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How do I mount older kernel

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    How do I mount older kernel

    I have an IBM R40e thinkpad.
    It has major keyboard issues with feisty and gutsy.
    It is fine under edgy and dapper.
    From what I have seen this is a kernel issue.

    What I want to know is how can I mount an older kernel (ie; the one from edgy) on the newer version.
    Or can a compiled kernel be built to overcome the keyboard tragedy. AAAARRGHH!!!

    I have installed PClinuxOS and Suse, run live Gentoo, but don't have the warm fuzzy feeling that I get from Kubuntu and Debian (but keyboard issue goes away). My other 4 PCs are Kubuntu Feisty or Gutsy and I really don't want to stray from this breed and have to learn emerge, rpm etc as well.

    So, long story short, I want to mount the kernel from edgy or dapper on a feisty or gutsy install.
    How do I do this, if indeed it can be done?
    Or can I use a Suse or similar kernel for my Kubuntu loveliness?
    You don't need a license to drive a sandwich.

    Re: How do I mount older kernel

    Well, you can install the edgy kernel image from the edgy repositories (You can choose which kernel to boot by hitting ESC during boot when prompted)...the older kernel may bring other issues with it, though.

    Of course the 'better' solution is trying to solve the issue, if possible, or to check launchpad for your bug (or to post a new bug if there isn't one yet)...edgy's 'support-period' runs out in April 2008 (18 months after release) so you won't get security patches after that.


      Re: How do I mount older kernel

      I originally got pissed at this lap top for the same reason, put XP back on it and sold it.
      Trouble was that my daughters room sucked it into a black hole and the sale fell through.
      So I decided to bring it back into the fold and have another go.
      I have done some checking and there is a bug filed for this problem, but no resolution as yet.
      Anyway, how do I get the edgy repo under gutsy?
      You don't need a license to drive a sandwich.


        Re: How do I mount older kernel

        Originally posted by Pillage Idiot
        Anyway, how do I get the edgy repo under gutsy?
        Add these lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list:

        deb [url][/url] edgy main restricted universe multiverse 
        deb [url][/url] edgy-security main restricted universe multiverse 
        deb [url][/url] edgy-updates main restricted universe multiverse
        (NOTE: XX is your country abbreviation if you use local mirror repositories)

        save and refresh your package lists.

        Now you should have edgys kernel images installable, (2.6.17 if I remember correctly)

