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OS X Compix Fusion

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    OS X Compix Fusion

    I've seen screenshots and videos of Compiz Fusion running looking like OS X Leopard. Is that a Gnome only thing, if so...&%&%&^(*^*^%^$%^$^&%&*^&&^&#^#%$!%^&@*
    KDE is so much better at everything else, just make it work!
    anyway, if can I (in 3 weeks when Gutsy comes out) make my system feel like OS 10.5?
    reference link:

    Re: OS X Compix Fusion

    Compiz can be used with any DE. If you want it to run out of the box, already setup and installed with nothing to do on your part except to say "yes" to the option to use it or not, try Sabayon Linux.

    I hope that 7.10 will have this installed out of the box too, but I doubt it. It takes a little bit of work to set it up, but it is really cool.

    One thing to note, if you use multiple users on your PC (i.e. you use the Switch User function), then you do not want this. As cool as it is, its still extremely buggy in that area, even if the other users are not running Compiz.


      Re: OS X Compix Fusion

      that does look interesting...but it looks like you will need a stout rig to run it.



        Re: OS X Compix Fusion

        UPDATE: after doing this "sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows -o force
        " igot it to mount and all my files are there but I dont know if grub is causing the hang or is windows, still getting "starting up..." and then a blinking cursor...any ideas?



          Re: OS X Compix Fusion

          just fyi...i was checking out a write up on pc-bsd 1.4. it only has xorg 7.2, but has kde 3.5.7 and compiz fusion 0.5.2 by default. so, apparently no reason why kubuntu gutsy can't have it


            Re: OS X Compix Fusion

            Except that it only works well with proprietary drivers (your ATI or nVidia drivers), which Ubuntu/Kubuntu will never install by default.

            And its very buggy, so much so that its practically unusable if you have a multi user setup.

            Everything needed is already in the repos, so its not to difficult to install it, you have to install your video drivers anyway.

            It would be nice if they fixed the bugs, included your video drivers by default, and included this, I agree.

            I really enjoy all the fancy effects, that is until I switch users, and it randomly either shows a white screen, or turns the monitor off entirely. (Even if Compiz is turned off on the other users). Not something I can live with.

