I've focused on IMHO the 3 issues that I feel any user (new or techie) EXPECT TO WORK or at least get considerable help from an advanced OS like Linux. Wireless and Media access
First and most important --- Wireless Driver Wizard
THIS IS A HUGE ISSUE and one that probably leads many AVERAGE users to abandon Linux in general or a specific distro. Most distro forums on wireless are filled with misery and confusion for those poor souls who have a laptop whose wireless chipset is not openly supported. Ubuntu and Linux in general are losing thousands of converts weekly on this issue alone. My Dell has the BCM4318 anti-christ chipset - but I'm pretty technical and have done the NDISwrapper a few times. BUT I'M TECHNICAL and I WANTED LINUX. The average Joe ain't gonna hack it.
Recently I helped a friend move to Ubuntu - only to learn that he had the wireless chip from hell - BCM4309 --- after numerous attempts I was ready to give up and then I found Linuxant.com --- yes they charge $20 for their service --- BUT THEIR WIRELESS WIZARD WORKED FLAWLESSLY . Basically it allows you to try multiple driver.sys files until you find one that works (and they tell you it works). Basically its an automated NDISwrapper installer + tester + remover ..... all the user should have to do is collect a few possible driver sets and drop them on the desktop. I had to go thru 3 different drivers and BINGO it worked on the 3rd driver set -- less than 5 minutes I had the chipset from hell working.
Lastly - if the wireless wizard is not working (as will happen) there should be a "DUMP SYSTEM CONFIG" button that dumps all the most needed system / config files / logs into one txt file that can be posted for help --------- Lets try to help the new guys NOT PUNISH THEM.
Second is Wireless Config
I've yet to move to Kubuntu on my laptop (thats next) - but under Ubuntu Gnome once you get your wireless working it only supports an Open Network OR WEP. WTF
You then need to go thru a bunch of "script hell" to get support for WPA etc. ---- totally F'ed up --- I have to say that Microsoft's wireless Zero-Config software leaves Ubuntu in the dust. In fact on the above friends laptop I finally said screw it and loaded WICD and had "advanced wireless" config and setup working in minutes.
Second -- Media Codecs
I've only had trouble here a few times - but its frustrating. A user should be able to look at a few different Media apps (down load and look at the features / look and feel) --- and then open the Media Wizard. In the Media Wizard you select which of the apps you've down loaded you want to use for all your media use -- the wizard then walks you thru setting up codecs and even adding plug-ins etc.
First and most important --- Wireless Driver Wizard
THIS IS A HUGE ISSUE and one that probably leads many AVERAGE users to abandon Linux in general or a specific distro. Most distro forums on wireless are filled with misery and confusion for those poor souls who have a laptop whose wireless chipset is not openly supported. Ubuntu and Linux in general are losing thousands of converts weekly on this issue alone. My Dell has the BCM4318 anti-christ chipset - but I'm pretty technical and have done the NDISwrapper a few times. BUT I'M TECHNICAL and I WANTED LINUX. The average Joe ain't gonna hack it.
Recently I helped a friend move to Ubuntu - only to learn that he had the wireless chip from hell - BCM4309 --- after numerous attempts I was ready to give up and then I found Linuxant.com --- yes they charge $20 for their service --- BUT THEIR WIRELESS WIZARD WORKED FLAWLESSLY . Basically it allows you to try multiple driver.sys files until you find one that works (and they tell you it works). Basically its an automated NDISwrapper installer + tester + remover ..... all the user should have to do is collect a few possible driver sets and drop them on the desktop. I had to go thru 3 different drivers and BINGO it worked on the 3rd driver set -- less than 5 minutes I had the chipset from hell working.
Lastly - if the wireless wizard is not working (as will happen) there should be a "DUMP SYSTEM CONFIG" button that dumps all the most needed system / config files / logs into one txt file that can be posted for help --------- Lets try to help the new guys NOT PUNISH THEM.
Second is Wireless Config
I've yet to move to Kubuntu on my laptop (thats next) - but under Ubuntu Gnome once you get your wireless working it only supports an Open Network OR WEP. WTF

Second -- Media Codecs
I've only had trouble here a few times - but its frustrating. A user should be able to look at a few different Media apps (down load and look at the features / look and feel) --- and then open the Media Wizard. In the Media Wizard you select which of the apps you've down loaded you want to use for all your media use -- the wizard then walks you thru setting up codecs and even adding plug-ins etc.