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Upgrading Kubuntu?

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    Upgrading Kubuntu?

    Can I upgrade my Kubuntu 7.04 to Kubuntu 7.10? If so, how? Thanks.

    Re: Upgrading Kubuntu?

    You can either let Adept take care of it for you (1), or manually upgrade (2).

    1) Let Adept do the work:
    - Open the Adept Manager by going to KMenu -> System -> Adept Manager (Manage Packages)
    - In Adept, go to Adept -> Manage Repositories
    - Enable the "Recommended updates" and "Pre-released updates" repository, close and reload
    - If your system is up to date, the upgrade wizard will be offered after you click "Fetch Updates" via the "Version Upgrade" button.
    - If you would like to see pictures of each step, click here.

    (thanks to

    2) Manually install (in case the above doesn't work or you just prefer this method)
    - Click this link to go to the 'Ubuntu sources.list Generator'
    - Choose the specifics for your hardware, and tell it you use 'Ubuntu 7.10 (gutsy)'
    - Tick the 'Tick this box to include source repositories' option and select 'Send'
    - Make sure the "supported", "community supported", and "backports" options are checked, and hit the 'Create sources.list' button
    - Open Konsole and enter the following command:
    kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list
    - Replace everything in the file that opens with what you just generated, and save and close it.
    - In Konsole, enter the following series of commands:
    sudo aptitude install -f && sudo dpkg --configure -a
    sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude full-upgrade
    sudo aptitude clean && sudo aptitude autoclean
    sudo update-grub
    - Stay near your computer during the process because you'll be asked a series of questions; just choose the default 'yes' to all of them

    - If everything runs smoothly, restart your computer and you should be running Gutsy! If you have trouble, let me know
    Asus G1S-X3:
    Intel Core2 Duo T7500, Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT, 4Gb PC2-5300, 320Gb Hitachi 7k320, Linux ( )

