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update and apt error in kubunto 7.10 (fixed)

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    update and apt error in kubunto 7.10 (fixed)

    i have a error after i did a clean install and reboot with live cd went did updates and say bad packages win it try it install them and win i try to install from the apt installer

    thank you for your help

    Little Bear2

    p.s. i am new at linux and kubuntu it on a p2 333MHZ with 256 MB of ram 6 GB hard drive and no other OS on it
    Kubuntu 14.04 lts KDE 4.X.X

    Re: update and apt error in kubunto 7.10

    Originally posted by Little_Bear2
    i have a error after i did a clean install and reboot with live cd went did updates and say bad packages win it try it install them and win i try to install from the apt installer

    thank you for your help

    Little Bear2

    p.s. i am new at linux and kubuntu it on a p2 333MHZ with 256 MB of ram 6 GB hard drive and on other OS on it
    Before trying to understand quite what you mean (English is a foreign language to me), a look at the specifications of your PC: You might want to consider Xubuntu for this machine. It will run much faster, and don't need all that much hard disk space.

    Then, if yoy want some of the programs that come with Kubuntu - just install them. If you later get more disks, you can upgrade to Kubuntu easily.

    And, if you feel that even Xubuntu is slow on your PC - try DSL-M.


      Re: update and apt error in kubunto 7.10

      I am also new at Linux desktop although I have a few years experience with servers.

      I just installed from the Live CD with no modifications. I am having the same issue with updating with adept update or the adept application. Also I am unable to install a package with adept. The error says:

      There was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages.

      It also wanted to upgrade my KUbuntu 7.10 to Ubuntu 7.10. According to the forum this is a bug and will go away.

      I received the same error with apt-get
      I had to do the following from konsole

      sudo apt-get update
      sudo apt-get install -f
      //not sure the below one is needed or suggested if you are not upgrading
      //from an older version although I did it and nothing blew-up
      sudo apt-get autoremove
      sudo dpkg --configure -a
      sudo apt-get autoclean
      sudo apt-get update
      sudo apt-get upgrade

      This allowed about 56 upgrades to process with apt-get

      After a reboot I bought up adept and there were 8 more to upgrade. I tried again with the same error. I did the above again and received the 8 upgrades with apt-get
      After a reboot there were 2 more to upgrade.
      This time adept worked.

      The bug with wanting to upgrade the system to Ubuntu 7.10 went away with the first update.

      I can now install apps from adept

      I wonder why a new 7.10 iso is not created with bug fixes so at least people can update without being a Linux guru? There is also an issue with the NVidia card. When I select it from the restricted drivers it tries to download the driver and get the same error above. I may have caused this by trying to install the driver with Adept. The version Kubuntu is trying to install may be conflicting with the one I installed which seems to be the newest version.


        Re: update and apt error in kubunto 7.10

        Originally posted by Little_Bear2
        p.s. i am new at linux and kubuntu it on a p2 333MHZ with 256 MB of ram 6 GB hard drive and on other OS on it
        Is this correct? You have a single 6G HD with an OS already on it before you installed Kubuntu 7.10? I'd be really surprised if you were able to do this. 6G is barely sufficient for a full installation of Kubuntu by itself, let alone with another OS on the same HD.

        Can you elaborate further?
        Windows no longer obstructs my view.
        Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
        "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


          Re: update and apt error in kubunto 7.10

          When you get that error, try this.

          Open Konsole and type sudo dpkg --configure -a

          It will ask for your password. That should fix it. If it keeps doing that close adept and open Konsole and type apt-get synaptic

          It may run better for you.

          BTW: it sounds like you may have nuked your other OS. I hope not.


            Re: update and apt error in kubunto 7.10

            Originally posted by Snowhog
            Originally posted by Little_Bear2
            p.s. i am new at linux and kubuntu it on a p2 333MHZ with 256 MB of ram 6 GB hard drive and on other OS on it
            Is this correct? You have a single 6G HD with an OS already on it before you installed Kubuntu 7.10? I'd be really surprised if you were able to do this. 6G is barely sufficient for a full installation of Kubuntu by itself, let alone with another OS on the same HD.

            Can you elaborate further?
            it no other OS on the hard drive
            Kubuntu 14.04 lts KDE 4.X.X


              Re: update and apt error in kubunto 7.10

              Okay. No other OS. Still, 6G is not a very large HD for Kubuntu Gutsy.

              Let's see just how your space on the HD is being used. Open a console and type:
              df -hT
              Copy and paste the results in your reply.
              Windows no longer obstructs my view.
              Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
              "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                Re: update and apt error in kubunto 7.10 (fixed)

                2.9 GB Free that better then window 98 se had free 2GB Free and was slower then kubuntu is
                Kubuntu 14.04 lts KDE 4.X.X


                  Re: update and apt error in kubunto 7.10

                  I also am getting this error on two machines that I have Kubuntu installed on. The one is a PIII with 384MG of RAM and the other is a T61 Laptop with 2Gigs of RAM.

                  After I get this error. both machines would not allow the update process to start again. When I tried to install a program through Adept Manager - same error again. The T61 was so bad that I did a reboot and the grub loader would not come up. I had to do a reinstall, to get Kubuntu back and XP-Pro.

                  Will this fix that was given fix the problem? If not, than is there a fix somewhere.

                  ERROR - ******
                  There was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages.

                  Originally posted by smeghead67
                  When you get that error, try this.

                  Open Konsole and type sudo dpkg --configure -a

                  It will ask for your password. That should fix it. If it keeps doing that close adept and open Konsole and type apt-get synaptic

                  It may run better for you.

                  BTW: it sounds like you may have nuked your other OS. I hope not.

