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Login loop

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    Login loop


    When I login into Kubuntu 7.10 (via the GUI) the screen simply flashes for a second and then takes me back to the login screen, as if I hadn't done anything. This happens only if I login successfully, if I use the wrong password I get the standard "incorrect password" message.

    I can still login successfully via the command line prompt option.

    Any ideas what might be causing this? The most recent change I made was modifying permissions in my home directory and below to transfer ownership to my account (instead of root) after having the Dolphin/bookmark problem.

    I've read a few other problems regarding loops, but they involve certain software packages having been installed, which I can't recollect to doing.


    I've checked the forum post on repairing Xorg ( and gone through some of the steps. I opened Xorg.0.log with nano and found no errors, though I do have several warning lines stating "(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x##" where the ## is a range of values from 23 to 32.

    I then did the "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg" command, but I still had no results.

    Re: Login loop

    I seemed to remember having that kind of problem way back in Edgy. If I remember correctly, I had to "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" at the terminal line. There should be an option on the Login Option Menu to go to terminal (Console_Login I think).


      Re: Login loop

      Yup, tried that.

      I got a whole slew of options, but I wasn't sure what to choose, so I just went with the defaults.


        Re: Login loop

        Did that help?


          Re: Login loop

          Originally posted by Oberiko

          When I login into Kubuntu 7.10 (via the GUI) the screen simply flashes for a second and then takes me back to the login screen, as if I hadn't done anything. This happens only if I login successfully, if I use the wrong password I get the standard "incorrect password" message.

          I can still login successfully via the command line prompt option.

          The same happened to me today - after rebuilding the xorg.conf file.

          What I did to "fix" it was very simple.

          On the logon, go to command line prompt.
          Log in as myself.
          shutdown -r now
          When the logon screen came back, I could use the password.


            Re: Login loop

            I'm in what seems to be exactly the same situation as Oberiko.

            Did you ever sort it out.

            really keen to get this sorted so i can be ready for uni next week. I'm leaning towards a reinstall. I'm new at this and already feel like i've been playing around in Xorg a little too much for my liking (without clear direction anyway).

            any suggestions would be appreciated.



              Re: Login loop

              "login loop" can be caused by several things:

              - broken video driver (have to reinstall it)
              - full filesystem (have to either delete stuff or re-partition the hard drive and re-install the OS)
              - root permissions attached to the user folder (shame on you for playing around in root mode!)

              A very recent cause is a (defective) update to the "language packs" -- whatever they are. It hasn't happened to me, but others report that removing the following package will fix it, if this is the cause:

              which will also cause "language-pack-kde-en-base" to be removed.

              sudo apt-get remove language-pack-kde-en
              then re-start the X server and you may get to log in.

              Good luck!


                Re: Login loop

                must admit, was getting a little worried there for a bit.

                thanks for the tip - it worked perfectly (although running out of battery was sufficient to get the adrenaline pumping).

                so now i have 153 updates sitting in the wings waiting.

                should i grab what i know and want or all but the afore mentioned language ones?

                apologies for the ignoramus within.


                  Re: Login loop


                  I'd say "fetch" the updates, then "preview" and mark the two suspects as excluded, so you don't install them. They're pretty non-essential as far as I can tell. Probably in a few days the bugs will be fixed, the fixed versions will go out as updates, and it will be safe to accept them.

                  It's not an "ignoramus" problem -- we can't be expected to know about buggy stuff in the updates.


                    Re: Login loop

                    Full agreement with dibl from me and here's a little added information:

                    I experienced the looping login issue and I thought that it was fixed by the following
                    sudo apt-get remove language-pack-kde-en language-pack-kde-en-base
                    Further inspection, however, showed that I had begun having bizarre problems with XMMS and Kopete so I installed the language pack that just happened to be dated on my birthday!
                    sudo apt-get install language-pack-kde-en=1:7.10+20071012 language-pack-kde-en-base=1:7.10+20071012
                    I'm now back to having a very stable Kubuntu system and couldn't be happier.


                      Re: Login loop

                      Greetings from Guelph Ontario Canada. I don't post much here because up to now I have never had any issues with Kubuntu, either Feisty or Gutsy.
                      I just wanted to also say thank you to dibil for posting the fix to remove language-pack-kde-en. It worked like a charm for me.
                      By the way, I am running Kubuntu on a Dell, P111, 866mhz desktop from the year 2000 with 320MB RAM and it runs like a dream.
                      Cheers and thanks again!!!
                      Kubuntu Netbook 10.04 on Asus EeePC 701, Lubuntu 10.04 and OpenSuse 11.3 on USB sticks,  Ubuntu 10.04 and WinXP on desktop.


                        Re: Login loop

                        Oops! Sorry dibl, got your user name wrong!!
                        Kubuntu Netbook 10.04 on Asus EeePC 701, Lubuntu 10.04 and OpenSuse 11.3 on USB sticks,  Ubuntu 10.04 and WinXP on desktop.


                          Re: Login loop

                          Got hit by the login-loop again this morning and am happy to say that Dibl's solution (which I actually came here to post after finding it at: works perfectly.

                          Hopefully there's a patch coming down the pipe on this. Can I suggest potentially making the solution a sticky?


                            Re: Login loop

                            for those that don't know, i'm back in the loop.

                            the fix worked for me, but after coming home from work today it has failed to log in again.

                            the fix no longer works as it tells me that it already is not installed
                            the other suggestions that has been made round the traps is installing an older pack, but it's saying it is unable to fetch some archives (i'm thinking this may be because it's a new install... perhaps)

                            anyway, i think it is probably something i've done and therefore a one off error. even so any ideas?

                            in layman terms... patronising is of no concern


                              Re: Login loop

                              Note that some of the pointers to the older language-pack versions have a typo in the version number. I have successfully used the following
                              sudo apt-get install language-pack-kde-en=1:7.10+20071012 language-pack-kde-en-base=1:7.10+20071012
                              I've also been very careful not to allow any automatic updates where I haven't explicitly removed any language-pack versions from 20080205. Adept still tells me that there are updates available but I can live with that.

                              You could also make sure that your language settings are set to US English for both the system and the user. I used 'kcontrol' to set them both in one place.

                              Good Luck.

                              UPDATE: The new release (20080205+1) does the trick and everything seems to be stable once more.

