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Mouse fine on Live CD, but stuck in middle on install

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    Mouse fine on Live CD, but stuck in middle on install

    The box runs slackware, but I had a spare hard drive on it, and thought I'd try a few live CD's, liked Kubuntu, and installed it. The mouse is stuck in the middle of the screen.

    Because I'm used to the console, I tried a few of the usual xorg config commands, but none worked. I also copied my xorg.conf from the slackware system over to /etc/X11/xorg.conf, but it's exactly the same - the mouse remains dead centre!

    from dmesg/syslog...

    Macintosh mouse button emulation as /class/input/input0
    mice: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice
    I don't know what the Macintosh bit is about - it's an x86 system, and the mouse a regular (branded) Logitech S48a PS2 mouse that has worked on dozens of Linux distros. I tried using "ExplorerPS/2" and "auto" as the mouse protocol (as opposed to "ImPS/2"), but nothing is working, and with no shell login, and no mouse, it's quite hard to get anything done!

    Any clues/suggestions?


    Re: Mouse fine on Live CD, but stuck in middle on install

    Originally posted by mr.underperson
    and the mouse a regular (branded) Logitech S48a PS2 mouse
    Reboot your PC and enter the BIOS setup. Check for a setting equating to USB Legacy support. If enabled, disable it, save the settings and reboot.

    PS/2 device are/can be problematic.
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Re: Mouse fine on Live CD, but stuck in middle on install

      Thanks. I checked, but I was already disabled :/
      Anyway, wouldn't that have affected ther LiveCD version, which works great.

      Our starter for ten is that there must be a difference between the LiveCD settings, and the installed settings. I found this in the log, too...

      modprobe: FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/ No such file or directory
      I only have a "2.6.22-14-generic" directory in my modules, though "" is the version of the Slackware install on that machine (on a different partition) - could it be reading something from there?? That would be weird.

      By the way, I didn't install GRUBB, my lilo is already setup for dual boot from the kubuntu partition, and boots it fine (apart from the above).

      Any other clues/suggestions?



        Re: Mouse fine on Live CD, but stuck in middle on install

        What CPU are you using? -- "smp" is for multi-core CPUs.


          Re: Mouse fine on Live CD, but stuck in middle on install

          That's the default kernel for slackware 12, and works fine on single processor machine. The question is, why is Kubunto referring to this kernel version's modules, or attempting to?

          That would be like my slackware install trying to load driver information from my Windows box!



            Re: Mouse fine on Live CD, but stuck in middle on install

            Dunno, but the 'buntus use GRUB as their boot loader.
            I'd edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and change it to use the Kubuntu kernels when booting from Kubuntu.
            For external use only.


              Re: Mouse fine on Live CD, but stuck in middle on install

              Hmm. I might end up using GRUB, but for now I'm trying a regular Ubuntu install, to see if it wll fare better. I can always throw the KDE desktop on top of it later - there's plenty space on the drive.

              I don't want to mess with the boot loader unless I *really* have to; Slackware is the main system, and it's more important that I can boot into Slack without trouble (which is always the case).

              I just wanted a spare desktop that uses the restricted NVidia drivers - the speed difference between those, and the regular X11 drivers, is crazy.



                Re: Mouse fine on Live CD, but stuck in middle on install

                GRUB's easy to use. All you need to do is modify menu.lst to change things. (Or you could make a one-time change as you're booting.) Don't think you can do that with LILO, can you?

                But yeah, I know what you mean with messing with the boot loader.
                For external use only.


                  Re: Mouse fine on Live CD, but stuck in middle on install

                  It's definitely a boot loaded problem.

                  I noticed that there's an "Alternate" version of *buntu, which, among other things, gives the option of lilo as a boot loader - I'll pop that in.



