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failed upfate from fiesty to gutsy

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    failed upfate from fiesty to gutsy

    Hi everybody,

    am trying to update from fiesty to gutsy, following instructions from kubuntu site,but unable to do so. During the upgrade I get the following.

    Failed to fetch [url][/url] Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)
    Also, am not sure if it has anything to do with it, am also not able to install programs via adept. Have tried gimp and efax but nothing. - it seems that the pakages are broken.

    Anyone got any ideas?

    Re: failed upfate from fiesty to gutsy


    Your /etc/apt/sources.list file probably became corrupted during the installation. But, there's good news! Just check out the Ubuntu sources.list Generator (thanks Snowhog); fill out all the requested information (easy), select all the repos you want to include, and click the "Submit" button. That should give you a list of all the basic repos for *buntu.

    The easiest way I've found to upgrade from Feisty to Gutsy is to use the sources.list Generator to generate a list of Gutsy repos, replace the repos in my /etc/apt/sources.list file with them, save and exit the file, open Konsole and update as I normally would via command line. You should be successful with the following commands:
    sudo aptitude update
    sudo apt-get install -f && sudo dpkg --configure -a
    sudo aptitude clean && sudo aptitude autoclean
    sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude full-upgrade
    That will upgrade your system to Gutsy and remove applications that are no longer supported.
    Asus G1S-X3:
    Intel Core2 Duo T7500, Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT, 4Gb PC2-5300, 320Gb Hitachi 7k320, Linux ( )


      Re: failed upfate from fiesty to gutsy

      Thanks, I'll give it a try. I tried updating via terminal and I found that there was a file that wasn't read properly (I think it was corrupt, but can't remember) in one of the repos.

      I've used the repo generator before, and found that there was a small error in an external repo (medibuntu). If I remember correctly it added a dash when it wasn't needed. I think that I posted it in an old post (ATI video card problems).

      I'll let you know how it goes.

      thanks again


        Re: failed upfate from fiesty to gutsy

        Originally posted by crl6904
        I've used the repo generator before, and found that there was a small error in an external repo (medibuntu).
        When building the sources.list for Gutsy, the medibuntu repository is not in the Nonstandard Repositories selections:
        [b]Ubuntu backports projecton[/b]
         [b]Upstream Opera[/b]
         [b]Upstream Beryl[/b]
        The medibuntu repository would have to be added 'by hand' (edit the generated list) or within Manage Repositories in Adept Manager.
        Windows no longer obstructs my view.
        Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
        "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


          Re: failed upfate from fiesty to gutsy

          The CLI (command line) method for adding the medibuntu repository and pgp key for Gutsy are as follows:

          Open a console and type:
          sudo wget [url][/url] -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list
          Then, add the GPG Key:
          wget -q [url][/url] -O- | sudo apt-key add - && sudo apt-get update
          Windows no longer obstructs my view.
          Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
          "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


            Re: failed upfate from fiesty to gutsy

            sudo wget [url][/url] -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list
            Why does it install to '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list' instead of the usual '/etc/apt/sources.list' like it used to; it was easier to see all your sources then (I noticed WineHQ does the same thing with their repo).
            Asus G1S-X3:
            Intel Core2 Duo T7500, Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT, 4Gb PC2-5300, 320Gb Hitachi 7k320, Linux ( )


              Re: failed upfate from fiesty to gutsy

              Who knows why the God's of 'nix decide to do the do they do. :P
              Windows no longer obstructs my view.
              Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
              "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                Re: failed upfate from fiesty to gutsy

                I usually just 'move' them where they belong; it doesn't seem to hurt anything.

                Edit: Actually, do you think it has something to do with upgrading the OS? Maybe to keep them from somehow interfering with the official upgrade, or keeping them intact during the process?
                Asus G1S-X3:
                Intel Core2 Duo T7500, Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT, 4Gb PC2-5300, 320Gb Hitachi 7k320, Linux ( )


                  Re: failed upfate from fiesty to gutsy

                  From man sources.list:
                  The /etc/apt/sources.list.d directory provides a way to add sources.list entries in seperate files
                  that end with .list. The format is the same as for the regular sources.list file.
                  This way you can add 3rd party repos while keeping the main sources.list file 'clean'. It's mostly a matter of preference (but a 'clean' sources.list file may work better with scripts and programs that modify it)


                    Re: failed upfate from fiesty to gutsy

                    but a 'clean' sources.list file may work better with scripts and programs that modify it
                    Such as an upgrade?
                    Asus G1S-X3:
                    Intel Core2 Duo T7500, Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT, 4Gb PC2-5300, 320Gb Hitachi 7k320, Linux ( )


                      Re: failed upfate from fiesty to gutsy

                      Originally posted by integr8e
                      Such as an upgrade?
                      Possibly, although I find it unlikely that a (well written) upgrade tool would choke on something as simple as a modified sources.list...but the world isn't perfect

