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Mounting Multiple Partitions into Same Folder (SOLVED)!!!

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    Mounting Multiple Partitions into Same Folder (SOLVED)!!!

    Is this possible? I have over 1TB of movies on 3 different hard drives. I want to be able to go to a single folder and be able to see and play all of them. I don't know if I can do this with symbolic links or mounting or some other method. Please advise.


    LVM worked beautifully! Thank you all very much.
    "If you're in a room with another person who sees the world exactly as you do, one of you is redundant." Dr. Steven Covey, The 7-Habits of Highly Effective People

    Re: Mounting Multiple Partitions into Same Folder

    Several options here:

    The easiest way will be to symlink each of the drives movie folders into a parent folder. So, let's say you had movies on hda3, hdb1, and sdb3 all accessible through a corresponding mount in /media.
    mkdir ~/movies
    ln -s /media/hda3 ~/movies/hda3
    ln -s /media/hdb1 ~/movies/hdb1
    ln -s /media/sdb3 ~/movies/sdb3
    Of course, if the movies were separated into folders based on type, that would be even better. You could put /funny in one drive, /nsfw in another, and /streetfights on the third.

    Another route would be to use software raid 0. This has the disadvantage that if you lose a drive you lose all your data. It will also probably require you to bounce the data away from the drives, then back after setting up the raid. Not real sure on this.

    Finally, look into LVM (Logical Volume Manage(er)|(ment)). I've never messed with it, but I believe it is just for this sort of situation.


      Re: Mounting Multiple Partitions into Same Folder

      Okay, I'm a little confused here. First of all, I agree that raid 0 is not the way to go. LVM looks interesting and so, I'll take your advice and investigate that approach when I'm done posting this reply.

      Now for the link approach: would not the code you suggest still divide the movies into different subfolders under /media/movies/? If so, I'm trying to get all my movies into the same folder (directory).

      Thanks for the quick response.

      "If you're in a room with another person who sees the world exactly as you do, one of you is redundant." Dr. Steven Covey, The 7-Habits of Highly Effective People


        Re: Mounting Multiple Partitions into Same Folder

        yes, it would be subfolders under the same parent, which is why I suggested organizing by type. If you've got I TB of movies, you probably don't want them all in the same folder. dir actions are going to be a nightmare.


          Re: Mounting Multiple Partitions into Same Folder

          Actually I do want them in the same folder. I'm working on an application that will do the sorting and searching by various fields, but the movies have to be in the same folder. Can I do this?

          "If you're in a room with another person who sees the world exactly as you do, one of you is redundant." Dr. Steven Covey, The 7-Habits of Highly Effective People


            Re: Mounting Multiple Partitions into Same Folder

            Yes. LVM is what you want.

