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Install hangs on laptop

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    Install hangs on laptop

    Hello there. I'm an old-time Slackware user switching over to Kubuntu here. But I'm having some issues.

    Ok, so I'm reviving an old laptop that I had Slackware on, and just got a new power supply for after my kids broke the old supply. I wanted to go with Kubuntu, burn the latest, boot from it. Get the desktop. Hit install. It seems to work fine, answer questions, get to the final step of the setup (6/6) and hit Install. It begins to perform the disk formatting and such, and just plain STOPS at 15% of the install every single time. The dialog box says "Detecting file systems". I tried multiple times, both using the Auto disk partitioner and manually, it still hangs at 15%. I ran the Verify Disk utility on bootup as well, the disk passed. I've tried reburning, redownloading.

    Any ideas?

    Re: Install hangs on laptop

    What speed did you burn at? Just that the disc often has problems when burned above 4x


      Re: Install hangs on laptop

      I've been burning linux install CD's from iso's since '99 and haven't ever had that kind of problem. I already ruled out that it's a bad burn or a bad iso by burning it multiple times. The burner won't even burn at anything less than 8x with the CDs I have, it flat refuses to let me select anything less than that. I have burned it at 8x and 48x and verified the discs in the bootup Disk Check utility. They all passed.


        Re: Install hangs on laptop

        Most of the "install hangs at xx%" cases turn out to be bad CD burns -- sorry. Check your blank media, and burn at 4X.


          Re: Install hangs on laptop

          When was the last time this 'old laptop' was actually in use? " power supply for after my kids broke the old supply." Is it possible that the drive was damaged? If you have any disk checking software (SpinRite or such), I'd fire it up and verify the integrity of the HD itself.
          Windows no longer obstructs my view.
          Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
          "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


            Re: Install hangs on laptop

            Last in use about 6 months ago. The kids where playing with the power supply when it wasn't hooked to the laptop and pulled out the barrel connector, thus I couldn't recharge it anymore. There's nothing wrong with the laptop, in fact I just reinstalled Slack 11 on it, going to update the packages to Slack 12 now.

            I reburned that ISO 3 more times at various speeds, at slowest 8x because that is the minimum the media supports for whatever reason. Nero doesn't go any slower with this media. This is the same media batch the Slack 11 CD's I also burned with Nero where from. I verified the data post-burn and with the Kubuntu verifier. All 5 discs I have burned are fine. And every single one hangs on install at 15%. All I was looking for was to find out what exactly the installer is doing at 15% at the command line level behind the pretty dialog box so I could diagnose what was hanging it. Since instead we are focusing on the burned discs, I've done it 5 times with the same software and media that I am now successfully installing Slackware back on there with, it is not the burned CD.

            I'm just dropping it, I was looking at Kubuntu to be easier to maintain than a Slackware install but if it can't even be installed without providing some kind of error to troubleshoot then I'll just deal with compiling manually like before. Honestly, I'd already said there is nothing wrong with the burn or media, I stated that repeatedly. I'm not an idiot and I've been doing slack installs back when fdisk was the only way to partition and you had to write X11 conf files by hand. I know how to install the OS, but I can't do anything if I don't have an error. If the CD installer fails over and over unless it's burned at a speed that isn't even supported anymore in with modern media, then there is something wrong with your installer. I've never had this issue with any of the Red Hat, Centos, or Slackware iso's I've burned from this same stack of media with the same burner at 48X speed. There is something wrong with this installer, why can't you install it without the LiveCD? Is there some way to run a normal installer instead of this LiveCD thing that I don't want, if that will make it less sensitive to sunspots when burning?

            Anyway, sorry for the flame, I'm just irritated that I just wasted 5 blank CD's now on the concept that this version of Linux is somehow magical and different from all others, and simply cannot be burned at a speed greater than 4x. I just wanted to get a recent version of Linux re-installed and Kubuntu doesn't seem to be the way to go here.


              Re: Install hangs on laptop

              What speed did you burn at? Just that the disc often has problems when burned above 4x

              How can I do this with K3b? when I retried to burn on to CD I found that it only goes to X8

