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screen problem

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    screen problem


    I'm having a problem with my screen/graphics. When I start my computer I can see the kubuntu logo fine, but when I get to the login screen only half the screen appears to be being used and there seem to be about 5 copies of it superimposed, out of phase, on one another. If I log in the splash screen and everything after this appears in this way too.

    Everything was fine yesterday.....

    The only thing I can think of that I did yesterday was stupidly click on a link that was in a possible virus carrying email from a friend.

    Thanks for any help,

    Re: screen problem

    I'm clueless here, is there a way to have a screenshot of that anomaly?

    Beware the Almighty Command Line


      Re: screen problem

      That sounds more like buggered video hardware than anything that software can do. It sounds like VGA mode/text mode works, but graphics mode has faults. Can you try any other OS?


        Re: screen problem

        When I boot to Windows everything's fine, and when I log in in recovery mode it's ok too.

        After a bit of a blind struggle, I took a screenshot with ksnapshot back in Feisty Fawn and sent it to a working computer. The screen shot is a slightly smaller than usual, but perfectly readable, image of the desktop. I also took a photo with a digital camera of the totally unintelligible screen mess that I actually see for you to compare - everything is squished into the top half and superimposed all over itself.

        First what I see:
        Attached Files


          Re: screen problem

          And here's what the computer sees:
          Attached Files


            Re: screen problem

            Originally posted by falcor

            When I boot to Windows everything's fine, and when I log in in recovery mode it's ok too.
            Recovery mode = character mode video, so that is consistent with problems limited to the graphics mode of your card. But, if it works fine in Windows (which is all graphics mode in normal operation), then I'd say there is a problem with the Linux driver installation.

            How about taking a look at the /var/log/Xorg.0.log output, after attempting a normal login?


              Re: screen problem

              Actually, it may be that you're trying to display a resolution higher than the monitor supports. Try lowering your resolution.
              For external use only.


                Re: screen problem

                Here's the Xorg.0.log file. I'm not sure what I'd be looking for though?
                Attached Files


                  Re: screen problem


                  OK, what is your graphics card/chip? If you don't know,
                  might provide the answer.


                    Re: screen problem

                    Couldn't think of a way to view the output of lspci, but checked on the manufacturer's website and it's a UniChrome Pro IGP.


                      Re: screen problem

                      I also just noticed that when the screensaver came on, it appears only on the top half of the screen, leaving the grey fuzzy lower half alone.


                        Re: screen problem

                        OK, I have not personally worked with a Unichrome S3G display system, but here is a thread with multiple links to where folks have gotten it working:


                        If it were me, I would first give this a shot:
                        sudo aptitude install xserver-xorg-video-unichrome
                        I'm not certain that package is in the standard repos -- if you get a "not found" error, you'll have to google to find the repo where it lives for *buntu.



                          Re: screen problem

                          Originally posted by SheeEttin
                          Actually, it may be that you're trying to display a resolution higher than the monitor supports. Try lowering your resolution.
                          *cough cough*
                          For external use only.


                            Re: screen problem

                            Originally posted by SheeEttin

                            *cough cough*
                            Yeah, point taken SheeEttin.

                            But did you see that Xorg.0.log file?


                              Re: screen problem

                              Screen resolution thing worked! Thanks for the coughing - I was stressing so much I'd forgotten to check it.


