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Video artifacts with ATI proprietary driver

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    Video artifacts with ATI proprietary driver

    I posted over at the ubuntu forums as they were already discussing the topic. I am getting artifacts using the newest ati driver. If anyone has experienced and then solved this, please post.

    Re: Video artifacts with ATI proprietary driver

    About AMD 8.42.3 Artifacts

    Phoronix Forums

    and there
    AMD/ATI Linux
    Technical support and discussion of the ATI/AMD proprietary Linux driver.

    AMD 8.42.3 Driver Released -- The Baby Is Born!
    Some of the examples that seem widespread include:
    Slow scrolling, esp. in Firefox.
    Slow FPS of compiz effects (maximize/minimize, cube rotate, etc.)
    Corruption/screen artifacts over time, esp. surrounding the cursor
    I'm running Ubuntu 7.10 64-bit with a Sapphire X1650XT card, 256 MB RAM on card. OpenGL screensavers with 8.42.3 have artifacts along the bottom half of the screen. Wolfenstein Enemy Territory (not Quake Wars) still runs but like 8.41, the brightness control does not change the brightness at all. Still tearing with AVI or most other videos. The only improvements I've noticed is that AIGLX works, and HD videos play much better, neither of which have any compelling use to me.

    I'm going back to 8.40.4, it simply works better for my needs.
    and AMD fglrx 8.42.3 - When will the baby mature ? - Experiences ..
    Regarding the LR corner (and mouse) corruption i had that too. As i was told by another user on this forum: make sure you have these lines in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf:

    Option "HWCursor" "On"
    Option "XAANoOffscreenPixmaps" "true"
    Option "RenderAccel" "true"
    Option "AllowGLXWithComposite" "true"
    Option "OpenGLOverlay" "off"
    Option "VideoOverlay" "on"
    Option "CapabilitiesEx" "0x00000000"
    Option "no_accel" "no"
    Option "mtrr" "off"
    Option "KernelModuleParm" "locked-userpages=0"
    Option "BlockSignalsOnLock" "on"
    Option "UseFastTLS" "0"
    More from Phoronix Forums.

    Well - 8.43 is coming soon... (and then 8.44... )

    FGLRX (some of configuration details)
    Before you edit, BACKUP !

    Why there are dead links ?
    1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
    2. Thread: Lost Information

