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Xorg leaking CPU?

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    Re: Xorg leaking CPU?


    I will testify: This ( --> 100%, and everything locks up) has been a problem on my computer since I installed kubuntu. I started with the version before dapper, but I cannot even remember what it was called now :P.

    The problems has been more or less independent of Kubuntu version, except right now it is worse than ever, and it is worse on 64 bit compared to 32 bit (I have AMD Athlon 64x2 4200 Mhz processor, Nvidia 7900 GT graphics card).

    From time to time, I have tried to look into this problem and even got some advice from more experienced users, but never been able to figure out exactly where it starts. Incompatibilities with the Nvidia binary driver (closed source black box of sometimes not so perfect magic) have been suggested, but as everything just locks up and there isn't really a trace of the problem in log files etc I have had a hard time figuring it out.

    Hopefully one day my desktop environment will be stable. At first when i started with linux, stability was one of the reasons for moving, but status after approx two years with kubuntu is that WinXP is more stable and Kubuntu about as stable as I remember my old Mac from the study days was. We are talking approx 1995 MacOS..... Both old MacOS and recent Kubuntu has the problem of (frequent) lockups, requiring reboot, where WinXP gets away with Ctrl-alt-del and kill off the darn process, restart it and move on.

    In my eyes such stability problems should be killed by the development process (at least, in an ideal world.)


      Re: Xorg leaking CPU?

      I'm having a similair problem. but it's that Xorg is leaking memory, it uses about 370 MB from boot...

      Any sugestions how to overcome this quickly? otherwise i'll just wait for Gutsy.


        Re: Xorg leaking CPU?

        Is it actually requiring 370MB to run apps or is it using some of that for caching? My system uses almost all of my 2 gigs of RAM, but mostly for caching.
        Asus G1S-X3:
        Intel Core2 Duo T7500, Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT, 4Gb PC2-5300, 320Gb Hitachi 7k320, Linux ( )


          Re: Xorg leaking CPU?

          Originally posted by heinkel_111

          I will testify: This ( --> 100%, and everything locks up) has been a problem on my computer since I installed kubuntu. I started with the version before dapper, but I cannot even remember what it was called now :P.

          The problems has been more or less independent of Kubuntu version, except right now it is worse than ever, and it is worse on 64 bit compared to 32 bit (I have AMD Athlon 64x2 4200 Mhz processor, Nvidia 7900 GT graphics card).

          From time to time, I have tried to look into this problem and even got some advice from more experienced users, but never been able to figure out exactly where it starts. Incompatibilities with the Nvidia binary driver (closed source black box of sometimes not so perfect magic) have been suggested, but as everything just locks up and there isn't really a trace of the problem in log files etc I have had a hard time figuring it out.

          Hopefully one day my desktop environment will be stable. At first when i started with linux, stability was one of the reasons for moving, but status after approx two years with kubuntu is that WinXP is more stable and Kubuntu about as stable as I remember my old Mac from the study days was. We are talking approx 1995 MacOS..... Both old MacOS and recent Kubuntu has the problem of (frequent) lockups, requiring reboot, where WinXP gets away with Ctrl-alt-del and kill off the darn process, restart it and move on.

          In my eyes such stability problems should be killed by the development process (at least, in an ideal world.)
          Well i have to say i never really have to reboot. I can ever switch to tty1 and kill xorg from there. But if i first try to click something,it takes a while. However,i moved on linux like 3months ago on my desktop (and ever on servers never would put win there -.-) and with debian i had no problems at all, but moved to kubuntu coz more packages for desktop come here However i don't think i'm kind of noob but windows were pretty unstable when i needed some serious work...or even some easy system tweaks :P
          So have U tried ctrl+alt+f1 after that leak thingy? Sometimes even ctrl+alt+bkspc works, but switching to term seems to be more reliable to me.


            Re: Xorg leaking CPU?

            Seems we have a critical bug here --and feisty is supposed to be stable and mature.
            Has it been reported?

            I think someone said switching to ubuntu fixes it.
            If i had such a problem i would not hesitate. You can run kde with ubuntu (just avoid kdm i guess)
            I'm not doing it because I dont have this problem and I have limited diskspace

            And one could try switching to slim as login manager.


              Re: Xorg leaking CPU?

              This problem has been around for a while, there seems to be no traceable cause, and programmers can only do so much without any information; for now, I believe we (those of us with the problem) are just outa' luck :P
              Asus G1S-X3:
              Intel Core2 Duo T7500, Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT, 4Gb PC2-5300, 320Gb Hitachi 7k320, Linux ( )


                Re: Xorg leaking CPU?

                In terms of memory my system will often report about 480 megs with only kdm and Windowmaker
                Total RAM is 512 (ridiculous isnt it)
                But then even though I start 10 big applications it does not go above 496-97 and the system runs fine, stays responsive, and then I guess these figures mean little.

                Processor: quite busy.. 0 to 100 constantly but no freezes.
                Athlon 2.0 ghz overclocked to 2280 mhz (supposed to run fine at 2300 mhz but not on my cheap system)

