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Can't run Vuescan

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    Can't run Vuescan

    I have been running the popular scanner program Vuescan available from for some time on Suse but having changed to Kubuntu I have been unable to get it to run. After downloading the program I untarred it to /usr/local. Configuring and making appears to be unnecessary. Clicking on the executable file vuescan produces no action.

    The author Ed Hamrick says hundreds of people run Vuescan successfully on Kubuntu and can only suggest that I must install the necessary libraries but can't say what they are. Running ldd vuescan produces the error message "vuescan is not a dynamic executable".

    Any ideas?

    Re: Can't run Vuescan

    What does it do if you open a terminal and start it from there?
    For external use only.


      Re: Can't run Vuescan

      gervase@home:/usr/local$ vuescan
      bash: vuescan: command not found


        Re: Can't run Vuescan

        If an executable (binary or script) is in the current directory but not in your path ("echo $PATH" to see it), you need to use something like "./vuescan".
        For external use only.


          Re: Can't run Vuescan

          Originally posted by SheeEttin
          If an executable (binary or script) is in the current directory but not in your path ("echo $PATH" to see it), you need to use something like "./vuescan".
          Thanks but I tried that with no success. See below:
          gervase@home:~$ cd /usr/local
          gervase@home:/usr/local$ echo $PATH

          and -
          gervase@home:/usr/local$ ./vuescan
          bash: ./vuescan: No such file or directory

          I am sure I am doing something silly but I cannot for the life of me see it. I never had a problem before with Suse but can't remember exactly what I did except that I dragged the executable file icon down to the task bar and clicked on it.

          You have been very kind in answering so quickly but I wonder if it's too much to ask you download the file and try it - from You can run a free trial version. Perhaps it will then be obvious to you what I have done wrong.


            Re: Can't run Vuescan

            You may need to chmod a+x the (file that should be flagged as) executable.


              Re: Can't run Vuescan

              If that were the problem, then bash would've said it wasn't executable, not that it didn't exist... Hm.
              You're sure that the executable is /usr/local/vuescan and not /usr/local/bin/vuescan? (I'd also suggest /usr/local/vuescan/vuescan, but bash'd have said "is a directory".) You're also sure it's installed to /usr/local?
              For external use only.


                Re: Can't run Vuescan

                Originally posted by SheeEttin
                If that were the problem, then bash would've said it wasn't executable, not that it didn't exist... Hm.
                You're sure that the executable is /usr/local/vuescan and not /usr/local/bin/vuescan? (I'd also suggest /usr/local/vuescan/vuescan, but bash'd have said "is a directory".) You're also sure it's installed to /usr/local?
                I am sure it was extracted to /usr/local, although I have since re-extracted it to /home/gervase.. I have searched everywhere and there is no file vuescan anywhere else. I have full read and write permissions to vuescan which is also marked as "executable" when I right click on its icon and tab to permissions.

                I say "extracted" because that is all I have done. After untarring "./configure" produced the error message something like "no such command found".

                I don't know if it is of any relevance but the file vuescan is shown in green in a konsole


                  Re: Can't run Vuescan

                  All right. If you go, in Konqueror, to /usr/local, you should see a file named "vuescan" with a gear icon. If you hit F4 and type ./vuescan", what does it do?

                  Something else just occured to me. You don't normally have permission to write to /usr/local. Did you extract it as root?

                  (I just downloaded and ran it fine. It's a huge memory hog.)
                  For external use only.


                    Re: Can't run Vuescan

                    Originally posted by SheeEttin
                    All right. If you go, in Konqueror, to /usr/local, you should see a file named "vuescan" with a gear icon. If you hit F4 and type ./vuescan", what does it do?

                    Something else just occured to me. You don't normally have permission to write to /usr/local. Did you extract it as root?

                    (I just downloaded and ran it fine. It's a huge memory hog.)
                    To the first question, I get the error message "No such file or Directory".

                    Secondly I can't remember but I have just re-extracted it as root and it makes no difference.

                    OK on the memory usage. But I don't want to give up especially as I have paid dollars for it and it's a good program Perhaps Ed Hamrick was right in saying that I must have the right libraries installed. Unfortunately he can't tell me what they are.

                    He told me to :-
                    >You need to rename vuescan.tgz to vuescan.tar.gz.
                    > Then do "gunzip vuescan.tar.gz", then "tar xvf vuescan.tar".
                    > After this, do "ldd vuescan" to get the module dependencies.
                    I tried this but got the error message "vuescan is not a dynamic executable.

                    Thanks for trying the program. I am assuming you are also using Kubuntu Feisty Fawn and that all you did to extract it was to go to /usr/local or wherever and type:
                    sudo tar xzvf /home/yourname/downloads/vuesca84.tgz (or as appropriate)
                    and nothing esle.

                    I told Ed that I was using the 64 bit version but he said that it would make no difference - hundreds of people run vuescan on 64 bit ubuntu.

                    You have been very patient and either I have done something very stupid or there is something missing from my version. I can't think what as I downloaded it from the official site. Have you any thoughts on additional libraries? I can't see anything that rings a bell.


                      Re: Can't run Vuescan

                      I just used Ark to extract it to the directory "vuesca84" under the current directory. Worked fine for me.
                      A cursory check of the tar man page doesn't show any indication of where an archive is extracted to if it's not in the PWD (present working directory)... I'm (and you are too) that it's extracted to the PWD. It didn't go into ~/downloads?

                      The problem isn't libraries, I can tell you that much. (At least not yet.)
                      Here's what we're going to do. Pick a spot you want vuescan in, e.g. /usr/local or /usr/local/vuescan. Put the archive in there (use "kdesu konqueror" if necessary). Open up a terminal and execute "tar xzvf ./vuesca84.tgz" (with sudo if necessary). This should be pretty foolproof (and it's not that different from what you've already done).
                      For external use only.


                        Re: Can't run Vuescan

                        Originally posted by SheeEttin
                        I just used Ark to extract it to the directory "vuesca84" under the current directory. Worked fine for me.
                        A cursory check of the tar man page doesn't show any indication of where an archive is extracted to if it's not in the PWD (present working directory)... I'm (and you are too) that it's extracted to the PWD. It didn't go into ~/downloads?

                        The problem isn't libraries, I can tell you that much. (At least not yet.)
                        Here's what we're going to do. Pick a spot you want vuescan in, e.g. /usr/local or /usr/local/vuescan. Put the archive in there (use "kdesu konqueror" if necessary). Open up a terminal and execute "tar xzvf ./vuesca84.tgz" (with sudo if necessary). This should be pretty foolproof (and it's not that different from what you've already done).
                        I did that and I attach below the first few lines of the result:-
                        gervase@home:/usr/local$ tar xzvf ./vuesca84.tgz
                        tar: html/butnprev.jpg: Cannot open: File exists
                        tar: Skipping to next header
                        tar: html/butnprin.jpg: Cannot open: File exists
                        tar: Skipping to next header

                        The usual files are opened in /usr/local (my pwd) and clicking on the executable vuescan has the usual nil effect.

                        I got the same result with tar xzvf vuesca84.tgz.

                        I also tried extracting with ark (with which I am not familiar). Here's the result which may give you some clue to the problem:-
                        X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 167
                        Major opcode: 144
                        Minor opcode: 3
                        Resource id: 0x0
                        Failed to open device
                        X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 167
                        Major opcode: 144
                        Minor opcode: 3
                        Resource id: 0x0
                        Failed to open device
                        kio (KMimeType): WARNING: mimetype not valid '' (missing entry in the file ?)
                        kio (KMimeType): WARNING: mimetype not valid '' (missing entry in the file ?)
                        kparts: WARNING: StatusBarExtension::removeStatusBarItem. Widget not found : [KPushButton pointer (0x6f72e0) to widget CancelButton, geometry=100x30+0+0]

                        Finally I should add that I have also redownloaded the program from the website in case it was corrupted.


                          Re: Can't run Vuescan

                          Okay. Now you are SURE that there is an executable file at /usr/local/vuescan? If so, "/usr/local/vuescan" should open it (or just "./vuescan" if in /usr/local).

                          On those errors, see here.
                          For external use only.


                            Re: Can't run Vuescan

                            Originally posted by SheeEttin
                            Okay. Now you are SURE that there is an executable file at /usr/local/vuescan? If so, "/usr/local/vuescan" should open it (or just "./vuescan" if in /usr/local).

                            On those errors, see here.
                            I don't understand. The vuescan file has always been labelled as an executable however you arrive at it. It just won't execute. It still won't

                            I went to the url and followed Hawkwind's advice. You have got me into deep water here. After carefully commenting out the lines indicated (and I double checked that I did it right) I lost my GUI on rebooting although I have now got it back by following the instructions within /etc/X11/xorg.conf. The only minor problem (which is off topic) is that my screen resolution has changed and I will have to work on how to change it. The screen under system settings won't let me into administrator mode. But that's for another day.

                            At least I have now managed to get Kooka working which previously wouldn't!


                              Re: Can't run Vuescan

                              When I said "executable file", I meant binary, not a file having the executable bit set. Sorry.
                              I don't know why it was happening, but you couldn't get it to execute from within a console because it apparently didn't exist, while you could still see it in Konqueror. I was trying to get it to execute in a console so we could see the output and figure out why it wasn't executing by being clicked on.

                              You say Kooka's working now, so does that mean the problem is resolved?
                              For external use only.

