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how do I find the device name that is linked to my microphone?

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    how do I find the device name that is linked to my microphone?

    When I first installed gutsy I manged to get my microphone working when it was plugged into the sound card. This basically just involved turning everything on in kmix and alsamixer.

    I later got the really stupid idea that I'd like to get the mic on my webcam working in teamspeak. After messing with lots of things It didn't work.

    I now can't get the original mic to work either. When I turn on the monitoring of the mic channel in kmix I can listen to it just fine. I just can't seem to find which device(if any) it's now linked to. If I have completely screwed it up what's the best way to fix it?

    Re: how do I find the device name that is linked to my microphone?

    Teamspeak uses OSS not ALSA, so you need to make sure that no other applications are using the sound card before you start TS - this includes the KDE sound system, so I have set mine to auto-suspend after two seconds.

    Also, check (in alsamixer - install it if needed) that "Mic" has "CAPTUR" enabled, and that there's some volume for "Capture". (I think KMix gets a little confused sometimes, which is why it's good to check with alsamixer.)

    Alternatively you could try experimenting with aoss, which is an OSS 'wrapper' for ALSA.

