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How to: install from source .tar.gz

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    How to: install from source .tar.gz

    How can a beginner install a package in kubuntu from source?
    For exemple if I have the package in the format .tar.gz
    [linux user #449224 - Kubuntu user #15071]

    Re: How to: install from source .tar.gz

    Speedy, I think the real answer is ... it's not recommended for folks really new to Linux, before you have familiarized yourself with the difference between Debian packages and them other guys. You'll just get frustrated and maybe cause some problems with your system.

    Depending on what it is that you want, you're better advised to learn to enable additional sources for your .deb packages that are pre-compiled for your *ubuntu system. For example, if it's Google Earth and non-free multimedia codecs you're after, you want to enable Medibuntu repos, as instructed on the "Repository How-To" tab at this site:

    Then, while listening to beautiful music on Amarok, you can start your studies of Debian package management, compiling from source code, and others things that make my head hurt.


      Re: How to: install from source .tar.gz

      On the other end, if you have a system set up to learn from, do as follow:

      Right click on you .tar.gz file and extract to... in the directory named after your file.
      This avoid your file to be unpacked in your home or desktop folder with all of your other files.
      Lets say you have extracted your files under the directory "et" and the file is called "et.tar.gz".
      Open your "et" folder, you should see a README file to read (me)!!

      Let say the .tar.gz is in your "/home/user/" directory
      $ as a normal user (don't input the $)
      # as a root user (don't input the #)

      Open a terminal,
      $cd /home/user/
      you should see your .tar.gz in a different color. You should also see your "et" folder.
      $cd et

      follow the instruction of your README file but usually it goes this way:

      $sudo make install
      enter password...l

      Sometimes you get .RPM files instead of .deb files. In this case do as follow:

      Only once:
      $sudo apt-get install alien

      Go into your folder where your RPMs are and:
      $sudo alien -iv filename.RPM

      $sudo alien -iv *.rpm
      if all of your RPM in this folder need to be installed. Hope this help.


        Re: How to: install from source .tar.gz

        Thank you!!
        [linux user #449224 - Kubuntu user #15071]


          Re: How to: install from source .tar.gz

          Originally posted by Xeor
          And these two steps will cause you some bother... it'll normally complain about some missing dependencies here. In which case, fire up Adept and look for packages that look similar to ones mentioned in the error messages, with -dev on the end of the name, and install them.

          Dibl is quite right - even for experienced users not afraid of compiling from source, sticking to apt-get is a good way of handling upgrades (usually!). But if (like me) you're adventurous, start out by having the package "build-essential" installed, as this will install things like GCC for you.


            Re: How to: install from source .tar.gz

            And what if you don't have to make ?
            I just installed Kubuntu, and I want to install Firefox browser.
            I d/l the tar.gz, unpacked it (in my case, since I am a former Windows user, I want to install software I download in /home/user/programs/<program_name>)
            Right now, I have 27 files and 10 folders located in /home/<user>/programs/mozilla/firefox
            I went to desktop, tried to create new link to program, pointed it at /home/cacheram/programs/mozilla/firefox/firefox to run, and set working folder to /home/cacheram/programs/mozilla/firefox.
            I get a button that says it's loading firefox, but then it just goes away
            I looked at, but I dont know how to use chown -R <username>:<usergroup> $HOME/.mozilla correctly. What should the working directory be? What do I put in <uname>:<ugrp> ?
            I am a little familiar with 'nix-es, but this is fairly confuzeng to me ....
            Any hints ?


            meh! disregard last transmission - I searched for firefox in Adept installer, and it was that simple <I knew I shouldn't have asked yet> <shrug> - at least it's working!


              Re: How to: install from source .tar.gz

              Originally posted by CacheRAM
              I just installed Kubuntu, and I want to install Firefox browser.
              Then why don't you just apt-get install firefox (in "root mode")


                Re: How to: install from source .tar.gz

                And what if you don't have to make ?
                I just installed Kubuntu, and I want to install Firefox browser.
                As UnicornRider said: "Use the Force Luke!" a.k.a use repositories .

                If you really really really want to use tar from mozilla:

                Download and unpack firefox-xxx.tar.gz

                a) Lets put it: /home/user/bin/net/firefox/

                b) Icon to the K menu

                KDE menu editor
                Highlight an item in the section of K-menu you want to edit and right click. A menu will appear, click "Edit Item" option and left click. KDE Menu Editor starts. Now you can add a new submenu or new program.

                Command is: bash '/home/user/bin/net/firefox/firefox'
                Icons are: /home/user/bin/net/firefox/icons/

                c) Icon to the desktop: Right click icon on the K menu...
                Left click (and keep) menu item and drag it to the desktop, release and popup will ask: what do you want to do.
                Right click desktop > Create New > Link to Aplication -> Tab: Application : Command : Browse - Choose path...


                Ubuntu Linux Resources

                Installing Software in Ubuntu

                An beginners guide to compiling programs under Linux.

                Compiling Software With Debian Linux

                Installing software from source in Linux - 1.2

                Debian New Maintainers' Guide

                Topic: Installing SeaMonkey

                Topic: TAR BALLS
                Before you edit, BACKUP !

                Why there are dead links ?
                1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
                2. Thread: Lost Information


                  Re: How to: install from source .tar.gz

                  @UnucornRider & Rog131:
                  Ya, I got that one installed - notice that I edited my post to reflect what I did.
                  (Last Edit: August 06, 2007, 03:20:06 pm)

                  - Thank you for those links! I will probably be able to figure a lot out myself with all that info!

