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saving installation files

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    saving installation files

    My desktop that is running Linux is not always connected to the internet. I would like to know how to save installation file through adept. I would like to be able to reinstall some of my programs without having to lug my computer downstairs to do it. If anyone knows how to do this in the adept installer that would be great, if you know an alternative method please feel free to recommend another program.

    Re: saving installation files

    This is very tricky, because packages can have dependencies, which means you'd need to download additional packages, and those packages might have dependencies too.
    In short, it can be done, but it drives you crazy doing it manually. (Trust me, I've been there.)
    If you don't mind investing in some Wi-Fi equipment, that would be a good idea. 802.11b (slower) is probably really cheap now (but most brick 'n mortar stores won't stock them), and 802.11g (faster) is probably getting cheaper with the coming of draft-802.11n (fastest, but don't buy draft-n products). Eliminates the wiring.

    There are things that will create a local mirror of a repository for you, but that would take a while and it would be very large.

    I guess the simplest option would be to pick packages you need, get them from here, download them, transfer them to your other computer, and then run back and forth getting dependencies.

    Oh yeah, and you should use Adept Manager (K Menu > System > Adept Manager), not Adept Installer. It's much better.
    For external use only.


      Re: saving installation files

