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adept sources

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    adept sources


    I have always used mplayer for all my media files, (music and video). But now I only get to install kmplayer which does not seem to work command line.

    Also I wanted to ask if two one other programs that I use a lot could be included in the sources, the 1st program is: hellanzb; a commandline (python based) usenet client, which handles nzb-files, multiple servers, and does the par-repair and unpacking by itself.
    the 2nd is; jpeg2eps, actually a small script written partly in postscript partly in bash and converts jpeg-files to eps-files very efficiently (about 1:1).

    [i]Edit: I just found out hellanzb is included in the feisty repository!! And it's much nicer configured then compiling by source code.
    jpeg2eps is not a big issue to me anyway, just a matter of copying the files to some dir included in the path.
    Mplayer i got installed by using the old (Edgy repository-sources), temp adding
    deb edgy multiverse
    deb-src edgy multiverse
    Edit2: Just add the multiverse to feisty archive (behind where it says universe).
    to: /etc/apt/sources.list
    (if anyone wanted to know..)


    Re: adept sources

    Thanks! Your post really helped me out!


      Re: adept sources

      mplayer is available in Feisty, it is in multiverse, as a matter of fact, I just installed it this morning using Ubuntu's standard multiverse/universe repositories. It looks like some of the deps/suggested packages for it are in Universe, so make sure you have both enabled

      for example:
      deb [url][/url] feisty universe multiverse
      mixing distributions can lead to problems and is not recommended


        Re: adept sources

        I'm really a n00b at this.

        Could someone explain how to get into multiuniverse. I tried cutting and pasting "deb feisty universe multiverse" into the Konsole and got an error. I tried typing it into the Adept Manager and it didn't work either. How can I open the repository so that I can get these files. It seems that most discussion here is geared towards those who understand command-line interface. I do not. I try to do it graphically as much as possible.


          Re: adept sources

          this will give you very good step-by-step instruction on how to do it in Adept.

          Alternatively, you can edit the file by hand:
          go to /etc/apt/, and right-click on the file "sources.list," and select "Actions - Edit as Root"
          This will open the file in a text editor with admin privileges.
          If you look at the very simple text file, you may see why some find it simpler than a gui to edit.

