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How to write to XP partition

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    How to write to XP partition

    I upgraded to Gibbon last night but still not sure if I should have. What I want to do is copy some data onto my XP partition, and maybe go for the full install. I can see the partition but cant open it.
    What do I need to install to do so?

    Also, everytime I start GG I have to change the monitor settings, how do I save them?

    And finally, I installed Compizfusion, but it's not in the menu. My 7year old get's a giggle out of the wobbly windows.

    Re: How to write to XP partition

    Use Adept Manager to install the package ntfs-3g.

    This recent thread may provide additional insight for you:


      Re: How to write to XP partition

      Nope, not working for me. When I try to mount it (is that what Im meant to do? )
      I get this message.
      hal-storage-fixed-mount-all-options refused uid 1000
      It is recognised as an ntfs partition. What am I doing wrong?


        Re: How to write to XP partition


        Are you trying to mount your NTFS partition manually?
        If so, I guess you have to sudo mount ...

        If the NTFS partition has been mounted automatically as Read Only, maybe you have to change the filesystem type in the /etc/fstab to ntfs-3g

        hope this helps


          Re: How to write to XP partition


          Here is the contents of fstab. What do I edit it to? (Im a noob,if you havent already guessed. )

          # /etc/fstab: static file system information.
          # <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
          proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
          # /dev/sda2
          UUID=87e71c42-59d3-4f57-be35-9444661d7fbc / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1
          # /dev/sda5
          UUID=fa56e8dc-1a03-465b-8b5f-0fe367a85681 none swap sw 0 0
          /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec 0 0
          /dev/fd0 /media/floppy0 auto rw,user,noauto,exec 0 0


            Re: How to write to XP partition

            Scotty, there's no NTFS partition set up in that /etc/fstab file.

            Run these three commands in Konsole window, and post the output (you might need to install the hwinfo package -- just
            sudo apt-get install hwinfo

            fdisk -l
            { on this one you can post just the stanzas that relate to disk drives }



              Re: How to write to XP partition

              I think I did this right.

              /dev/sda1: UUID="72405187405152C9" TYPE="ntfs"
              /dev/sda2: UUID="87e71c42-59d3-4f57-be35-9444661d7fbc" SEC_TYPE="ext2" TYPE="ext3"
              /dev/sda5: UUID="fa56e8dc-1a03-465b-8b5f-0fe367a85681" TYPE="swap"


                Re: How to write to XP partition

                Yep, you sure did!

                OK, you need to do 2 things:

                (1) make a new mount point, and
                (2) edit the file /etc/fstab, to add a line that will mount that NTFS partition.

                So, open a console window and enter
                sudo mkdir /media/XP_PART
                Next, to make sure we don't make your system worse, we will make a backup copy of the current fstab file:

                In the Konsole window
                sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab_bak11oct07
                Next, open the file for editing with kate:

                kdesu kate /etc/fstab
                Now, you're going to add this as a new line in the file -- I'd insert it immediately above the line that begins "dev/scd0 ..." so your hard drive partitions are listed together before the CD ROM and floppy drive:
                UUID=72405187405152C9 /media/XP_PART ntfs-3g user,atime,rw,nodev,nosuid 0 0
                Click "Save", and then exit kate.

                Now, if I didn't advise you to install the ntfs-3g package before, do that now:

                sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g
                Then you can shutdown and reboot your system. Upon logging in again, open Konqueror and browse up to /media/XP_Part and tell us what you observe there.


                  Re: How to write to XP partition

                  That did the trick, dibl. I can get into the XP partition.

                  Talking of editing, I could do with adding XP safe Mode to Grub, if you dont mind helping with that.

                  BTW, Ive had no problems with Gutsy as yet.


                    Re: How to write to XP partition

                    Originally posted by Scotty
                    That did the trick, dibl. I can get into the XP partition.

                    Talking of editing, I could do with adding XP safe Mode to Grub, if you dont mind helping with that.
                    I'd love to, but I've no clue!

                    Getting Grub set to boot Win XP is not too tough -- see Qqmike's guidance here:


                    But I dunno about "safe mode" -- can Mr. Google provide any assistance with this?

                    BTW, Ive had no problems with Gutsy as yet.
                    Good -- I agree, it's looking very good on my system too, although they managed to bork up the RT kernel again in this latest -14 kernel upgrade.


                      Re: How to write to XP partition

                      It's not important. It's an evaluation copy so when it runs out, it will be gone anyway.

                      I dont know enough about the kernels, so Ill just have to take your word for it.

                      Thanks for all the help, now to play around.


                        Re: How to write to XP partition

                        An alternative to actually booting Win XP, which I personally use and favor, is to install VMWare Player, and then to install Win XP on a "virtual machine" therein, and run your Win apps that way. Just tossing that out in case you're interested in the alternatives to dual booting. 8)


                          Re: How to write to XP partition

                          Never had much fun with VMs. The XP partition is for studying towards my MCDST and testing malware cleanup.
                          The former I hope to sit by New Year, the latter I wont be doing again. It's more fun cleaning others pc's not your own!

