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Automatic Package re-install

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    Automatic Package re-install

    Hello All,
    Donno if this feature exists:
    Surely , when we apt for packages, they re logged somwhere,
    wouldnt be nice to have an xml file that stores all the apted packages? it can be stored in the /home partition. Upon a clean install, the user can choose to apt the packages he/she had . It would be a great feature, and if it exists, can sombody tell me pls.

    Re: Automatic Package re-install


    who needs XML if there is plain text the following console commands hopefully will help you on:

    1. sudo dpkg --list >~/packages.list will generate a list of all packages including their current status as well as their current version;

    2. sudo dpkg --get-selections > ~/packages.list will generate a simplified version of the list mentioned above, wich can be used as basis for rebuilding or "cloning" a system with sudo dpkg --set-selections < ~/packages.list (important: ">" vs. "<" and "get" vs. "set" ...).



      Re: Automatic Package re-install

      Thanx a lot,
      its just because i like to play with my linux, and it crashes a lot, and in some cases, re-installing the system seems to be more time saving. Yesterday i was trying to install XGL and compiz, which caused my system to crash and i was unable, till now , to fix it, it seems the xserver-xorg isnt workin fine, anyways i got fed up and tried to re-install (a clean one at the end) dapper, which didnt work either, i am now resorting to trying edgy, since dapper wont install.
      anyways, i obviously i formatted and the sources list is gone, but this will be great help for me in the future, thank you . i think am gonna try to gui these commands, and make some how a cron to back up the list. thanks again.

