Here are my requests for the finished GG.
1. Please move the waste bin from the task bar to the desktop itself. It takes up valuable room, and I would prefer the right hand side of the clock to contain the switch off and lock buttons.
2.Please enable Konqueror to be able to cope with today's web sites i.e flash, real player incorporated for media (TV) streaming, etc. I would rather use Konqueror as it automatically sends rss feeds to Akgregator.
3. I also like using the Kontact suite as they work well together. so do keep these as the default mail, contacts, etc.
4. Can we have a way to make the boot list more like the one in PCLinux (I think!) where you can edit your list in the boot loader menu so that it says Kubuntu OS, Vista Premium for example, it looks so much better and more professional somehow!
5. Allow the user the choice of using either Adept or Symantic as package loader.
Thanks TG
1. Please move the waste bin from the task bar to the desktop itself. It takes up valuable room, and I would prefer the right hand side of the clock to contain the switch off and lock buttons.
2.Please enable Konqueror to be able to cope with today's web sites i.e flash, real player incorporated for media (TV) streaming, etc. I would rather use Konqueror as it automatically sends rss feeds to Akgregator.
3. I also like using the Kontact suite as they work well together. so do keep these as the default mail, contacts, etc.
4. Can we have a way to make the boot list more like the one in PCLinux (I think!) where you can edit your list in the boot loader menu so that it says Kubuntu OS, Vista Premium for example, it looks so much better and more professional somehow!
5. Allow the user the choice of using either Adept or Symantic as package loader.
Thanks TG