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alter Konqueror front page to display mnt as well as media?

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    Re: alter Konqueror front page to display mnt as well as media?

    Thanks Rog131. The "%1" consumption works fine. I understand what it's doing, and I almost understand how to use it myself now.

    The SuperKonqueror is not working out, though. With both my adaptation of your code, and your code straight, I get the same error:
    An error occurred while loading applications:/Internet/SuperKonqueror:
    Unknown settings folder
    I tried to install SuperKonqueror with Adept, but it doesn't exist. And a search on google for SuperKonqueror turns up almost nothing (5 hits -- all in French.)

    Is this something in 7.10 missing from 7.04? I am still using Feisty Fawn, not Gutsy Gibbon.


    Note -- code as used:
    	   <td valign="bottom">
    		<a href="applications:/Internet/SuperKonqueror"><img src="/usr/share/icons/default.kde/32x32/actions/messagebox_warning.png" height="32" width="32" /></a>
    	   <td valign="bottom">
    		 <a href="applications:/Internet/SuperKonqueror">SuperKonqueror</a><br><span id="subtext"><nobr>Kdesudo Konqueror</span>


      Re: alter Konqueror front page to display mnt as well as media?

      I tried to install SuperKonqueror with Adept, but it doesn't exist. And a search on google for SuperKonqueror turns up almost nothing (5 hits -- all in French.)

      Is this something in 7.10 missing from 7.04? I am still using Feisty Fawn, not Gutsy Gibbon.
      My bad

      SuperKonqueror = Konqueror with root rights

      In Kde Menu Editor:

      Larger version:
      Before you edit, BACKUP !

      Why there are dead links ?
      1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
      2. Thread: Lost Information


        Re: alter Konqueror front page to display mnt as well as media?

        OK. So you made that shortcut in the KDE menu editor? I could use any name -- RootKonqueror, for example, instead of SuperKonqueror?

        I made one, everything is the same except the name, but I'm still getting an error:
        An error occurred while loading applications:/Internet/RootKonqueror:
        Unknown settings folder
        I'll look at this more in about ten hours, or maybe a couple of days. It's late here in Japan now; I'm starting to make mistakes; and I have a beach BBQ to go to tomorrow afternoon.

        Cheers -- and thanks again for all your help. I am going to be able to get pretty much what I wanted



          Re: alter Konqueror front page to display mnt as well as media?

          OK. So you made that shortcut in the KDE menu editor? I could use any name -- RootKonqueror, for example, instead of SuperKonqueror?

          I made one, everything is the same except the name, but I'm still getting an error:
          Can you start it from:

          Konqueror > Applications > Internet -> start_konqueror (new name = SuperKonqueror)

          Before you edit, BACKUP !

          Why there are dead links ?
          1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
          2. Thread: Lost Information


            Re: alter Konqueror front page to display mnt as well as media?

            OK. So I got it running now. Here is what I had to do:
            My RootKonqueror was not appearing on the applications list.
            Under KDE Menu Editor, I had:
              Name: RootKonqueror
              Comments: launch konqueror as root
              Command: kdesudo konqueror
              ... Enable launch feedback (checked)
            However, as I said, this was not appearing on the applications list popping up from the KDE Start button. Curiously, there is no "OK" button on the KDE Menu Editor. I remember clicking the "X" to close the editor when I first made the shortcut, and the window just disappeared with no feedback.

            So, I edited the Description line (above) to include Rootkonqueror as well. So then I had:
              Name: RootKonqueror
              Description: RootKonqueror
              Comments: launch konqueror as root
              Command: kdesudo konqueror
              ... Enable launch feedback (checked)
            When I clicked the "X" to close the window this time, it said I had made a change and asked if I wanted to save. I chose "yes", and then it appeared in the list of applications. Success. (note: I have since removed the Description, and it still launches fine, so the problem was apparently that the shortcut was not saved/registered when I first made it.)

            However, when trying to launch from Konqueror, I still got an error message about not having kdesudo. I read the link Rog131 posted earlier about kdesu and kdesudo, and saw that it appeared that kdesudo was replacing some of kedsu's functionality in Gutsy Gibbon. I decided to edit shortcut just to try "kdesu":
              Name: RootKonqueror
              Description: RootKonqueror
              Comments: launch konqueror as root
              Command: kdesu konqueror
              ... Enable launch feedback (checked)
            And this worked Konqueror was launched as root.

            Now for the followup:
            - When I upgrade to Gutsy Gibbon, will konqueror's launch.html be overwritten? I will make copies of this (and fstab) since I have edited them both, but I wonder what the update does...
            - When I upgrade to Gutsy Gibbon, will the kdesu / kdesudo switch happen? The resolution is to create a symlink from kdesu to kdesudo, like this:
            sudo ln -s /usr/bin/kdesu.distrib /usr/local/bin/kdesu && rehash

            - And finally, when making the shortcut, I noticed that there was a nice, sharp, 48x48 icon for konqueror on the KDE Shortcut Menu icon selector. I cannot "browse" from its location, however. Where is that icon coming from? I did a search for combinations of "konqueror" and "png", "xpm", "svg", and "svgz", but I could not find the icon. How else can I go about this? Icon problem solved -- see Snowhog's post below. Thanks, Snowhog.

            Thanks for any clues on these last challenges.
            Greg Conquest


              Re: alter Konqueror front page to display mnt as well as media?

              As to the location of the icons, I posted in your other post. However, all you need to do is open a konsole and type the following to learn the location of the icons for konqueror:
              cd /
              sudo find -name konqueror.png
              Windows no longer obstructs my view.
              Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
              "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                Re: alter Konqueror front page to display mnt as well as media?

                - When I upgrade to Gutsy Gibbon, will konqueror's launch.html be overwritten? I will make copies of this (and fstab) since I have edited them both, but I wonder what the update does...
                Yes - when you update/upgrade konqueror there will be (should be) new launch.html

                When I upgrade to Gutsy Gibbon, will the kdesu / kdesudo switch happen?
                Yes - kdesu vs kdesudo:
                Topic: Tribe 5 and konqueror.

                Icons (most of them) and mouse themes are in /usr/share/icons/.
                Before you edit, BACKUP !

                Why there are dead links ?
                1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
                2. Thread: Lost Information


                  Re: alter Konqueror front page to display mnt as well as media?

                  Don't worry much about the kdesu/kdesudo thing. As far as users are concerned, the only apparent change will be that kdesu now remembers the passwords for the given time that sudo remembers it (default is 15 minutes). In short, kdesu will now act the way sudo does in the command line.

                  Technically, kdesu will be symlinked to kdesudo, so that you could keep on using kdesu without even knowing about kdesudo.
                  Jucato&#39;s Data Core


                    Re: alter Konqueror front page to display mnt as well as media?

                    kdesu now remembers the passwords for the given time that sudo remembers it (default is 15 minutes). In short, kdesu will now act the way sudo does in the command line.
                    Is there to way to reset the timestamp (with kdesudo). I have tried sudo -k and -K , no joy.

                    man sudo:
                    -k The -k (kill) option to sudo invalidates the user’s timestamp by
                    setting the time on it to the epoch. The next time sudo is run a
                    password will be required. This option does not require a password
                    and was added to allow a user to revoke sudo permissions from a
                    .logout file.

                    -K The -K (sure kill) option is like -k except that it removes the
                    user’s timestamp entirely. Like -k, this option does not require a
                    Before you edit, BACKUP !

                    Why there are dead links ?
                    1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
                    2. Thread: Lost Information


                      Re: alter Konqueror front page to display mnt as well as media?

                      OK. I finally got back to this and got it all done. Here is what I have -- just what I envisioned:

                      [br](Click for bigger image)

                      Here is the full code for /usr/share/apps/konqueror/about/launch.html
                      (the customizations are in the bottom two/thirds -- cells Home Folder (A1) to placeholder (C6))
                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                      <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
                      <html xmlns="[url]">[/url]
                       <meta name="generator" content=
                       "HTML Tidy for Linux/x86 (vers 1st August 2004), see [url]"[/url] />
                       <style type="text/css">
                        @import "%1"; /* kde_infopage.css */
                        %1 /* maybe @import "kde_infopage_rtl.css"; */
                        @import "konq.css";
                       <div id="header">
                        <div id="headerL"/>
                        <div id="headerR"/>
                        <div id="title">
                         %1 <!-- Konqueror -->
                        <div id="tagline">
                         %1 <!-- Conquer your Desktop -->
                       <!-- the bar -->
                       <div id="bar">
                        <div id="barT"><div id="barTL"/><div id="barTR"/><div id="barTC"/></div>
                        <div id="barL">
                         <div id="barR">
                          <div id="barCenter" class="bar_text">
                           %1<br />
                           <!-- Konqueror is your file manager, web browser and universal document viewer. -->
                            <li><a class="selected">%1<!--launch--></a></li>
                            <li><a href="intro.html">%1<!-- intro --></a></li>
                            <li><a href="tips.html">%1</a><!--tips--></li>
                            <li><a href="specs.html">%1<!-- specs --></a></li>
                        <div id="barB"><div id="barBL"/><div id="barBR"/><div id="barBC"/></div>
                       <!-- the main text box -->
                       <div id="box">
                        <div id="boxT"><div id="boxTL"/><div id="boxTR"/><div id="boxTC"/></div>
                        <div id="boxL">
                         <div id="boxR">
                          <div id="boxCenter">
                      <table border="0" align="center">
                      <!--search bar argument replacement is performed between the "search bar splitter" lines-->
                      <!--search bar splitter-->
                          <form action="about:konqueror">
                          <td colspan="3" style="text-align:right;"><label id="searchbarlabel" for="searchbarinput">%2: </label></td>
                          <td colspan="3"><input id="searchbarinput" name="%3" type="text"></td>
                          <td colspan="6"><div style="width:%1px; height:%1px;"/></td>
                      <!--search bar splitter-->
                      	<tr><!-- 1st row -->
                      		<td valign="bottom"><!-- Home Folder (A1) -->
                      			<a href="%1"><img src="%1" height="%1" width="%1" /></a>
                      		<td valign="bottom"><!-- Home Folder (A2) -->
                      			<a href="%1">%1</a><br><span id="subtext"><nobr>%1</span>
                      		<td valign="bottom"><!-- Removable Media (A3) -->
                      			<a href="media:/"><img src="/usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/48x48/devices/cdrom_unmount.png" height="48" width="48" /></a>
                      		<!-- consuming the percent1's -->
                      		<!--"%1"/> -->
                      		<!--"%1"/> -->
                      		<!--"%1"/> -->
                      		<td valign="bottom"><!-- Removable Media (A4) -->
                      			<a href="media:/">Removable Media</a><br><span id="subtext"><nobr>/media</span>
                      		<!-- consuming the percent1's -->
                      		<!-- %1/> -->
                      		<!-- %1/> -->
                      		<td valign="bottom"><!-- mnt (A5) -->
                      			<a href="/mnt"><img src="/usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/48x48/devices/hdd_unmount.png" height="48" width="48" /></a>
                      		<td valign="bottom"><!-- mnt (A6) -->
                      			<a href="/mnt">Internal Hard Drives</a><br><span id="subtext"><nobr>/mnt</span>
                      	<tr><!-- 2nd row -->
                      		<td><!-- Network Folders (B1) -->
                      			<a href="remote:/"><img src="%1" height="%1" width="%1" /></a>
                      		<td valign="bottom"><!-- Network Folders (B2) -->
                      			<a href="remote:/">%1</a><br><span id="subtext"><nobr>%1</span>
                      		<td><!-- Trash (B3) -->
                      			<a href="trash:/"><img src="%1" height="%1" width="%1" /></a>
                      		<td valign="bottom"><!-- Trash (B4) -->
                      			<a href="trash:/">%1</a><br><span id="subtext"><nobr>%1</span>
                      		<td valign="bottom"><!-- Launch Konqueror As Root (B5) -->
                      			<a href="applications:/Internet/RootKonqueror"><img src="/usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/konqueror.png" height="48" width="48" /></a>
                      		<td valign="bottom"><!-- Launch Konqueror As Root (B6) -->
                      			<a href="applications:/Internet/RootKonqueror">RootKonqueror</a><br><span id="subtext"><nobr>Launch Konqueror As Root</span>
                      	<tr><!-- 3rd row -->
                      		<td><!-- Applications (C1) -->
                      			<a href="applications:/"><img src="%1" height="%1" width="%1" /></a>
                      		<td valign="bottom"><!-- Applications (C2) -->
                      			<a href="applications:/">%1</a><br><span id="subtext"><nobr>%1</span>
                      		<td><!-- About Kubuntu (C3) -->
                      			<a href="help:/kubuntu/about-kubuntu/index.html"><img src="%1" height="%1" width="%1" /></a>
                      		<td valign="bottom"><!-- About Kubuntu (C4) -->
                      			<a href="help:/kubuntu/about-kubuntu/index.html">%1</a><br><span id="subtext"><nobr>%1</span>
                      		<td valign="bottom"><!-- placeholder (C5) -->
                      		<td valign="bottom"><!-- placeholder (C6) -->
                      </table><!-- End Navigation Table -->
                      		  <p id="nextlink"><a href="intro.html"><img src="%1" width="%1" height="%1">&nbsp;%1
                      			<!-- Continue --></a></p>
                        <div id="boxB"><div id="boxBL"/><div id="boxBR"/><div id="boxBC"/></div>
                       <div id="footer"><div id="footerL"/><div id="footerR"/></div>
                      <!-- vim:set sw=2 et nocindent smartindent: -->
                      I appreciate everyone's help, especially Rog131

                      Greg Conquest

