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Remain loyal to QT?

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    Remain loyal to QT?

    As good as firefox is, it shouldn't be installed by default as Konquerer is a viable alternative.

    IMO, one Kubuntu goal should be to not include libgtk.... Let the user decide that after installing (or during)...
    I like KDE. My only gtk apps are beryl/emerald.

    Re: Remain loyal to QT?

    FIrefox has never been installed by default in Kubuntu, ever since Breezy. And I don't think it ever will.
    Jucato's Data Core


      Re: Remain loyal to QT?

      yeah, thats right, i can confirm that. i had used the ubuntu live cd one time and used firefox to surf the net and then used a kubuntu live cd (i think it was dapper iirc) and was wondering wth ff was. i think of course figured out that it is not installed by default...
      <br />


        Re: Remain loyal to QT?

        @Amoeba: I like Qt. I've even used it to write code. But why should Kubuntu try to be libgtk free?


          Re: Remain loyal to QT?

          I agree. I think it's such a trivial thing to install the gtk libraries when you need them that they shouldn't be installed by default. I'm a minimalist, so unless I know I want something on my system, I don't want it on my system. (e.g., just a few minutes ago I uninstalled all the default bluez and bluetooth stuff because I don't have bluetooth on this system).
          And please understand that this is not a loyalty thing. I don't have anything against GTK or Gnome, in fact I liked Gnome when I used to use it. It's just that I prefer KDE, so unless I find an app that I really want that requires GTK, I don't want to install it. And so far I haven't found any GTK apps that I really want.


            Re: Remain loyal to QT?

            Kubuntu is not trying to be GTK+ free for the sake of being GTK+ free. There are a couple of reasons why Kubuntu ships with KDE apps as much as possible:

            1. Branding. Riddell is a big endorser of the KDE brand. Same reason he doesn't want a Kubuntu icon for the K Menu.
            2. Economy of space. Creating a 1 CD distro is no joke. Especially when WinFOSS are included in the Desktop CD. So the less unneeded libs/packages, the better.

            There might be other reasons, but I know only of these two.
            Jucato&#39;s Data Core


              Re: Remain loyal to QT?

              I'm certainly not objecting to KDE or Qt. My own feelings about Gnome are close to those of Linus Torvalds (except that he's a MUCH better coder than I am.) I am objecting to what sounds to me, like a Qt vs. GTK "holy war" on the part of some posters at this site. I'd prefer to leave that sort of thinking to the folks at our sister site. I use Firefox, Synaptic, Emacs, Streamtuner, Pan and (at the moment) Xmms, for a variety of different reasons, none of them ideological.

              Jucato has offered a practical reason for not including the GTK libraries on the CD, that I'm willing to endorse, even if it does add a bit of time to the installation process.


                Re: Remain loyal to QT?

                While we are economizing why when I update I get 2,000,001 video card updates when I only have 1 installed! I uninstall all but what I use but this is a pain when 1st installing!

                The Ubuntu Counter Project - user number # 7859, registered Linux user 470405 Lenovo T510 Kubuntu Trusty 64bit, Intel Core i5-560M, 8 GB PC3-DDR3 SDRAM - 1067 MHz, NVIDIA NVS 3100m PCI Express, Wireless Centrino N 6300 My website


                  Re: Remain loyal to QT?

                  fwiw I found this on distrowatch...

                  PCLinuxOS is an English only live CD initially based on Mandrake Linux that runs entirely from a bootable CD.Data on the CD is uncompressed on the fly, allowing up to 2GB of programs on one CD including a complete X server, KDE desktop, and many more applications all ready to use. In addition to the live CD, you can also install PCLinuxOS to your hard drive with an easy-to-use livecd-installer. Additional applications can be added or removed from your hard drive using a friendly apt-get front end via Synaptic.

                  The Ubuntu Counter Project - user number # 7859, registered Linux user 470405 Lenovo T510 Kubuntu Trusty 64bit, Intel Core i5-560M, 8 GB PC3-DDR3 SDRAM - 1067 MHz, NVIDIA NVS 3100m PCI Express, Wireless Centrino N 6300 My website


                    Re: Remain loyal to QT?

                    While we are economizing why when I update I get 2,000,001 video card updates when I only have 1 installed!
                    Surely you exaggerate. I can't give an accurate analysis of what's happening unless you give an accurate account of the situation.

                    And yes, have you actually seen how much an installed Kubuntu system takes up on your hard drive? Would you believe it's also more than 2GB? Surprising, right?

                    But then you begin to think, no matter how much any distro tries to cram into a CD, the CD will still need to be at most 700MB. There's still a limit.
                    Jucato&#39;s Data Core


                      Re: Remain loyal to QT?

                      Originally posted by caryb
                      While we are economizing why when I update I get 2,000,001 video card updates when I only have 1 installed! I uninstall all but what I use but this is a pain when 1st installing!

                      You're confusing space on the CD with space on the hard drive. All those video card drivers *have* to be on the CD because not everyone has the same hardware.

                      Specs:&nbsp; Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 (@3Ghz), G.SKILL 4GB DDR2 1066, ASUS Striker II Formula MB, Asus EN9800GTX+ Dark Knight, ABS Tagan BZ800 PS, Antec 900 Case.

