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Just went out and got an Nvidia card

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    Just went out and got an Nvidia card

    Soley for the purpose to run better and get beryl, and be fine.....

    But now my Nvida GEforce fx 5500 is doing the same as my radeon, and crashing back to the KDE window as I try to open beryl....

    WHAT THE EFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF...... I thought nvidia would solve all my problems.....

    I just got the card so i could see if it would work, i was gonna return it anyways to get a better deal on amazon, but that way i wouldnt have to wait for it to mail out....

    any helllllllllllllpppppppppppppppppp

    Re: Just went out and got an Nvidia card

    Did you install the nvidia driver, e.g. with Envy?
    Did you set the driver in your xorg.conf?
    If all those are yes, what does "beryl --replace" do?
    For external use only.

