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ATI Radeon 9250 PRO - 3D graphics at snails pace

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    ATI Radeon 9250 PRO - 3D graphics at snails pace

    Hi all

    Have done a clean install of Gutsy onto a system using an ATI Radeon 9250 PRO (AGP8).
    However any 3D programs run so slow it would seem that the 3D card does not exist in the system.

    Part of the problem may be that Kubuntu seems to identify the 9250 as a 9200!

    The main issues is that basic 3d Programs are VERY laggy..
    In comparison my son's PC running a Radeon 9250 (using a miscreant OS and less memory) goes multiples of 10+ times faster.
    My older P4 system (w/o a 3D card on 512KM RAM) runs graphic intensive programs (using software 3D acceleration) at almost at the same speed !
    Lowering the resolution and the screen size in the games did not help with graphics speed.

    Curiously I tried running a simple 3d program (bouncy the rabbit) & also got OpenGL errors in the code.
    Some other programs (eg. I Have No Tomatoes) had strange screen behhaviours as well

    Simple system details:
    . Gigabyte Motherboard (GA 8KNXP)
    . P4 2.8GB CPU
    . 1.24 GB RAM (DDR)
    . ATI Radeon 9250 PRO (128 MB)
    . 1280 x 1024 resolution
    . 60Hz refresh rate

    System Settings tells me that its identified the 3D card as an ATI Radeon (fglrx) and it using the ati (vanilla) driver.
    Kinfocentre tells me that its a 8200 in the PCI sectopm but also mentions the word "(secondary)".
    Could there be another VGA device interfering somewhere?
    Reading the AGP card it tells me its a 9250!

    Curiously I understand the ATI driver to be a restricted driver for Linux
    When I look at the Restricted Drivers section in System Settings, it tells me that I need no restricted drivers on my system! (none also are listed as installed).

    Is it better that I install the drivers from the ati website (I have seen them there) or is there something else I should do first. Looked at the FAQ here but there were no sections for ATI / video /graphics.

    My suspicion is that the install of the graphics driver/OpenGL is not quite right in my install.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Many thanks


    Re: ATI Radeon 9250 PRO - 3D graphics at snails pace

    Originally posted by asdinnie
    using the ati (vanilla) driver
    My suspicion is that the install of the graphics driver/OpenGL is not quite right in my install.
    Bingo. You need the fglrx driver.
    I wrote an installation script for it, but there's a new version of the driver out. Let me just update the script and then I'll post it.

    EDIT: Hooray! They fixed the gamma! They also claimed to fix the memory leak, but I haven't tested that yet...
    Anyway, get the script here.
    For external use only.


      Re: ATI Radeon 9250 PRO - 3D graphics at snails pace

      Thanks SheeEttin for your prompt reply.

      I'll be out here somewhere with bated breath !

      Best wishes


      PS Is it kosher that Kubuntu picks the AGP card up as a 9200 when the sticker on it says 9250?!


        Re: ATI Radeon 9250 PRO - 3D graphics at snails pace

        Thanks SheeEttin very much for the prompt script.
        You'd put many commercial organisations to shame!

        Just a really thick question. How do I actually execute the script?
        Going into Konsole & typing "sudo fglrx_gutsy.txt I get "sudo: fglrx_gutsy.txt: command not found".
        However its in the same directory! Permissions are fine too as the default user.
        Curiously I have the same problem with another .sh file in the same folder (Desktop).

        Any advice here would be appreciated.



        PS The best wishes of the festive season to you.


          Re: ATI Radeon 9250 PRO - 3D graphics at snails pace

          In case sheeetin is not watching, how about this:

          sudo mv fglrx_gutsy.txt
          sudo chmod +x

          Good luck.


            Re: ATI Radeon 9250 PRO - 3D graphics at snails pace

            i have a 9200SE, and in trying to get better timing, I had to reinstall my OS. I had some problems with the video (probably X11) and couldn't get it back.

            hopefully, you don't need to, but keep it in mind while you try various options (whether you use proprietary or open source solutions)

            good luck


              Re: ATI Radeon 9250 PRO - 3D graphics at snails pace

              Hi crl6904, lingenfr & SheeEttin

              Thanks for your info & comments.

              Got the driver to download & install fine.
              The issue now is getting X to reboot using the new fglrx driver!

              1. I used dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg & went through the options (bit of a newbie/novice at X).
              X failed to load on reboot. Back to the common garden command line prompt!

              2. So I reverted to the prior working version of xorg.conf & just changed the two driver lines in the file as follows:

              Section "Device"
              Driver "ati" to "fglrx"

              Section "device" #
              Driver "ati" to "fglrx"

              Same problem.
              X failed to load on reboot. Back to the common garden command line prompt!

              Have I missed something (eg. the device options?)?

              I have attached the relevant xorg.conf file (where X works - before changes) as a txt file, in case this helps.

              Can anyone please provide some guidance here. X configuration is clearly not my forte!

              Many thanks



              Attached Files


                Re: ATI Radeon 9250 PRO - 3D graphics at snails pace

                You've got that xorg.conf awfully hosed. I would suggest that you delete or rename it and run your dpkg command again.


                  Re: ATI Radeon 9250 PRO - 3D graphics at snails pace

                  Hi lingenfr

                  Actually the one I posted works, but with the old (slow, vanilla) driver.
                  Does the file look that bad from reading it (its the default one that resulting from the system install)?

                  If I need to run "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" again, any hints on making it work fine this time please?
                  (eg. make a note of the settings in the old, working xorg.conf file).

                  At the moment it seems that using the new ati (fglrx) driver is the thing stopping X from booting.
                  This is because it is the only factor common to both configs.

                  Many thanks



                    Re: ATI Radeon 9250 PRO - 3D graphics at snails pace

                    Are you getting any errors when X pukes? Try the following and post the results.

                    more /var/log/Xorg.0.log|grep EE
                    more /var/log/Xorg.0.log|grep WW

                    That will look through your X log and list the errors EE and the warnings WW.


                      Re: ATI Radeon 9250 PRO - 3D graphics at snails pace


                      Here is the output of the X errors/warnings.
                      Hope this helps.




                      asd@dad:~$ more /var/log/Xorg.0.log|grep EE
                      (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
                      (II) Loading extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER
                      (EE) RADEON(0): [agp] AGP failed to initialize. Disabling the DRI.
                      (EE) AIGLX: Screen 0 is not DRI capable
                      asd@dad:~$ more /var/log/Xorg.0.log|grep WW
                      (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
                      (WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/X11/cyrillic" does not exist.
                      (WW) RADEON: No matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:1:0:1) found
                      (WW) EDID preferred timing clock 202.50MHz exceeds claimed max 150MHz, fixing
                      (WW) EDID preferred timing clock 202.50MHz exceeds claimed max 150MHz, fixing
                      (WW) EDID preferred timing clock 202.50MHz exceeds claimed max 150MHz, fixing
                      (WW) RADEON(0): [agp] AGP not available
                      (WW) RADEON(0): No crtc mode list for crtc 1,continuing with desired mode
                      (WW) RADEON(0): Direct rendering disabled
                      (WW) RADEON(0): Option "MergedFB" is not used
                      (WW) EDID preferred timing clock 202.50MHz exceeds claimed max 150MHz, fixing
                      (WW) EDID preferred timing clock 202.50MHz exceeds claimed max 150MHz, fixing
                      (WW) EDID preferred timing clock 202.50MHz exceeds claimed max 150MHz, fixing
                      (WW) EDID preferred timing clock 202.50MHz exceeds claimed max 150MHz, fixing
                      (WW) EDID preferred timing clock 202.50MHz exceeds claimed max 150MHz, fixing
                      (WW) EDID preferred timing clock 202.50MHz exceeds claimed max 150MHz, fixing
                      (WW) EDID preferred timing clock 202.50MHz exceeds claimed max 150MHz, fixing
                      (WW) EDID preferred timing clock 202.50MHz exceeds claimed max 150MHz, fixing
                      (WW) EDID preferred timing clock 202.50MHz exceeds claimed max 150MHz, fixing
                      (WW) EDID preferred timing clock 202.50MHz exceeds claimed max 150MHz, fixing
                      (WW) EDID preferred timing clock 202.50MHz exceeds claimed max 150MHz, fixing
                      (WW) EDID preferred timing clock 202.50MHz exceeds claimed max 150MHz, fixing
                      (WW) EDID preferred timing clock 202.50MHz exceeds claimed max 150MHz, fixing
                      (WW) EDID preferred timing clock 202.50MHz exceeds claimed max 150MHz, fixing
                      (WW) EDID preferred timing clock 202.50MHz exceeds claimed max 150MHz, fixing
                      (WW) EDID preferred timing clock 202.50MHz exceeds claimed max 150MHz, fixing


                        Re: ATI Radeon 9250 PRO - 3D graphics at snails pace

                        Well... others seemed to know, so I didn't check. I don't think your card is supported by fglrx. Check out this post:


                        I searched through several sets of posts with rather mixed results, but it appears that current versions of the driver no longer support your card. I have read a couple of posts that say that you can get 3d working with the ati driver. Read the thread above and you might contact the poster who seemed to have the solution. Good luck.


                          Re: ATI Radeon 9250 PRO - 3D graphics at snails pace

                          Are you using DRI? If I'm not wrong, it isn't supported.

                          (EE) RADEON(0): [agp] AGP failed to initialize. Disabling the DRI.
                          (EE) AIGLX: Screen 0 is not DRI capable
                          This is the problem that I had with ATI & Fiesty :


                          I'm not sure if it will help, but at least you can get an idea of the problem and see if can avoid having to reinstall gutsy.


                            Re: ATI Radeon 9250 PRO - 3D graphics at snails pace

                            Sorry for lack of replies, Christmas kind of happened. :P

                            Anyway, according to the fglrx FAQ, "The ATI Proprietary Linux driver currently supports Radeon 8500 and later AGP or PCI Express graphics products". Your card is later, so...

                            And, by the output you posted there, you're using the ati/radeon driver, which is not what you want.
                            I'd delete/move your current xorg.conf and do another "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg", and make sure that you pick fglrx as your driver. Reboot.
                            If you have no display when you boot, get a terminal (e.g. Ctrl-Alt-F1), log in, execute "startx", and post what it says.
                            For external use only.


                              Re: ATI Radeon 9250 PRO - 3D graphics at snails pace

                              fglrx support by AMD:

                              ATI Proprietary Linux Driver Version 8.28.8 Software Release Note
                              The ATI Proprietary Linux driver is designed to support the following ATI desktop products:

                              Radeon® X1900 series... Radeon® 8500 series

                              XOrg 6.7, 6.8, 6.9, 7.0, or 7.1; XFree86 version 4.3
                              ATI Proprietary Linux Driver Version 8.29.6 Software Release Note

                              The ATI Proprietary Linux driver is designed to support the following ATI desktop products:

                              Radeon® X1900 series... Radeon® 9500 series

                              => as said in the fglrx wiki
                              Version 8.29.6 ends support for Radeon R200 based cards (i.e., the series of Radeon 8500 through 9250).
                              About ATI Proprietary Linux Driver Version 8.28.8 and Kubuntu Gutsy.
                              I don't think that 8.28.8 supports 7.2.

                              Latest AMD Proprietary Linux Release Notes (Catalyst 7.12):
                              Before you edit, BACKUP !

                              Why there are dead links ?
                              1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
                              2. Thread: Lost Information

