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Unify Ubuntu visual identity

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    Unify Ubuntu visual identity

    I find it a shame that the communication people over at Ubuntu haven't unified yet the visual identity if their 3 different versions (Gnome, KDE & XFCE). All of them have different colors, especially Kubuntu that is "really" KDE

    I think we should skin KDE to adopt Ubuntu's visual identity, especially colors and wallpaper.
    I don't care

    Re: Unify Ubuntu visual identity

    I like this blue. Perhaps ubuntu should change its brown in the kubuntu's blue


      Re: Unify Ubuntu visual identity

      I like blue much better, it's part of the reason why i'm running Kubuntu instead of Ubuntu. I think it's overall a smoother and nicer color than the brownish-orange in Ubuntu. With each distro having a different color scheme it gives them more style and sets them apart form each other, if they all had the same color and looked almost exactly the same i think there wouldn't be much of a point of having Kubuntu and Xubuntu, it would just be Ubuntu and you'd chose which X Window manager you'd want (like SUSE).
      I like that there are 3 different **buntu distros, they're set apart by the color scheme and user interface,they're each unique in their own way, but they all share the same goal of being simple and user friendly and true to open-source.


        Re: Unify Ubuntu visual identity

        Sorry, but I voted no, and if I could, I'd vote for a big NO. I'm glad that Kubuntu stuck to the original KDE color. Of course I might be biased because blue is my favorite color, but I'm just glad that they stuck to it, rather than adopting Ubuntu's color scheme. I'm not sure if GNOME has a sort of "official" color scheme. I think it's more of a brownish or grayish kind, very earthy, which can be mixed with some other shade of color (maybe a little bit of blue or orange).

        Anyway, the *buntus don't need to have the same color scheme in order to be "unified". They actually don't need to have a unified look at all. Appearances and themes are merely superficial. Unification really comes from deeper things, like names, philosophy, and policies, which they all share.
        Jucato's Data Core


          Re: Unify Ubuntu visual identity

          I agree with the previous posters. I think Ubuntu should switch to blue if they ever decide to unify the look of the two desktops.


            Re: Unify Ubuntu visual identity

            I voted that it doesn't matter. Who keeps the default anyway? It is one of the very first changes I make. I want it to reflect me and the tasks I need to accomplish, not what a developer or a committee decided on...



              Re: Unify Ubuntu visual identity

              @askrieger: turn Ubuntu blue? wahahah! That's definitely going to start a war with the GNOME users. They'd never, ever, want their default color scheme in blue.
              Jucato's Data Core


                Re: Unify Ubuntu visual identity

                I don't really care what color it is (I do favor blues myself, however) There is a common "branding" with the logos being the same other than colors. Maybe a more unified look to the logo headers on the respective websites, and maybe a similar desktop theme, in terms of gradients, backgrounds and the like, but of course in different colors.


                  Re: Unify Ubuntu visual identity

                  Well, more than the desktop colors, I could say that there are other areas that would make all the *buntus look unified, specially the web pages. There is quite a big difference between the different layouts of the Ubuntu, Kubuntu, and Xubuntu web pages. Never mind the colors, just the layout and format.

                  On the desktop side, maybe they could have similar wallpapers, in different colors of course. Or maybe similar login screen designs. Of course, icons and widget styles would be very controversial, so leave those alone. Window decorations almost look the same (Clearlooks and Crystal). Other than that, I'd prefer to keep things the way they are.

                  Besides, the names, the logos, and most importantly, the spirit, are what makes all the *buntus unified.

                  Btw, this might be an interesting quote for those still confused about Kubuntu and Ubuntu's relationship. I took it from the oo-derivatives.doc found in the /usr/share/example-content folder (the same one you see on the desktop in the Desktop CD)

                  Derivatives of Ubuntu

                  Ubuntu is designed to be a solid foundation for creating further derivatives. In the case of the Official derivatives, all the packages used are from the main Ubuntu repositories, so a user from any variant can seamlessly install packages from any other, and even convert completely to a different variant.

                  Kubuntu is a user friendly operating system based on KDE, the K Desktop Environment. Kubuntu and Ubuntu are not meant to be seen as distinct projects; Kubuntu is part of the Ubuntu project, and they are both part of one development team that contributes to the whole. Kubuntu is Ubuntu with a different default set-up, the Ubuntu CD contains only GNOME as a desktop environment; the Kubuntu CD contains only KDE, this is the primary difference.
                  Jucato's Data Core


                    Re: Unify Ubuntu visual identity

                    I just switched over from Ubuntu.

                    Good decision for me, if only to get rid of that damned brown color... :P
                    Unify in more meaningful ways if you must please.


                      Re: Unify Ubuntu visual identity

                      I like the "KDE-blue" but, I have to say, I have always hated the Blue text on black background bootup screen -- ugly!


                        Re: Unify Ubuntu visual identity

                        If KDE and gnome do a better job at implementing SVG, this could be irrelevant, because you could script all SVGs to change their color-tones, including icons and wallpapers, to match the user defined colors.
                        Anyway, I like the Human icons a LOT, I hope they are ported (100%, not like today) to KDE< even that the color is changed to blue.

