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    I was really happy when I found out that hellanzb was in the repository, but it doesn't work for me. I think I configured it allright (just used the old config file I still had from before installing feisty fawn, I used hellanzb 0.10). This is the error i get:

    jaapkroe@hydrogen:~$ hellanzb
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/usr/bin/hellanzb", line 14, in <module>
    from Hellanzb.Core import main
    File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/Hellanzb/", line 12, in <module>
    import optparse, os, signal, sys, time, thread, threading, Hellanzb, Hellanzb.PostProcessor
    File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/Hellanzb/", line 15, in <module>
    from Hellanzb.PostProcessorUtil import *
    File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/Hellanzb/", line 13, in <module>
    from twisted.scripts.twistd import daemonize
    ImportError: cannot import name daemonize

    And here is my config file:

    # hellanzb.conf - sample hellanzb configuration file
    # To quickly get started, change the default defineServer() call and the
    # Hellanzb.PREFIX_DIR directory
    # This is actually interpreted python code: strings must be surrounded by
    # quotes, numbers and the 'None' keyword should not
    # $Id: hellanzb.conf.sample 726 2006-03-23 18:32:18Z pjenvey $

    # Log output to this file, set to None (no single quotes) for no logging
    Hellanzb.LOG_FILE = '/var/tmp/hellanzb.log'

    # Uncomment this line to log DEBUG messages to the specified file
    #Hellanzb.DEBUG_MODE = '/var/tmp/hellanzb-debug.log'

    # Automatically roll over both log files when they reach LOG_FILE_MAX_BYTES
    # size
    Hellanzb.LOG_FILE_MAX_BYTES = 0

    # Save LOG_FILE_BACKUP_COUNT of those rolled over log files
    Hellanzb.LOG_FILE_BACKUP_COUNT = 0

    # Define server connections. Servers can have multiple hosts, hellanzb will
    # persist the number of connections to each specified server. There may be
    # multiple defineServer lines.

    # Set both the username and password to 'None' (without the quotes) if your
    # usenet server does not require authorization

    defineServer(id = 'XS4All',
    hosts = [ '' ],
    #hosts = [ '', '' ],
    #username = 'changeme',
    #password = 'hella',
    username = None, # no auth
    password = None,
    connections = 3,
    antiIdle = 4.5 * 60, # 4 minutes, 30 seconds
    #bindTo = '', # connect FROM this ip address
    #enabled = False, # disable this server
    #skipGroupCmd = False, # skip sending nntp GROUP commands

    #defineServer(id = 'surfnet',
    # hosts = [ '' ],
    #hosts = [ '', '' ],
    #username = 'changeme',
    #password = 'hella',
    # username = None, # no auth
    # password = None,
    # connections = 8,
    # antiIdle = 4.5 * 60, # 4 minutes, 30 seconds
    #bindTo = '', # connect FROM this ip address
    #enabled = False, # disable this server
    #skipGroupCmd = False, # skip sending nntp GROUP commands
    # )

    # Uncomment this line to limit all server connections to the specified KB/s
    # bandwidth
    #Hellanzb.MAX_RATE = 150 # limit to 150kB/s

    ### Important locations! ###
    Hellanzb.PREFIX_DIR = '/home/jaapkroe/downloads/Hellanzb/temp/'

    # Where to put queued .nzb files
    Hellanzb.QUEUE_DIR = '/home/jaapkroe/downloads/'

    # Where the fully processed archives go
    #Hellanzb.DEST_DIR = '/home/jaapkroe/downloads/data/'
    Hellanzb.DEST_DIR = '/home/jaapkroe/downloads/Hellanzb/'
    #Hellanzb.DEST_DIR = '/media/usbdisk/Downloads/'

    # The .nzb currently being downloaded is stored here
    Hellanzb.CURRENT_DIR = Hellanzb.PREFIX_DIR + 'nzb/daemon.current/'

    # The archive currently being downloaded is stored here
    Hellanzb.WORKING_DIR = Hellanzb.PREFIX_DIR + 'nzb/daemon.working/'

    # Archives interrupted in the middle of downloading are stored here temporarily
    Hellanzb.POSTPONED_DIR = Hellanzb.PREFIX_DIR + 'nzb/daemon.postponed/'

    # Archives currently being processed. May contains archive directories, or
    # symbolic links to archive directories
    Hellanzb.PROCESSING_DIR = Hellanzb.PREFIX_DIR + 'nzb/daemon.processing/'

    # Temp storage
    Hellanzb.TEMP_DIR = Hellanzb.PREFIX_DIR + 'nzb/daemon.temp/'

    # Filename to store hellanzb state in between CTRL-Cs. The state (includes the
    # order of the queue, and smart par recovery information) is intermittently
    # written out as XML to this file
    Hellanzb.STATE_XML_FILE = Hellanzb.PREFIX_DIR + 'nzb/hellanzbState.xml'

    # _Sub directory within the nzb archive dir_ to move processed files to
    Hellanzb.PROCESSED_SUBDIR = 'processed'

    # Remove the PROCESSED_SUBDIR if the archive was successfully post processed.
    # Warning: The normal Hellanzb.LOG_FILE should be enabled with this option --
    # for a record of what hellanzb deletes
    Hellanzb.DELETE_PROCESSED = True

    # Disable SMART_PAR (download all PAR files)
    #Hellanzb.SMART_PAR = False

    # Skip unraring during post processing
    #Hellanzb.SKIP_UNRAR = False

    # hellanzb inherits the umask from the current user's environment (unless it's
    # running in daemon mode). The umask can be forced with this option
    #Hellanzb.UMASK = 0022

    # Supported music types (case insensitive) and optionally their decompression
    # executables
    # and the file type that executable will decompress to (case insensitive). The
    # exes must be in the PATH.
    # <FILE> will be replaced with the name of music file
    # optional <DESTFILE> is <FILE> with the specified extension
    # None means these files don't need to be decompressed
    defineMusicType('wav', None, None)
    defineMusicType('mp3', None, None)
    #defineMusicType('ape', 'mac <FILE> <DESTFILE> -d', 'wav')
    #defineMusicType('flac', 'flac -d -- <FILE>', 'wav')
    #defineMusicType('shn', 'shorten -x < <FILE> > <DESTFILE>', 'wav')

    # Max files we should decompress at the same time

    # Enable Mac OS X Growl notifications
    Hellanzb.GROWL_NOTIFY = False

    # The growl notification server, in the format 'hostname'
    Hellanzb.GROWL_SERVER = 'IP'

    # The growl password
    Hellanzb.GROWL_PASSWORD = 'password'

    # Hostname for the XMLRPC client to connect to. By default, localhost
    Hellanzb.XMLRPC_SERVER = 'localhost'

    # Port number the XML RPC server will listen on, and the client will connect to.
    # Set to 'None' (without the quotes!) for no XML RPC server
    Hellanzb.XMLRPC_PORT = 8760

    # Password for the XML RPC server. You might probably never use this, but the
    # command line XML RPC calls do -- it should definitely be changed from its
    # default value. The XML RPC username is hardcoded as 'hellanzb' -- E.g. URL:
    # http://hellanzb:changeme@localhost:8760
    Hellanzb.XMLRPC_PASSWORD = 'changeme'

    # Username/Password to for automatic NZB downloading
    Hellanzb.NEWZBIN_USERNAME = None
    Hellanzb.NEWZBIN_PASSWORD = None

    # If any of the following file types are missing from the archive and cannot be
    # repaired, continue processing because they're unimportant (case insensitive)
    Hellanzb.NOT_REQUIRED_FILE_TYPES = [ 'log', 'm3u', 'nfo', 'nzb', 'sfv', 'txt' ]

    # Don't get rid of (move into the PROCESSED dir) the following file types when
    # finished post processing (case insensitive)
    #Hellanzb.KEEP_FILE_TYPES = [ 'log', 'm3u', 'nfo', 'nzb', 'sfv', 'txt' ]
    Hellanzb.KEEP_FILE_TYPES = [ 'nfo', 'txt' ]

    # List of alternative file extensions matched as NZB files in the QUEUE_DIR.
    # The 'nzb' file extension is always matched
    #Hellanzb.OTHER_NZB_FILE_TYPES = [ 'xml' ]

    Re: hellanzb

    I've found other people on the internet with the same problem, but in the meantime herd 3 has come out and nothing has changed, I hope you still have time to fix this.

