I'm a fresh new Kubuntu user (a month old) and i like most of the things that i see. However, there are a few thing that i don't understand and therefore am uncomfortable using Kubuntu more. Since asking these stupid questions is the only way to get it out, i'm going to do that. However, if you feel that there is a better way, a better place to ask these questions then please let me know.
Note that i have tried finding out answers through Google but maybe my queries are very basic/silly. So here goes..
> I've been using Windows all my life till now, when you click on a url or a text box in windows (like the address bar in web explorer) it selects all the text, unlike kubuntu which just has a cursor there. Can anything be done to customise it?
> The command line! i've been trying to use it, i hear it's more effective and yada yada. There are some directories that it does not even recognise, however then i do 'ls' in the directory, it sure as hell lists it there. How is that possible?
I have a directory called "/media/sda6/Music/A Perfect Circle" it's on a mounted drive (which i use for my windows) i've tried everything but it does not recognise the dir, although it's very much there and lists it as well.
> Amarok (the default music player) refuses to play some of mt .mp3 files. I think that's because they have special characters in their names. Well, there's some Scandinavian music there and i can't play any of it because of the ` or ~ which may appear in the name. Comments?
> OpenOffice came installed with Kubuntu, so when i type "OpenOffice" in the text box (after pressing alt, 2 together) it says no such application. Also, say i have a file called whatever.odt on one of the mounted drives again, it refuses to open it through the terminal (however, opens conveniently through GUI) it often says that the application openoffice is not installed and you may install by typing "some code". I tried this too, still openoffice is invisible. Help!
> Also i tried changing permissions for this file called whatever.odt but it just said that it couldn't do it (i don't know how to go as the superuser or whatever you call it)
> Is there any location where i can see what my applications are called, to use it in the terminal because i can't possible remember things which app opens a particular image etc
I know these are small problems but i'll be a happy linux user once i face these problems.
I'm a fresh new Kubuntu user (a month old) and i like most of the things that i see. However, there are a few thing that i don't understand and therefore am uncomfortable using Kubuntu more. Since asking these stupid questions is the only way to get it out, i'm going to do that. However, if you feel that there is a better way, a better place to ask these questions then please let me know.
Note that i have tried finding out answers through Google but maybe my queries are very basic/silly. So here goes..
> I've been using Windows all my life till now, when you click on a url or a text box in windows (like the address bar in web explorer) it selects all the text, unlike kubuntu which just has a cursor there. Can anything be done to customise it?
> The command line! i've been trying to use it, i hear it's more effective and yada yada. There are some directories that it does not even recognise, however then i do 'ls' in the directory, it sure as hell lists it there. How is that possible?
I have a directory called "/media/sda6/Music/A Perfect Circle" it's on a mounted drive (which i use for my windows) i've tried everything but it does not recognise the dir, although it's very much there and lists it as well.
> Amarok (the default music player) refuses to play some of mt .mp3 files. I think that's because they have special characters in their names. Well, there's some Scandinavian music there and i can't play any of it because of the ` or ~ which may appear in the name. Comments?
> OpenOffice came installed with Kubuntu, so when i type "OpenOffice" in the text box (after pressing alt, 2 together) it says no such application. Also, say i have a file called whatever.odt on one of the mounted drives again, it refuses to open it through the terminal (however, opens conveniently through GUI) it often says that the application openoffice is not installed and you may install by typing "some code". I tried this too, still openoffice is invisible. Help!
> Also i tried changing permissions for this file called whatever.odt but it just said that it couldn't do it (i don't know how to go as the superuser or whatever you call it)
> Is there any location where i can see what my applications are called, to use it in the terminal because i can't possible remember things which app opens a particular image etc
I know these are small problems but i'll be a happy linux user once i face these problems.