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CollabCAD working on Kubuntu

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    CollabCAD working on Kubuntu

    I've got CollabCAD working on Kubuntu Feisty Fawn. I've looked through the net and can only find one other reference to running CollabCAD on a Ubuntu system, and in this case, the writer ran into an installation problem and couldn't complete it.

    CollabCAD is a 3D modelling CAD system allowing collaborative work on a design across a network. It is being developed by the national informatics branch of the Indian government and a consortium of industries. It is currently available as a free download from It is by far the most sophisticated CAD available without charge on Linux. It is however still under development. It's a slow download and you should consider a Bittorent client to assist yourself and others in this if you're interested..

    It is not well documented, and this is probably the problem faced by people trying to install it. In fact, I found the installation easy, though not what I had expected.

    Looking at the downloadable files a .tgz file of over 100 megabytes, I assumed that it was a source file that would have to be compiled. In fact it does not need compilation, it is merely unpacked. for use

    Once unpacked into the collabcad folder it can be run directly from the script. Be aware however that this is a C shell, not a bash script -- a fact it took awhile to figure out. You can run the program by opening a terminal and changing to the collabcad directory. Issue the command ./collabcad to start.

    I built a shortcut with an icon to open the program from the desktop without using the terminal.

    In use, a problem I had was trying to figure out how to change the color of an entity. There is no obvious path to controlling colors in CollabCAD.

    After trying many menu drawing commands I finally stumbled upon the Edit, Modify, command which requires selection of an entity. There, finally I found you could alter an object's color. There is no way to set a default drawing color initially however -- there are very limited options for saving preferences.

    Despite some challenges, due mainly to a lack of good documentation, I found this to be a very good design tool, with great potential for sophisticated work. It will take some learning however. I'm sure that the user interface, particularly drawing preferences, will be improved as will the documentation.

    I'd be interested in hearing from others who use this CAD system.
    Attached Files

    Re: CollabCAD working on Kubuntu

    Another screenshot in wireframe mode.
    Attached Files


      Re: CollabCAD working on Kubuntu

      This looks really interesting. It looks a lot like AutoCAD, does it function pretty much the same?


        Re: CollabCAD working on Kubuntu

        Never could afford Autocad, so I can't tell you. Did mess around with 2d AC lite back around version 13 or so -- found it painful, and one of the worst GUIs (really a command line modal IF faking it as a gui).

        CollabCAD is definitely easier to use, I think, but idiosyncratic in some simple things, like setting colors.

        A MAJOR difference is that CollabCAD does not import or output DXF or DWG files.

        STEP, IGES, and VRML are supported.

        So if you want to bring in those file types or write them, (and who doesn't) you need a translator.

        But for a free program of this sophistication, whaddya want egg in yer beer?

        I mean this thing does CAM, interfaces with Blender and other renderers, has a MRP tie in, analysis tie-ins, etc.

        I really would be interested in a DXF->IGES or STEP translator for Linux -- anybody got any suggestions?


          Re: CollabCAD working on Kubuntu

          My only stumbling block is they want my address. Hell to the no on that.


            Re: CollabCAD working on Kubuntu

            Well I gave mine to them over a year ago, and haven't seen my mailbox filled with advertisements from India for free 3D CAD/CAM systems.

            In fact, I haven't even received the courtesy of a single postcard.

            Or the exotic stamp used to mail it.


              Re: CollabCAD working on Kubuntu

              No exotic stamp? Thats just insulting. :P

