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How to restore default MIME types

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    How to restore default MIME types

    I've just installed an icon pack which changed all default file associations. Another thing was that it added a lot of links in the K menu to applications which are not currently installed.

    Is there a way to restore the default set of file associations/mimetypes ... as for the shortcuts in the menu I can remove them myself if there is no such thing as

    $ remove_all_invalid_icons_from_Kmenu

    Thank you in advance !

    I've managed to restore the original MIME type associations and Icon settings by replacing ~/.kde/share/mimelnk with /usr/share/mimelnk/

    I am still fighting with the Kmenu ... it appears that some of the items now have Italian descriptions ... which is strange, my regional settings clearly indicate US English to be the system language. I am still looking for a way to restore the original settings of the kmenu
    and deleting ~/.config/menus/ had no effect.