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automount doesn't anymore after upgrade feisty > gutsy

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    automount doesn't anymore after upgrade feisty > gutsy

    following the upgrade, things that used to automount -- usb storage, cd-roms -- do not anymore. nor can i find wherever it is that i can turn on what i presume is in kubunto called an automount daemon.

    have i failed to do something here? in feisty, everything just mounted tockety boo, with popup action-choice box and everything. would kind of like to have that back.

    tia -- i'm sure it's something obvious that used to reside in a recently deceased brain cell.

    Re: automount doesn't anymore after upgrade feisty > gutsy

    additional information: digging through the archives, i found reference to a package, "ivman," which was not installed. it is not heavily documented (and was certainly not something i was knowingly using pre-install, nor did i ever configure such a thing, ever), but installing it now causes these things to appear in my mount table. ah, but . . .

    it required that i add myself to its group to have access to the contents; also, there was reference someplace to the disappearance of the desktop pop-up when something is automatically mounted, which has also happened here. the answer given at that time was to do configure desktop > behavior >device icons. alas. both "file icons" and "device icons" are greyed out.

    i can't help but think that i'm trudging through kludge here, and that some essential package/daemon is fubar. there are two services configurators on the system, the cartoonish gnome one that has about a dozen services, and a more elaborate one in the system settings kmenu item. neither lists the autonmount daemon.

    is there a package missing, or did the install hiccup?


      Re: automount doesn't anymore after upgrade feisty > gutsy

      Probably there are some adjustments needed in your /etc/fstab file. There may be some help here:

      You probably need to install the ntfs-3g package. I've never heard of ivman, so I dunno about that one.

      Not having your CD ROM drive recognized and mounted is kind of scary -- I think maybe I'd go after that one first. Mine (an ASUS IDE drive) looks like this in fstab:

      /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,atime,noauto,rw,dev,exec,suid 0 0


        Re: automount doesn't anymore after upgrade feisty > gutsy

        first, yeah, it's kind of scary -- first time the cd didn't automount since about caldera 1.2!

        second, i don't have any ntfs volumes, nor do i intend to acquire any -- this is pure automount stuff of cds and various usb storage. now, if something in the package management or update script is broken and therefore lots of stuff needs to be done manually, cool, happy to do it. but i want to make sure that by editing fstab i'm not doing some kludge that will come back to bite me later, as kludges always do.

        and if i have a munged install, i obviously want to know that, too, though i do not know of any way of quickly determining it.

        and i had never heard of ivman before, either, and am *way* leery of it -- because i do not see what it does that the system is supposed to do all by itself but for some reason doesn't. i'm very interested in finding that reason and making the repair, because, again, if i don't, i imagine it will bite me later.


          Re: automount doesn't anymore after upgrade feisty > gutsy

          additional information: digging through the archives, i found reference to a package, "ivman," which was not installed. it is not heavily documented (and was certainly not something i was knowingly using pre-install, nor did i ever configure such a thing, ever), but installing it now causes these things to appear in my mount table. ah, but . . .

          it required that i add myself to its group to have access to the contents; also, there was reference someplace to the disappearance of the desktop pop-up when something is automatically mounted, which has also happened here. the answer given at that time was to do configure desktop > behavior >device icons. alas. both "file icons" and "device icons" are greyed out.

          i can't help but think that i'm trudging through kludge here, and that some essential package/daemon is fubar. there are two services configurators on the system, the cartoonish gnome one that has about a dozen services, and a more elaborate one in the system settings kmenu item. neither lists the autonmount daemon.

          is there a package missing, or did the install hiccup?


            Re: automount doesn't anymore after upgrade feisty > gutsy

            Personally, I'd be downloading and burning a Gutsy Alternate Install CD. I'm not sure that you actually want to bring forward some of those oldies -- a clean new install has a certain attraction .... 8)


              Re: automount doesn't anymore after upgrade feisty > gutsy

              Originally posted by dibl
              -- a clean new install has a certain attraction .... 8)
              And from what I've seen posted about 'upgrades to Gutys,' a lot fewer problems.
              Windows no longer obstructs my view.
              Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
              "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                Re: automount doesn't anymore after upgrade feisty > gutsy

                one of the reasons for switching to kubuntu here was the ability to upgrade without reinventing the wheel (beyond the reinvention that developers sometimes think is oh-so-much fun).

                what i was hoping to do here was fix the problem. i know i can reformat and reinstall; that solution has been around for a long time -- it's what made OS/2 what it is today!

                either the automount daemon has changed tremendously since 7.04 or there is a configuration issue. this *ought* to be relatively easy to find out.

