, as this opens the kde4 module now)

    And this is partly useful, as you can manage users, network settings, login manager here. Don't fuss with themes or anything that relates to the desktop, as those settings are changed with the systemsettings-kde4.

    Hope this helps

    If the internet worked and you want a persistent connection, open /etc/rc.local as root (there is a root mode for konqueror or dolphin in the menu, I right clicked it and opened it with kwrite-kde4) Add the command lines you used to connect, minus sudo, to the file and comment out "exit 0" and it will automatically connect on your next boot.

