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Features and Distance

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    Features and Distance

    Hi all!
    After reading an article about new features in Ubuntu 7.10 I see, that distance between Ubuntu and Kubuntu became so much
    For example:
    Ubuntu: new printing system, new tool for configuring X, new .. new...
    Kubuntu: Artwork, KDEsu, virtual keyboard
    Kubuntu becomes better, but all of it looks like small "fixes"
    And Ubuntu is moving forward by large steps
    I think, that freedom of choice is being lost in (X)ubuntu-world
    That's why I'm waiting for KDE4 - only revolution can move (X)ubuntu-world to the way of freedom of choice.
    KDE4 can become so good, that we will be able to see Gubuntu instead of Ubuntu
    Right now it is stable based on Gnome/GTK
    So, Here is a question: Have I missed some new real features in Kubuntu, that will really update it from 7.04 to 7.10?
    May be I'm wrong and everything is not so bad?

    Re: Features and Distance

    You are right about Ubuntu gatting bigger leaps compared to Kubuntu. But don't forget that Ubuntu is the main distro from Canonical, so it's just natural it evolves more, because there is a bigger team and, probably, more resources ($$$) available.
    I've read a similar "vent" last week and said that the desktop is definitely not the only difference between these distros, Ubuntu seems to have a more solid "background", but it doesn't make Kubuntu a bad choice at all.
    One could argue: MEPIS is better than Kubuntu, DISTRO_HERE is better than Kubuntu. But people hardly say this or that distro is better than Ubuntu, because they are mostly based on this one, they NEED a new relase of Ubuntu to also update THEIR distro. They just inherit the bad/hard/dirty work from Ubuntu team, do some cosmetic changes and then say "here is our distro", which is a rather common practice in the Linux world... this also happened with Ubuntu since it's based on Debian, but being a very independent project now, with resources that almost any distro in the world would dream of.
    But all in all, if you setup your Kubuntu well, keep it updated, you will have a fairly good distro. My 2c.


      Re: Features and Distance

      I think the delay of KDE4 until after the Gutsy release date kind of put a wet blanket on the Kubuntu Gutsy "look and feel" upgrade. This didn't affect Ubuntu Gutsy, of course. Probably the next major Kubuntu improvement will be Gutsy + 1, with KDE4 incorporated in that version. 2 more cents' worth, or less ...


        Re: Features and Distance

        Yes, using our hands we can do a very nice Distro using Kubuntu as a base even now, but it won't be Kubuntu... I have used this way: my own distro is based on Kubuntu
        So, as about me, I will wait for KDE4, look at Canonical reaction and then do my choice.
        I think, I'm not the only with this decision.
        All of us know 2-3 good KDE-based distros


          Re: Features and Distance

          Originally posted by dibl
          I think the delay of KDE4 until after the Gutsy release date kind of put a wet blanket on the Kubuntu Gutsy "look and feel" upgrade. This didn't affect Ubuntu Gutsy, of course. Probably the next major Kubuntu improvement will be Gutsy + 1, with KDE4 incorporated in that version. 2 more cents' worth, or less ...
          i totally agree.
          <br />


            Re: Features and Distance

            the lastest infromation considerning KDE4 is that the october release of KDE 4.0.0 won't be publically released as the full operational new desktop system, but rather the first stable release for the developers to port their apps to Qt4.3 and also for anyone else interested - but it won't be something they would put up against gnome.

            the official public release will happen around january 2008 (probably kde 4.1, dunno) and that means the real "ground breaking" release will be gutsy+1...

            i myself will try kde4 as soon as it''s possbile, never mind if it's not complete...


              Re: Features and Distance

              A few (perhaps a bit lengthy) comments:

              1. Some of the big changes sometimes advertised in Ubuntu are underlying subsystems which both GNOME and KDE use. So if there improvement in CUPS, X, Upstart, etc, those also go into Kubuntu, although we don't advertise them as much. Also, these are done by different teams which may or may not be involved with the Ubuntu desktop team (sort of the counterpart of the Kubuntu team).

              2. Other features eventually arrive at Kubuntu, but sometimes in the next release. There are a few possible reasons for this.
              One is that the feature was made specifically for Ubuntu/GNOME.
              Second, Kubuntu developers might have to wait a bit for the feature to be finished before porting can even start (which could be an advantage: a feature is totally tested first before it gets into Kubuntu).
              Third, creating a KDE/Qt frontend for the feature might not be the easiest thing in the world, specially if GNOME/GTK+ stuff are hardcoded into it.
              And lastly, we don't have much developers to create something similar but with a KDE frontend.

              Granted the situation is not ideal. It would be terribly nice if we could get the same new feature into Kubuntu at the same time (although that would, in some way, kinda lessen the spotlight on Ubuntu). However, the Ubuntu developers doing these work could also probably reach out to our Kubuntu developers and probably work together on it. But as it stands, we don't have that many developers in the first place. So if you could help, it would be greatly appreciated.

              3. KDE 4.0 on Kubuntu... Hm... maybe we should start a FAQ thread already on this. First of all, Kubuntu will ship with KDE 4.0 (or 4.1) only with Kubuntu 8.10 (next year). Gutsy is too soon (we don't have time to integrate everything) and Gutsy+1 will be an LTS release (we can't release with a slightly incomplete or unstable desktop). However, KDE 4 packages for Kubuntu will definitely be made available as they come. So there really is no problem.

              4. KDE 4.0: October vs. January. The thing is, there is no official announcement just yet. The schedule still says October. Until that officially changes, everything else is still speculation, although the possibility of KDE 4.0 being delayed does seem high. There is talk about the October release being called a "Technology Platform Release" or so, and having a "press-release"/release party on January. But like I said, no official word on that. So think what you like, just don't hold on to that too strong if things do change.
              Jucato&#39;s Data Core


                Re: Features and Distance

                1. Well, system features are common, yes it is
                2. Here is a problem: feature is created and then, later, ported. Nor system base - graphical frontend
                It seems, that system base depends on graphical frontend?
                And, of course, more resources for GTK-based utils and feaures
                3. Well... KDE4.0 can be realeased in October-2007 and we can see in Kubuntu only in October-2008...
                4. I will use KDE4.0 as soon as I will be able to


                  Re: Features and Distance

                  2. #2 is unrelated to what I said in #1. I'm referring to non-system features, for example a GUI grub editor, the restricted manager, etc. these are not part of the underlying system, but are addons to the GNOME desktop running on top. So yes, these do depend on graphical frontends, and yes these do take time to port, specially if the frontend is so intimately tied to the backend.

                  3. You didn't read my last sentence. KDE 4 packages will be made available for Kubuntu so we can see it in Kubuntu ASAP. What we won't see is KDE 4.0 being the default until Kubuntu 8.10. This is because of two reasons:

                  a. Kubuntu 7.10 is too early to put KDE 4.0, specially now that there seems to be a probably delay. We can't postone the release of all *buntus just so that Kubuntu could wait indefinitely for KDE 4.0.

                  b. Kubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron (just announced) will be an LTS release. And for that we need super stable software, one that we will be willing to (officially) support for 3 years. KDE 4.0 just doesn't fit in the requirements.

                  4. I might even have to build KDE 4 soon for development... :/
                  Jucato&#39;s Data Core


                    Re: Features and Distance

                    2. I see. There are no module structure in (*)buntu development
                    4. All of us are waiting for KDE4.0 packages
                    Good luck

                    As I see
                    this won't be added and, may be not added to 8.04.... Am I right?


                      Re: Features and Distance

                      KDE 4 just got delayed for 2 months...


                        Re: Features and Distance

                        yes it did. but you can look for a silver lining in the cloud with the delay; maybe that will make it that much better.
                        <br />

