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Installation successful but Adept still shows New Edition available

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    Installation successful but Adept still shows New Edition available

    I just had what I think was a successful installation of Kubuntu 7.10. The New Edition showed up as being available in Adept and I accomplished the upgrade by that means. Everything appeared to go smoothly, and the only drag was the long download times.

    Shortly after I booted into the new Gutsy kernel for the first time the Adept "Upgrades available" icon popped up. When I checked to see what upgrades were waiting, I found there were two routine upgrades available but was surprised to see that Adept also showed that the upgrade to Gutsy was also available. Now I'm not so sure the upgrade was 100% successful.

    What do I have to do to get the upgrade recognized by Adept?

    Re: Installation successful but Adept still shows New Edition available

    Yeah, it's madness, I know. Believe it or not, after installing Gutsy RC last week and accepting all updates since then, I got that goofy "Version Upgrade" button on Adept last night, so I punched it and let it do it's thing, which took a VERY long time, like 2 hours, due to the server traffic. At the conclusion of the process, there was a list of "no longer supported" packages to be removed, which was fine by me.

    Then, this morning, the damned Version Upgrade light came on again, and I punched it again (and went to the office). Upon returning to my system, there was ANOTHER list of "no longer supported" packages to be removed, so I accepted that again.

    So, we may not be done yet .....

    EDIT: Writing this piqued my curiosity, so I opened Adept and "fetched". Guess What?

    Preparing the upgrade
    Modifying the software channels
    Fetching the upgrades
    Cleaning up
    Restarting the system
    .... :P


      Re: Installation successful but Adept still shows New Edition available

      I'm have the same issue. I did a fresh install after rebooting Adept wanted to install a new version. How could that go wrong?


        Re: Installation successful but Adept still shows New Edition available

        I did a fresh re-install Thursday night but just got told there was a new version available this morning. Out of curiosity I let the updater do it's thing. It bombed out saying:

        Failed to fetch Unable to find expected entry main/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)

        I got offered a button marked 'report bug' but when I clicked it I ended up at launchpad where it wanted me to log in and right now I just can't be bothered to try and remember whether I registered their or not already.


          Re: Installation successful but Adept still shows New Edition available

          I had some strange problems too!
          I tried to upgrade to Gutsy from Feisty following exactly the instructions given on this site:

          It offered me 1 upgradeable package and I pressed the button full upgrade, applied the changes, and repeated the initial steps. But I never got offered the Version Update button. On another feisty box I had exactly the same behavior.
          On a third box, my girlfriend did a fresh install of gutsy and after accepting the offer of amarok to install mp3 support she was offered an update go gutsy. After accepting this update, it said, that one package was no longer supported.
          Pretty strange... On 2 feisty boxes it doesn't offer any version update, and on a freshly installed gutsy box a version update for gutsy gets offered.
          Something must have went pretty wrong!!!
          Any body any idea?


            Re: Installation successful but Adept still shows New Edition available

            lsb_release -a
            to see which version you guys have.

            I have been upgrading since tribe3 and have adept notifier disabled (uninstalled) Synaptic gave me my last main upgrade Wednesday night and one minor one today.

            I never use adept and after reading all of these posts over the couple of days I know why
            HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
            4 GB Ram
            Kubuntu 18.10


              Re: Installation successful but Adept still shows New Edition available

              Here is the answer from my laptop:

              No LSB modules are available.
              Distributor ID: Ubuntu
              Description: Ubuntu 7.10
              Release: 7.10
              Codename: gutsy



                Re: Installation successful but Adept still shows New Edition available

                This problem seems to be affecting lots of people. Can one of the developers let us know what is going on to correct this issue.

                I have tried the ubuntu updater and that shows that the thing is updated. The kubuntu does not webmin reports 7.04.




                  Re: Installation successful but Adept still shows New Edition available

                  This bug was quickly reported (by many people), and the fix should be out soon.

                  I will post the link to the main bug report once i track it back down

                  here it is, so we should see the fix in the next couple days.

                  I get this error as well, and i have been running gutsy since tribe 2. It has caused adept to crash (not always) but it does not seem to effect my system at at all

                  If you are not sure what version of Kubuntu you have, try this command:
                  lsb_release -a
                  You should see this:
                  claydoh@claydoh:~$ lsb_release -a
                  No LSB modules are available.
                  Distributor ID: Ubuntu
                  Description:  Ubuntu 7.10
                  Release:    7.10
                  Codename:    gutsy
                  I don't know how webmin determines or saves version info, so the above command will tell you whether you got Gutsy installed, or is still feisty


                    Re: Installation successful but Adept still shows New Edition available

                    mike@mike-desktop:~$ lsb_release -a
                    No LSB modules are available.
                    Distributor ID: Ubuntu
                    Description: Ubuntu 7.10
                    Release: 7.10
                    Codename: gutsy

                    Claydoh, thanks for that. I sort of guessed that this issue would be fixed some time.

                    My machine is working fine in general, but I don't feel comfortable when the machine gives me contradictory information. I love Kubuntu as I hate one of the alternatives.

                    I am sure there will be lots of people worrying about the problem and then they decide to reinstall. This type of issue would be much less of a problem if the folks in control pass helpful information onto the rest of us as soon as possible.




                      Re: Installation successful but Adept still shows New Edition available

                      Well, they do pass the info on, but usually it is in Launchpad's bug reports, and this bug has only been reported there for less than a day. Then the patch has to be made (if possible), uploaded, the new packages built, and tested (in the 'proposed updates'.

                      What I am getting at, is that we should be poking around Launchpad's bug section reporting bugs/fixes/workarounds/wishlists


                        Re: Installation successful but Adept still shows New Edition available

                        Originally posted by claydoh
                        Well, they do pass the info on, but usually it is in Launchpad's bug reports, and this bug has only been reported there for less than a day. Then the patch has to be made (if possible), uploaded, the new packages built, and tested (in the 'proposed updates'.

                        What I am getting at, is that we should be poking around Launchpad's bug section reporting bugs/fixes/workarounds/wishlists

                        I did report my problem as a bug to launchpad and subsequently after trying adept again. I didn't see any obvious information about how the issue was to be resolved. Also my previous log didn't reappear on the second instant of me going to launchpad.

                        At the end of the day I am really grateful for kubuntu and these issues are not fatal to my enjoyment of the OS. I make my comments in what I hope is a constructive and pleasant fashion.


                          Re: Installation successful but Adept still shows New Edition available

                          I too have the same problem.


                            Re: Installation successful but Adept still shows New Edition available

                            It appears I am now fully upgraded to gutsy.

                            The packages now seem up to date and the new stuff all appears to be in place.

                            Fingers crossed,,



                              Re: Installation successful but Adept still shows New Edition available

                              If it is just a couple old unsupported apps causing the problem, a couple quick
                              sudo apt-get autoremove
                              Ought to do it. Spice it with a couple
                              sudo apt-get upgrade
                              To get whatever packages you couldn't get before.

                              If you're like me you'll be very anxious to get rid of a couple of those old packages.

