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Consistant Problems

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    Consistant Problems

    Hello Kubuntu community,

    I'm a huge fan of Kubuntu, and hoping that I can find a way to use it dominantly on my computer, replacing Windows almost, if not completely.

    However I have consistant major issues that never seem to cease! I have reinstalled Kubuntu (By reformatting the Hard Drive in which Kubuntu is on) over 5 times now. I still have constant problems. I have made a list below of the problems, and I hope I can find some help soon, I just find it annoying that Linux seems to have a vendetta against my use :P

    1. I can't simply logout, upon logout, I get the Kubuntu boot splash (For some reason.) and then a black screen with a simple blinking underscore. This is not a console and will not accept any commands, I have tried throwing login, exit, shutdown, help and many others at it. It is nothing, but any time I shutdown, logout, or any of the sort, I get this. I have to actually use my reboot button to simply shutdown, or logout.

    2. Bootsplash malfunction? I have a custom bootsplash (The animated image you get upon "Logging in" as KDE and such starts.) which may be the problem, so this hasn't been a major issue, but it is very annoying...After logging in successfully, the Bootsplash works perfectly up until it gets to the "Desktop" part, then, as if it were a screenshot of the login screen, there is an image of the login screen in the upper right corner of the screen.

    3. Performance Issues. I have MAJOR performance issues, IE: Switching between open windows takes about ~30 seconds. Major slowdown doing anything, and start up actually takes 2 minutes after everything is already loaded up ad such, before the computer is even usable. Opening the K menu takes ~7 seconds I've counted, it's ridiculous. I have 1gig of RAM, and around 493 (From the 500 I partitioned) of swap space. It certainly can't be my RAM, can it? O_O World of Warcraft doesn't even use the amount of memory Kubuntu apparently does?

    I'm really hoping I can get some answers. If anyone has any insights, needs more information, whatever I can provide you to help I will gladly do. I'm also on the IRC ( [#kubuntu]) network under the same name, Kobol, if you wish to speak with me there.

    Thank you in advance,

    Re: Consistant Problems

    If you tried to install Ubuntu, and then install kde (if you want it)
    using gdm for login?


      Re: Consistant Problems

      I was really just hoping to keep using Kubuntu. I prefer KDE to Gnome. My bootsplash is for KDE, that I know.


        Re: Consistant Problems

        Originally posted by Kobol
        Hello Kubuntu community,

        I'm a huge fan of Kubuntu, and hoping that I can find a way to use it dominantly on my computer, replacing Windows almost, if not completely.
        Hello, and welcome. I don't recognize all these problems, but maybe I can offer some pointers that will lead to fixes.

        1. I can't simply logout, upon logout, I get the Kubuntu boot splash (For some reason.) and then a black screen with a simple blinking underscore. This is not a console and will not accept any commands, I have tried throwing login, exit, shutdown, help and many others at it. It is nothing, but any time I shutdown, logout, or any of the sort, I get this. I have to actually use my reboot button to simply shutdown, or logout.
        This is clearly a video driver problem of some sort -- usually we see this at the beginning of a kdm session, not at the end, but I recognize it. When you get to the black screen with the blinky "_" in the upper left corner, do Alt-F1, or if that doesn't work, try Ctrl-Alt-F1, and I'll bet you get a console login prompt. If so, log in with you user name and password, and then issue
        sudo shutdown now
        to shut down the system properly, or
        sudo shutdown now -r
        to shut it down and restart it.

        The general fix for video driver problems is to first set your display up as a VESA display, and then to install an appropriate driver. VESA instructions here:

        And then if you will post your graphic chip, possibly we can point you to a better driver.

        2. Bootsplash malfunction? I have a custom bootsplash (The animated image you get upon "Logging in" as KDE and such starts.) which may be the problem, so this hasn't been a major issue, but it is very annoying...After logging in successfully, the Bootsplash works perfectly up until it gets to the "Desktop" part, then, as if it were a screenshot of the login screen, there is an image of the login screen in the upper right corner of the screen.
        I've been seeing increasing reports of problems with the splash screens on newer hardware, especially laptops. Let's get the basic video display working correctly first, then see if this problem still exists. If it does, probably a "VGA=" boot option will fix it -- we just need to figure out which VGA resolution is best for your display.

        3. Performance Issues. I have MAJOR performance issues, IE: Switching between open windows takes about ~30 seconds. Major slowdown doing anything, and start up actually takes 2 minutes after everything is already loaded up ad such, before the computer is even usable. Opening the K menu takes ~7 seconds I've counted, it's ridiculous. I have 1gig of RAM, and around 493 (From the 500 I partitioned) of swap space. It certainly can't be my RAM, can it? O_O World of Warcraft doesn't even use the amount of memory Kubuntu apparently does?
        Doesn't sound right to me. Post your hardware (CPU and RAM), and tell us how you set up the partitions (how large did you make "/" and "swap"?).

        I'm really hoping I can get some answers
        I'm really hoping I can come up with some!


          Re: Consistant Problems

          Apparently login works.
          Try installing another desktop and see if that is stable (wmaker, blackbox, qvwm, whatever)

          We have another thread about an X problem with kubuntu.

          You want kde --well, kde on top of ubuntu is supposed to give the same effect, of course with a bigger system..

          It would be a quick and dirty possible fix, you have reinstalled amny times already


            Re: Consistant Problems

            Originally posted by dibl
            And then if you will post your graphic chip, possibly we can point you to a better driver.
            I use an nVidia GeForce 7600 GS which has onboard 256megs of RAM.

            Originally posted by dibl
            I've been seeing increasing reports of problems with the splash screens on newer hardware, especially laptops. Let's get the basic video display working correctly first, then see if this problem still exists.
            No problem! Like I said: Minor annoyance, I really just want to be able to get the major stuff working :S

            Originally posted by dibl
            Doesn't sound right to me. Post your hardware (CPU and RAM), and tell us how you set up the partitions (how large did you make "/" and "swap"?).
            Me either! So I'll make a spec list of my box...

            AMD Athelon64 @ 3.8GHz (I believe.)
            nVidia GeForce 7600GS, 1000 MB of RAM
            486.3 (I partitioned 500) MBs of Swap
            72.6 GB of ext3, Mount Point: /

            Oh and if this helps: My Linux hard drive, is SATA. If that makes any difference.

            EDIT: Actually, I have fixed my performance problems, so we can scratch off one! I apparently had the translucency set to full window instead of just the decoration, but even then I'm surprised at the slow down O_o Either way, it's fixed! I can use Alt+Tab again! Yay! Now to deal with the other stuff :S


              Re: Consistant Problems

              I'll just throw out a couple of thoughts at this point.

              1. Are you sure that you aren't giving shutdown enough time? Given that you say you have bad performance problems it might be that shutdown is just taking a while. I have machines where it isn't unusual for the graphics to do what you are describing at certain points during shutdown. Have you ever tried walking away from the machine for 10 minutes or so to see if the shutdown is actually happening but is affected by your general performance problems.

              2. I don't think you are running an athlon 64 at 3.8Ghz.
              If you are overclocking the chip I wonder if you might have been too aggressive. It would be interesting to see what would happen if you set it back to stock speed.
              If you are not overclocking it would be helpful to know whether the bios is recognizing the processor properly and some information about what your cpu frequency and dram settings are in the bios. If this is a system you built yourself and you didn't check them it could be causing problems. Don't mess with them yet unless you know what you are doing. Is this a pre-built machine or did you build it yourself. If pre-built have you ever messed around with the bios settings?

              3. I agree that video is a prime suspect. Could you paste the results of the following here.
              in terminal (kmenu -> System -> konsole

              cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf


                Re: Consistant Problems

                Originally posted by Kobol

                I use an nVidia GeForce 7600 GS which has onboard 256megs of RAM.
                Cool -- that's a nice card -- I have the 7900GS. I like to use Envy to install the Nvidia proprietary driver, for several reasons, mainly due to what happens when you accept a kernel upgrade .... :P Here's the instruction:


                Oh and if this helps: My Linux hard drive, is SATA. If that makes any difference.
                That's only an issue if you ALSO have an IDE/PATA drive in the system, at the time you're attempting to install Linux. You have apparently already slipped past that particular risk.

                EDIT: Actually, I have fixed my performance problems, so we can scratch off one! I apparently had the translucency set to full window instead of just the decoration, but even then I'm surprised at the slow down O_o Either way, it's fixed! I can use Alt+Tab again! Yay! Now to deal with the other stuff :S


                  Re: Consistant Problems


                  1. Are you sure that you aren't giving shutdown enough time? Given that you say you have bad performance problems it might be that shutdown is just taking a while. I have machines where it isn't unusual for the graphics to do what you are describing at certain points during shutdown. Have you ever tried walking away from the machine for 10 minutes or so to see if the shutdown is actually happening but is affected by your general performance problems.
                  I'm sure I've left it up all night before. I have fixed my performance issues and the boot issues, dibl was right on the money it was display stuff.

                  If you are overclocking the chip I wonder if you might have been too aggressive. It would be interesting to see what would happen if you set it back to stock speed.
                  If you are not overclocking it would be helpful to know whether the bios is recognizing the processor properly and some information about what your cpu frequency and dram settings are in the bios. If this is a system you built yourself and you didn't check them it could be causing problems. Don't mess with them yet unless you know what you are doing. Is this a pre-built machine or did you build it yourself. If pre-built have you ever messed around with the bios settings?
                  I made an estimate to be honest, it is actually around 3.2 I believe, I did build the system myself, and I am rather good with my BIOS and Hardware just couldn't remember the exact CPU speed off the top of my head, I suppose I was being optimistic.

                  3. I agree that video is a prime suspect. Could you paste the results of the following here.
                  in terminal (kmenu -> System -> konsole
                  Well since getting some new nVidia drivers and redoing the reconfigure xserver-xorg.conf, everything is running along swimmingly, I'd say you're both right


                  Cool -- that's a nice card -- I have the 7900GS. I like to use Envy to install the Nvidia proprietary driver, for several reasons, mainly due to what happens when you accept a kernel upgrade .... Tongue Here's the instruction:

                  Well I do have excellent news, As per your inference and instruction, I did a little research of my own, and with the help of a friend on the IRC network, I have installed my nVidia drivers, (Sans Envy, since in the IRC they actually seem to...dislike it, a lot. Heh :P) and I can boot, login/out, shutdown, restart etc etc without issue now!

                  That's only an issue if you ALSO have an IDE/PATA drive in the system, at the time you're attempting to install Linux. You have apparently already slipped past that particular risk.
                  Well my Windows HD is IDE. But since we've got the kinks worked out (All except my bootsplash, which I simply replaced.) It seems my case is closed?

                  I'm really thankful for the help, apparently all I needed was a little "Inspiration" as to where the problem was, and then I was able to get the help and self-help I needed! I'll be sure to float about the forums every now and then, thanks again for all your help! I'm problem free at the moment, except for my SQL server giving me hell *kicks* but I'll deal with that later

                  Much Appreciated,

