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Error 21 on Grub

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    Error 21 on Grub

    After upgrading to Gutsy Gibbon, I ended up with several errors, including not being able to access settings. After fiddling for days, I have properly broke it, and am now having to use a live cd as I cannot access Windows or Kubuntu.
    As you probably guessed I'm new at this and don't have a clue as to what I'm doing.

    I there any way to delete Grub, reformat the partition and start again?

    Re: Error 21 on Grub

    try and boot super grub - it may well find your kernel and even your windblows...
    Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


      Re: Error 21 on Grub

      Thanks for the reply, super grub loads, finds the windows partition on hd1, and two partitions on hd2 (1 for windows, and 1 for linux), however it will not boot either windows or linux. I have tried to 'repair' grub automatically using super bug, and for a second progressed to error 22!, however am back at 21 now!


        Re: Error 21 on Grub

        You can use your live Cd to re-install GRUB to the Master Boot record of that drive.
        If you have just one hard drive, it's the part with:

        grub> root (hd0,y)
        grub> root (hd0)
        grub> quit

        How To GRUB Methods - Toolkit

        Bu—also--this may be a simple matter of editing your boot menu, /boot/grub/menu.lst, from the Live CD – see the How-to for that also.
        Sounds like you might have more than one hard drive?

        Super Grub Disk will get you booted into your Kubuntu where you can also do this work.
        An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


          Re: Error 21 on Grub

          Why do you have two Windows?

          XP, on both drives?
          An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


            Re: Error 21 on Grub

            Thanks, I have two hard drives, but I think I may have messed up the partitioning, which is why Grub is having a hard time. I tried to re-load kubuntu, but it stops part way through trying to re partition the drive.
            QT parted also has errors when trying to reformat the drive.


              Re: Error 21 on Grub

              qqmike - The first hard drive is only 20Gb, the second is 80, as good old windows requires re activation I thought it easier to fit the second hard drive for new progs / docs etc. That was before I tried Linux!


                Re: Error 21 on Grub

                Sounds like you are right about re-installing being easier.

                Also, I do not use Qtparted (too many issues/questions in the past). Most of us here use GParted Live CD (free download).

                See my How-To (link is above), scroll down to Windows on non-first hard drive.

                After you re-install, you will have to edit menu.lst so you can boot into the XP on the second drive.

                BTW, Error 21 is not serious (in your case). It simply means that in a root (hdx,y) statement (in menu.lst), GRUB doesn't like the x value.

                GParted how-to:

                (getting interrupted here again and have to leave for awhile)
                An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                  Re: Error 21 on Grub

                  Have downloaded gparted, cannot use (I cannot find my video driver) vesa almost works ie does not take me back to text menu, but gives me a blank screen.

                  I there any way to delete / get grub just to look at my windows partition on the hda drive.

                  Have tried Drdos (how desperate), and that won't work either.

                  Could I put my second Hdd in another machine and re fomat it using windows?


                    Re: Error 21 on Grub

                    You could try re-installing GRUB from your Kubuntu to the Master Boot record of your first hard drive hd0.
                    That's the business about root-setup-quit in the How-To:

                    From the Live Kubuntu CD,
                    open Konsole (K > System > Konsole),
                    sudo grub
                    to get a GRUB prompt, grub>
                    and try:

                    grub> find /boot/grub/stage1
                    That will return some (hdx,y), so use that output here:
                    grub> root (hdx,y)
                    grub> setup (hd0)
                    grub> quit

                    See if that get you booted into something.

                    I'm surprised that Forcevesa didn't work in GParted (?).
                    An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                      Re: Error 21 on Grub

                      Many thanks for this.
                      Unfortunately, when i tried the grub instructions, i get:
                      grub> find /boot/grub/stage1

                      Error 15: File not found



                        Re: Error 21 on Grub

                        Then that means you did not install GRUB anywhere.
                        No GRUB files. Or it's there but not under /boot.
                        Did you do your fresh install of Kubuntu? If so, GRUB usually gets put (by default) in the MBR of the first booting hard drive; if this is you "old" install of Kubuntu, then something got messed up when you did that install (perhaps GRUB did not get installed? or failed to install? it's hard to tell, but this is strange).

                        In this:
                        find /boot/grub/stage1
                        There is a space after "find," and di you spell everything right in /boot/grub/stage1 ? (Stage1 is with a number "1," not the letter ell.)
                        And did you copy it from here or type it manually? (Three times this past month, when I copied from OOo Writer to menu.lst, it doesn't work; and I know you are probably using Live CD and perhaps you copied it into the grub>)

                        An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                          Re: Error 21 on Grub

                          Hi mike, sorry for the delay, internets playing up now - think i should go to bed and start again tomorrow lol.

                          The response posted was exactly as i typed in, and the exact error received (meaning no typo's)

                          The install was an upgrade, done via the internet, however i think now that i need to fix the Grub problem first - tried super grub again, and have now got - disk not ready type error (it can't see the disk its supposed to be loading)

                          Sorry for all the hastle, Lee.


                            Re: Error 21 on Grub

                            I think I'd do the install--not thru upgrade--but a fresh install with a fresh Live Desktop Live CD. Lots of people have reported various problems after upgrades, including GRUB issues (but who ever really knows what happens!).

                            The GRUB issue *should* be easy here; that it is not tells us something is messed up. I wonder now if your PC's CD drive is working ok?

                            Your idea to take a break might be right, too
                            An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                              Re: Error 21 on Grub

                              Thanks mike - tried to re install several times (though on the second HDD), however it never gets past the partitioning.

                              Your right, will take a break and try again tomorrow, many thanks for your ideas, may even use the other solution - AXE THROUGH HARD DRIVES AND OR MOTHERBOARD.

                              Cheers mate, Lee.

