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Sluggish Linux - can't be spyware right?

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    Sluggish Linux - can't be spyware right?


    Lately (since yesterday) Kubuntu has been acting too sluggish, and i mean text apprearing 2 seconds after i type it. Even mouse mouse movements are not smooth, and are jerky (you get the picture) It's happening with all the normal applications as well. I'm stumped at what must be causing it. Do you know what could be causing this?

    These are the reasons i think are closest to causing this problem;

    > Disk space: well, there is quite a lot of disc space left on my mounted drives..but i don't remember howmuch space i'd allocated for Kubuntu. How do i check that? Also how can i check the apps running right now? (like device manager on windows)

    > I recently got a bad spyware infection on my windows. Could that in any way cause Linux to become sluggish like this?

    > For some reason, it was acting strange yesterday. I wasn't actually on the computer (my friend was) so i don't know what exactly happened, but a 20 GB external HDD was connected to it, and it started re-detecting it (about 20 times) nd giving the choice dialog box, and it hasn't been the same ever since.


    Re: Sluggish Linux - can't be spyware right?

    There must be an intensive task running on the background, and no, I don't think that spyware is causing it.
    Did you try Ctrl + Alt + backspace? or a Reboot already?
    If you want to check what programs are running go to Kmenu + System + KSysguard. Look for the process that is running and consuming a lot of resources and kill it.
    You can kill the process by clicking on the "kill" button located at the bottom of that screen, if you are not able to kill it due that the program is running with root permissions, open a Konsole and type:
    sudo kill XXXX (where XXXX is the number of PID)

    Hope this helps


    Beware the Almighty Command Line


      Re: Sluggish Linux - can't be spyware right?

      I tried Ctrl alt backspace and it rebooted (!)
      Also tried monitoring what processes were running on KSys guard, and there's nothing hogging resources there.
      I have rebooted too, yes.

      any more suggestions?


        Re: Sluggish Linux - can't be spyware right?

        Try opening up a console and executing "top" (stick a "-d1" after it to make it update every second). Any process using more than 40% of the/a CPU continuously? (I realize this is essentially the same thing, but let's try it anyway.)
        For external use only.


          Re: Sluggish Linux - can't be spyware right?

          Nothing above 40%, and it's still acting very very strange.

          I just remembered, i'd downloaded and installed NTFS configuration tool to write files to my media drives. Is that a problem?


            Re: Sluggish Linux - can't be spyware right?

            Another insignificant question;

            I kind of 'lost' the application that had most of the useful utilities and sat on the quicklauncher.

            It had the Akregator to read RSS feeds, store contacts, e-mail server, organiser (to store appointments etc) and one or two more things. I know these things are present separately, but that app had all the options in one, could someone tell me how i could get it back?


              Re: Sluggish Linux - can't be spyware right?

              Hmm. Did you do anything with graphics recently?

              As for your other problem, do you remember the name? Try looking through the K Menu for it.
              For external use only.


                Re: Sluggish Linux - can't be spyware right?

                I believe the application suite you refer to is Kontact (w/kmail,akregater....).

                Have you tried to do a memtest from the live cd. It could be a memory stick failing.
                ~$sudo make me a sandwich


                  Re: Sluggish Linux - can't be spyware right?

                  Graphics, no not that i can remember.i copied some new music on my drive, and that's all!

