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Google earth

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    Google earth

    I am very new to Linux. Got Fesity 32 bit Kubuntu on i386 with E6750 core 2 duo chip and GE-FORCE 7200 DDR2 512MB TURBO CACHE PCI graphics card, 2GB RAM and 400GB HD.

    I downloaded and installed automatix - and used it to install Google Erath. It placed a desktop icon.

    When I click the icon to run it it restarts the Xwindow (Have I got that right) and the Kububtu log in appears again and I log in and then nothing else happens. I am back to my original desktop and no sign of any program activity. I have treid to download the software twice and no difference. I can't see any error messages and so I am stuck as to how I try to figure out what is wrong.

    Can anyone point me in the right direction, Cheers

    Re: Google earth

    I don't know if this will help but I've got GE on 2 Feisty machines 1 PCLos and 1 Debian all running without error. The only thing that is different is that I downloaded the binary from here:

    It's also in synaptic.

    When it's installed and you click on the icon GE should just load without restarting anything.


      Re: Google earth

      Thanks very much - I will try to download the binary and see if that solves the problem.



        Re: Google earth

        Originally posted by scotyjock
        Thanks very much - I will try to download the binary and see if that solves the problem.

        Did you succeed? I downloaded the binary, ran it with sh GoogleEarthLinux.bin, got various error messages relating to gtk but after a few seconds a Google panel appeared saying that it had been successfully installed. Maybe, but when I try to run it I just get logged out.

        I checked that I had glibc installed as per the website.

        Anyone any ideas?


          Re: Google earth

          Scoty if you're new to Linux, you will be much better off getting your packages via Synaptic or Adept. Downloading stuff straight from the Internet and attempting to install it has all kind of disadvantages for the inexperienced operator -- it's nothing like Windows at all, in that respect.


            Re: Google earth

            I can't find it anywhere in either synaptic or adept.


              Re: Google earth

              Originally posted by gervase
              I can't find it anywhere in either synaptic or adept.
              You won't, until you add the Medibuntu repository. Open a konsole window and follow the instructions on the "Repository How To" tab here:

              When you are done, you will click "fetch updates" and then you will have Google Earth as a listed package.


                Re: Google earth

                Originally posted by dibl
                Originally posted by gervase
                I can't find it anywhere in either synaptic or adept.
                You won't, until you add the Medibuntu repository. Open a konsole window and follow the instructions on the "Repository How To" tab here:

                When you are done, you will click "fetch updates" and then you will have Google Earth as a listed package.

                Thanks for that. Installation worked smoothly after adding medibuntu. But when I run it from the menu it does the same thing as before - the Google Earth flash screen pops up for a second or two then logs me out of kde.


                  Re: Google earth

                  Originally posted by gervase

                  when I run it from the menu it does the same thing as before - the Google Earth flash screen pops up for a second or two then logs me out of kde.
                  Well, now this is getting interesting! You have a very nice graphics card, that should have no problem with Google Earth's graphics, and yet something is obviously being overtaxed somewhere in the system. I think we must resort to the classic diagnostic process, by which we begin to characterize the problem.

                  First, do you have any other graphics-intensive package comparable to Google Earth? Have you observed this phenomenon with any other package?

                  Is there any reason to be concerned about your graphics driver? Which one are you using? When you run
                  does it put up the graphics, and calculate the frame rate? I assume it's a pretty respectable frame rate?


                    Re: Google earth

                    Originally posted by dibl
                    Originally posted by gervase

                    when I run it from the menu it does the same thing as before - the Google Earth flash screen pops up for a second or two then logs me out of kde.
                    Well, now this is getting interesting! You have a very nice graphics card, that should have no problem with Google Earth's graphics, and yet something is obviously being overtaxed somewhere in the system. I think we must resort to the classic diagnostic process, by which we begin to characterize the problem.

                    First, do you have any other graphics-intensive package comparable to Google Earth? Have you observed this phenomenon with any other package?

                    Is there any reason to be concerned about your graphics driver? Which one are you using? When you run
                    does it put up the graphics, and calculate the frame rate? I assume it's a pretty respectable frame rate?

                    I am sorry if I have confused the issue. I am not the original poster, Scotyjock, who has a better graphics card than mine. Also, apologies if I am breaking the rules by hijacking this thread. If so I will re-post. But I am assuming that as we have heard no more from Scotyjock his program is working all right.

                    My graphics card is an A9550/TD/128MB RADEON. Google Earth worked perfectly well with it before I switched from Suse to Kubuntu. Glxgears works OK and the frame rate varies between 435.000 and 466.000.

                    I have not seen this behaviour with any other program. I also have gnome installed and if I try to run Google Earth under the Nautilus desktop Google Earth tries hard to run but the globe flashes on and off.

                    Dare I admit it that Google Earth works OK on the same card on my Windows drive although under Windows 3d acceleration is enabled.

                    I am not sure how to find out what driver is used by the card. Perhaps the problem lies there?


                      Re: Google earth

                      Ahhhh -- yes, I got confused by quickly looking back at the OP's system, and failed to note that it's a "new" user with the problem. My bad!

                      I have never heard of anything about the Google Earth app that should cause a "special" problem -- it's just another app using your system resources. So I think it is probably not helpful to think of the issue as a "Google Earth" problem. Probably it is a "running intensive graphics" problem.

                      One thing that is obviously different in your Kubuntu system, as compared to Suse or Windows, is the graphics driver. So that is where my suspicion would fall, first. Having no expertise on how to get the most out of your ATI card, I would encourage you to search here and on Ubuntu Forum for that particular model ATI card, and see how other folks have made it work best.

                      I also know the Envy script installer now installs the ATI driver -- you might consider that. It is found here:



                        Re: Google earth

                        Yes, your logic sounds right. But I have updated an ati driver before for other reasons and with disastrous results. I won't be in a hurry to do it again and will assess how much I really need Google Earth on Linux. Many thanks for your advice.


                          Re: Google earth

                          Thanks for your help and advice folks. I will try to stick to synaptic and not downloa code until I know what I am doing better.

                          I added the Medibuntu repository as you described and then downloaded and installed google-earth again with synaptic. The installation seemed smooth and the program appears in the menu list - but no desktop icon.

                          I ran glxgears (nevber heard of this before) but it shows about 1120 FPS. I don't know much about it - but I think this sounds OK

                          When I run Google-earth though the startup screen flashes on my desktop and then KDE logs me out and I am back at my desktop startup screen again - and when I log back in the google-earth is nowhere to be seen again.

                          Back at square one I guess and a little wiser - btu not much... It seemed easier in windows :-)


                            Re: Google earth

                            Now this is just weird -- new Google Earth installations are throwing 2 different people out of your KDE login sessions? You're making me afraid to run Google Earth! I think I'm gonna have to try it when I get home from the office, just to see if it still works! I'm almost wondering if they've inadvertently buggered Google Earth to where it restarts the X server, somehow.

                            @scotyjock -- you will never see Linux automatically put an icon on your desktop the way Windows does (that is considered rude behavior in this community!). You can choose to make desktop icons, by simply right-clicking on any package in your menus, and choosing "show on desktop".


                              Re: Google earth

                              I highly doubt it's caused by too much processing. I think it has something to do with graphics use, yes, but not like that.

                              I'm betting more along the lines of... well, to be honest, I'm not sure. I've had this experience once or twice before, but I can't recall exactly what happened.
                              Try just playing around with your graphics, e.g. resolution, refresh rate, but make a backup of /etc/X11/xorg.conf before you do anything.
                              For external use only.

