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Kubuntu 7.10 Post Installation Package Update problems

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    Kubuntu 7.10 Post Installation Package Update problems


    I am A complete noob at linux.. so.. please forgiv me if i don't explain it well enough...
    Ok this is what happens.. After installation of kubuntu 7.10 at the very end of the installation an error pops up saying cannot update security packages and you should fix it later..

    Then When i go to the synaptics manager to install the necessary codecs to play music and stuff.. i can't update the list at all.. My internet is working fine...i can browse.. but when i try to update the package list nothing happens..

    Please help me..


    Re: Kubuntu 7.10 Post Installation Package Update problems

    I am a slightly older newbie

    Run Adept (System-Adept Manager) ->Fetch updates

    Ensure you have a working Internet connection


      Re: Kubuntu 7.10 Post Installation Package Update problems

      That is the problem.. it doesn't work... it runs for a second. then it says that there is a version upgrade of adept but when i run it.. Error "Couldnot verify the integrity of the upgrader application, this program will now exit"

      Do you have any idea why this error is coming up


        Re: Kubuntu 7.10 Post Installation Package Update problems

        I'm also a newbie; perhaps when in the Adept program ( Kmenu - System- Adept Manager ) click Adept on the menu bar and then 'Manage Repositories'.
        There's 4 tabs. Check the values in all to see if they look reasonable.
        On the 'Kubuntu Software Tab' you may want the 'Download From' to be 'Server for the United States' if you're in country.
        On 'Updates' the check boxes for 'Important Security' and 'Recommended' should be checked.
        Also look over the other tabs; and of course as GoldFlakes said - one must have the internet connection active.

        Hope this helps.



          Re: Kubuntu 7.10 Post Installation Package Update problems

          I got the same problem too.. please help us.. I have tried to manage repositories many time with different configuration, different country server but still can't fetch update.. it stuck at certain percentage. Now I still stuck using 7.04 (I reinstalled back 7.04) because 7.10 give me no update and I can't install additional programs.


            Re: Kubuntu 7.10 Post Installation Package Update problems

            Are you by any chance on a dsl modem ? This is a a reported bug. I had the same problem.

            Try this

            open terminal, type ping and press enter.

            as soon as you see the reply, try to have adept "fetch updates" . This should work.


              Re: Kubuntu 7.10 Post Installation Package Update problems

              If Adept won't restart after a package install and
              "Another process is using the packaging system
              database (probably some other adept
              application or apt-get or aptitude)..."
              Open a konsole and run the following:
              sudo dpkg --configure -a

              If that does not work, then run:
              sudo apt-get -f install

              While you have not reported getting the "Another process is..." the procedure may still help you.
              Windows no longer obstructs my view.
              Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
              "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                Re: Kubuntu 7.10 Post Installation Package Update problems

                yup.. for me, my modem is dsl modem Aztech DSL600ER.. but still doesn't solve the problem, I tried "ping", sudo dpkg --configure -a ,sudo apt-get -f install , no change. maybe I have to wait for 8.04.. ( arghhh.. 5 month to go..).
                I try update in konsole something like connection error occur it connect to (


                  Re: Kubuntu 7.10 Post Installation Package Update problems


                  Check out my post @

                  For a detailed description of the bug see


                  I had the same issue. Ping and terminal should resolve it correctly with the foll. response

                  PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

                  only after the succesful ping, fetch updates (or use sudo apt get update ) in a separate terminal.

                  IPV6 is the culprit and by disabling IPV6 I managed to get every thing working.


                    Re: Kubuntu 7.10 Post Installation Package Update problems

                    Thanks.. it works for me.. now I can use kubuntu 7.10.. but still have few minor problem regarding firefox browser, opera, flash player, startup screen resolution ( I don't what it is call that screen with "kubuntu" and loading meter below it). Thats all I will try to read posted thread to find solution.. thanks..

                    I hope the solution works for inzi2u & others with similar problem too..

