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Need Help! no sound, going on 3 weeks now!

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    Need Help! no sound, going on 3 weeks now!

    note: flash works, vid works on youtube just no sound.

    Why is it that the same install dvd w/ same hw doesn't do the same thing it did 2 months ago.

    2 months ago it took some configuring in dapper to get opical output working. switched to gutsy no optical no matter what, gave up went w/ analog. no problem right out of the box.

    tried a few other flavors, now my agp isn't recognized out of the box and I have to physically remove it to instlall gutsy again. try to reinstall it, no luck still using onbaord. tried a few more flavors no sound support out of the box.

    back to gutsy no sound supoort out of the box.

    What gives here?

    I've added medibuntu, done
    sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras
    tried adding alsa, adjusting kmix, btw this install had startup sound, now it doesn't even have .flac support.

    I'm sure I've tried a dozen other things, can anyone help before I rip my hair out?

    I do have an old yamaha usb 2.1 system out in the garage, any chance it will install itself plug and play?, I'll sell the 5.1 spkrs and soundcard if it did just had surgery so I will have to wait a day or two to dig it out.

    [img width=400 height=138][/img]

    Re: ready to go beck to m$ ##@$! no mp3 or youtube

    ok, soundcard removed. fresh install w/ yamaha usb speakers installed. Kmix shows yamaha usb for my current mixer, I can't even get amarok to play the sample.

    [img width=400 height=138][/img]


      Re: Need Help! no sound, going on 3 weeks now!

      I had several tries with different Linux distros, and consigned them all to the waste-bin, because they were unreliable about playing anything until i found that Knoppix could find my sound-card with no problems.

      Hunting around the Forums after i installed Kubuntu - which sometimes found the card and sometimes missed it - i read that it's necessary to disable on-board sound in the bios, so i did that, stuffed the sound-card back in the slot, and have been happily listening to everything from Bach to Tangerine Dream ever since.

      I don't know if this will help you.... but i hope it's of some assistance.


        Re: Need Help! no sound, going on 3 weeks now!

        I'll go check in the bios, thanks

        got mp3 playback now, I think that helped as itdoesn't show the onboard in kmix anymore, still no sound in youtube.
        [img width=400 height=138][/img]


          Re: Need Help! no sound, going on 3 weeks now!

          Are you using 3.5.9 or 4.x ?

          The youtube thing could be a problem with Firefox or Konqueror.


            Re: Need Help! no sound, going on 3 weeks now!

            should be 3.5.9 still using gutsy haven't upgraded kde at all.

            I've definitely used youtube in firefox doesn't have sound either.
            [img width=400 height=138][/img]


              Re: Need Help! no sound, going on 3 weeks now!

              In this Topic Claus Ladekjær Wilson says: "I did unmute my master channel which was strange - some update must have muted that one."

              Maybe that's what has happened to you...?

              Other than that, i have no answer.

