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change mac/wireless with wep/knetworkmanager

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    change mac/wireless with wep/knetworkmanager

    Hello !

    I have finally installed kubuntu(was having lots of problems because my dvd reader is broken and it took me whole day and part of the night to finally push it :| but worth it ) so I am a new, happy user of that nice OS
    But I have a problem that I really count You will be able to help to solve..
    I have a wifi network and I am connecting to access point with my two computers. As the AP is not mine and I can connect only one computer at once I need to change my MAC address on the laptop(everything is legal - just admin said that this will prevent that I will have two comps at once in the network). I have founded that I can change my MAC by :

    1) sudo ifconfig ath0 down
    2) sudo ifconfig ath0 hw ether 00:00:00:00:00:00
    3) sudo ifconfig ath0 up

    which actually changes the MAC, but only in the console (i see new MAC after typing ifconfig ath0). But as I wanted to connect to wifi it did not wanted to let me in. After some time I realised that in the knetworkmanager after hilighting my wifi I have a field that says : "Hardware address : _myOldMAC_ " :| So I googled again and I founded that I can put to file
    ~/.kde/share/config/knetworkmanagerrc a line : "HardwareAddresses=_newMAC"

    and it changed but in a really weard way :

    as I putted a MAC address as "00:17:31:22:94:6D" , knetworkmanager sees it as "00:17:32:22:94:6D" so I still can not connect to network couse MAC is wrong.. I was even trying to put MAC as 00:17:30:22:94:6D,couse I thought that maybe that number(30) will be displayed as 31 in knetworkmanager, but it did not worked out :/

    link for that info is : - maybe some one will find sth interesting there

    I found the way to change a MAC by a program named macchanger, but it changes again MAC only in the console window - not in the knetworkmanager. I wanted to use Wireless Assistant to connect but it does not want to connect either.

    and the second thing, less important, is that knetworkmanager when I am connected to wired network likes to loose settings for my eth0 card. For example from time it behaves like he forgot the settings and I need to press "load selected" in the profiles tab(profile that I created) and then it is good again for some time. but it always forgets settings when I am launching add/remoce programs or adept manager. Any idea what to do with it ?

    As You can see I did lots of googling during those 2 days and testing as well, but just run out of webpages :| So I have no clue what to with it, and I am really, really countig on Your help !

    Thanks very much!
    greets, reaz

    ok, I think that I was able to pass the MAC problem by :

    udo kwrite /etc/init.d/
    on the bottom of the page, insert:
    killall dhclient
    killall dhclient3
    ifconfig ath0 down
    ifconfig ath0 hw ether 00173122946D
    ifconfig ath0 up
    anything in this file will load after the regular boot process is started up. So putting this in the file will change the mac address everytime the machine starts.

    but I am not sure :| and I changed the knetworkmanager to wicd ( but here I can not see input for WEP in hex:/ )
    any ideas ? please.. ?