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update change info

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    update change info

    When I see the icon for updates available, I usually
    click on it and adept gets me the names of the items
    that can be updated.
    If I click on those line items in adept, I can get
    item descriptions.
    However, these descriptions are simply global descriptions
    of the software items.
    Is there any easy way I can get descriptions that tell
    me what the update is mainly changing (so I can best
    decide whether I really want to do that particular update?)

    Re: update change info

    Originally posted by rick
    When I see the icon for updates available, I usually
    click on it and adept gets me the names of the items
    that can be updated.
    If I click on those line items in adept, I can get
    item descriptions.
    However, these descriptions are simply global descriptions
    of the software items.
    Is there any easy way I can get descriptions that tell
    me what the update is mainly changing (so I can best
    decide whether I really want to do that particular update?)
    No you can't and I'm not sure if synaptic updater can be used instead


      Re: update change info

      Maybe not exactly what you're after, but you can install the package 'apt-listchanges'. It will bring up a list of changelogs for packages you're about to upgrade. It should work with your package manager of choice (It works perfectly with Synaptic, I haven't used adept in a while so I'm not 100% sure how it works with it...chances are it works as it should.)

      If I recall correctly, the default configuration won't ask for a confirmation if you wish to install the upgrades after viewing the changelogs, but that behaviour (as well as other configurations) can be set after installation by running 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure apt-listchanges' and answering the questions.


        Re: update change info

        as root in konsole do apt-get upgrade

        it will tell you exactly what will be installed

        It's easier to get details when using synaptic


          Re: update change info

          Originally posted by coyotl
          as root in konsole do apt-get upgrade

          it will tell you exactly what will be installed

          It's easier to get details when using synaptic
          I think the OP wanted to get the actual changelogs (what has been changed in packages from the previous version) not just the list of changes to be committed. I could be wrong though :P


            Re: update change info

            Originally posted by rick
            However, these descriptions are simply global descriptions
            of the software items.
            Is there any easy way I can get descriptions that tell
            me what the update is mainly changing (so I can best
            decide whether I really want to do that particular update?)
            In Adept, after you click on a particular line-item, you should be able to see a button named "Details". Once you click on it, you will get more details of the program, and there is a section called "Developer Changelog" which lists the changes in the latest version. It also mentions the level of urgency. However, sometimes it shows up blank.
            Hope this is what you are looking for.
            It would be very handy if the atleast the "urgency" part is moved to the main list so that the user can quickly/easily decide whether to mark the update or not.
            Hope developers are reading these forums
            Triple booting Kubuntu Intrepid with XP and Ubuntu Hardy <br />Intel Pentium DualCore 2 Ghz, 1 GB RAM Intel 945GM MoBo


              Re: update change info

              Thanks for the replies to my question.
              I'll start looking at the developer changelog.
              I notice several posters suggested using synaptic.
              I have been using adept at a friend's suggestion;
              he had been listening to people who were not
              synaptic fans :-)
              On the other hand, I have run into one adept
              install that got me red "broken" errors when
              I tried to uninstall. Maybe I should give
              synaptic a try.

