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Running bin files

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    Running bin files

    As I understand Linux bin files are executable and one should be able to run it if in local directory type ./nameoffile.bin
    I cannot run single bin file. What is wrong? I have Kubuntu 7.10 and in 7.4. I experienced the same problem.

    Please help me.
    Thanks in advance, Grega the Smart duck

    Re: Running bin files

    I think you have got a somewhat wrong notion going here -- I've been running Kubuntu for only a year now, so don't chisel what I say in granite -- I'm no guru by a long shot.

    However, here's what is true, AFAIK:

    - more than just .bin files can be executable. Matter of fact, I'm not sure there is any particular limit to the file format of a Linux file that can be executed. It sounds like maybe your are bringing the DOS ".exe" model of executable file format rules into Linux, where there is no such thing.

    - In a year of running all kinds of Linux apps, the only reason to "run" a file as you are describing is for particular installation or configuration scripts, or if it is a command-line only package. For example to configure the VMWare Player, you have to run a file named /usr/bin/ Note that it doesn't end in ".bin", but it "runs". But, for CLI-only packages, you normally enter only the package name to run it, like the utility for Nvidia cards which is named "nvidia-settings". You don't ever have to go hunt down a .bin file, AFAIK.

    I hope this is a little helpful.


      Re: Running bin files

      You should check that the file has been set to be executable in its permissions. Right-click the file, and go to Proprieties, then Permissions. Most times, these files are set to be NOT executable for safety/security reasons.

      What are you attempting to run?

