First, let me explain where I'm coming from. I'm a 50 year old engineer. The first computer I programmed used paddle switches and lights to program. I've evolved through, PDP 11s, Dec 20s, CPM, DOS, Windows 1.0 through XP and five or so flavors of Linux/Unix. Like many of you I spend some time fixing other peoples computer problems and advising them. So, my suggestions are not just for/from me but also for/from grandma and grandpa.
1. Provide a simple automatic “reconfigure” option if booting up brings you a console instead of the Kubuntu gui.
2. Lend some resources to Wine. There are a few “must have” killer programs that many people can't do without. One is Quicken. (And people don't want to switch to another linux equivalent. ) Some are unique to none computer hardware like the firmware update programs for MP3 players, cameras, GPSs. This is the only reason I still duel boot my laptop. Wine needs to work better.
3. Provide a place I where can pay for my Codecs. A lot of people would switch if they knew they were legally play their movies and MP3s.
4. This one is going to confuse you. Provide a pay for verified and validated version of Kubuntu. Corporations (and some people) consider anything free (or cheap) as dangerous. I think it comes from the fear of blowing an expensive project because you didn't pick the best (most expensive) option.
5. Fix the bugs,
1. Provide a simple automatic “reconfigure” option if booting up brings you a console instead of the Kubuntu gui.
2. Lend some resources to Wine. There are a few “must have” killer programs that many people can't do without. One is Quicken. (And people don't want to switch to another linux equivalent. ) Some are unique to none computer hardware like the firmware update programs for MP3 players, cameras, GPSs. This is the only reason I still duel boot my laptop. Wine needs to work better.
3. Provide a place I where can pay for my Codecs. A lot of people would switch if they knew they were legally play their movies and MP3s.
4. This one is going to confuse you. Provide a pay for verified and validated version of Kubuntu. Corporations (and some people) consider anything free (or cheap) as dangerous. I think it comes from the fear of blowing an expensive project because you didn't pick the best (most expensive) option.
5. Fix the bugs,