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Help on Upgrade

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    Help on Upgrade

    I was trying to upgrade from Fiesty to Gutsy and I am not sure whether it has failed completely or is just messed up. Here is what I noticed:
    • I applied all the patches and updates before upgrading. Grub menu now showed 2 additional boot options with the new kernel.
    • I initiated the update via Adept. All the patches downloaded fully.
    • Now when it started to apply the patches, the installer simply froze. The message was "Configuring libcc..." I let it run all night but no change
    • I canceled the installer and rebooted the system
    • Grub menu showed the original kernel and 2 more options. When I booted with the new kernel, the system had been upgraded to Gutsy, however, whenever I try to run Adept, it complains that some other process is using the database and presents me with Yes, No and Cancel and the message that Yes will over ride, No will open in read only and Cancel with quit. Choosing Yes crashes Adept, so does No.

    How do I fix the above? Also, how do I fix the multiple options in Grub menu? Why are there multiple kernels on my system and how do I get rid of them?

    Thanks in advance for any suggestions

    Other information:

    AMD 3000
    1.5 GB RAM
    multi-booting with Win2K
    /home is on separate partition
    Both partitions have > 5 GB space

    Re: Help on Upgrade

    hope it helps


      Re: Help on Upgrade

      Thanks for the links, they were helpful. I think I have my system up and running.

      However now when I started Adept to update the system, it downloaded the updates but crashed while configuring them. Now whenever I start Adept it says I cant use it since the database is being used by another process.

      • Is there a log that Adept maintains that I can figure out what went wrong?
      • How do I get rid of the above mentioned issue so that I can use Adept again?
      • I was planning to use
      dpkg --configure -a
      • will that solve the problem?


        Re: Help on Upgrade

        It seems that you're not the only one who had problems upgrading to Kubuntu Gutsy... many people has reported problems with Adept.

        But yes, that command should help you.

        Check here for example

        Sorry, I don't know about the log.


