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Why isn't Gimp in Default Install?

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    Why isn't Gimp in Default Install?


    This is something that I have wondered for a while concerning Kubuntu's default package install policy.

    It appears that someone decided that was superior to Koffice; so this is why we have installed by default and Koffice is not installed by defualt. (I agree with this decision)

    So who decided that Krita could even come close to Gimp yet? Krita is getting places but comeon Gimp is the Linux standard and has been for years. It really should be installed by default instead of Krita.

    I also feel that Firefox should be installed by default but I can at least understand why firefox isn't installed -- konqueror is a real solution. But Krita? People, it just isn't there yet.


    Re: Why isn't Gimp in Default Install?

    My guess (I'm not an Ubuntu developer) would be that they think Gimp is too scary for newbies. I agree with that. But I agree with you that Krita isn't too much use at all.


      Re: Why isn't Gimp in Default Install?

      the basic idea of using a K-Desktop is to use as much K-stuff as possible.

      and since there is a K-something (Krita in this case) for GIMP, and its much easier to use as askrieger said, it might have been not touched.
      and yet again, as you say, since OO.o is much better, the people at the Ubuntu center might have thought otherwise...

      its as simple as that. And yet in case you want to install GIMP, I think it is already present in the install CD (Its my assumption) or the best would be that u download using Adept/apt-get as then u will have latest version

      Truly the coolezzzt 8) 8) 8) 8)<br />The bloglines of an AngrY IndiaN


        Re: Why isn't Gimp in Default Install?

        i don't know kritta
        i used gimp too
        and yesterday i found out what digikam is
        and well digikam is a very good tool too..
        i'm gona see what kritta is.

        but if kritta is not very powerfull, .... then this choice is not a good one.

        ps : KolourPaint start with K and is not installed by default (but that is a good choice too )


          Re: Why isn't Gimp in Default Install?

          Possibly just beKause you Kan't inKlude everything in a default install. People who Know what they are after will find the appliKations that they need, won't they?

          And just as an aside, perhaps -Cool dude Prav- should be renamed -Kool dude Prav- ?


          I wish I was the man my dog thinks I am.<br /><br />Registered Linux User No. 402825


            Re: Why isn't Gimp in Default Install?

            Originally posted by lowey23
            And just as an aside, perhaps -Cool dude Prav- should be renamed -Kool dude Prav- ?


            that is a totally Kool suggestion, Lowey...
            Lemme Konsider it and will Karry out the necessary changes if Kan be

            (K/C)ool dude Prav.
            Truly the coolezzzt 8) 8) 8) 8)<br />The bloglines of an AngrY IndiaN

