Hiya... I have been messing about with various distros over the last couple of weeks, PClinuxOS, Fedora8, Linuxmint and Ubuntu/Kubuntu. The one I like the best is Kubuntu, I can not seem to take to the Gnome desktop. Anywho, with all distros I run into exactly the same problem with installing the Nvidia driver. I have a Dell c840 with the nvidia geforce4 440 go 32m card in it. What happens is everytime I install the nvidia driver, be it open-source or propriety, when I reboot i am left with a blank screen. I can log in and get the little tune, but the screen stays blank, it is like nothing is being rendered. I can use the system with the driver that is installed with the installation, I would just like to see if I can get a bit better performance for the graphics. I have tried many different ways of installing, after lots of searches in various forums and web sites, including manual/automatic and even envy installs, all to no avail. Does anyone know of a fix for this or should I just be happy with the way it is and maybe get a more up to date lappy. Any help and suggestions are appreciated.
Edit: Also this laptop is my test one till I am comfortable with the environment, my main laptop is a Dell d810 which has a ATI radeon mobility x600 128mb card in it, if anyone purusing this has any insights on this card for when I move across to that laptop, which will be soon I hope, could you please share them with me. Thanks in advance..
Edit: Also this laptop is my test one till I am comfortable with the environment, my main laptop is a Dell d810 which has a ATI radeon mobility x600 128mb card in it, if anyone purusing this has any insights on this card for when I move across to that laptop, which will be soon I hope, could you please share them with me. Thanks in advance..